Next, Gu Feng went through the robbery with peace of mind. He didn't pay attention to the remaining two people, because he knew that the two people interfered with their own natural robbery, and there would be no way to live anyway.

This is an ancient saint's catastrophe. Its power is many times more ferocious than the divine king's catastrophe he experienced before.

Even so, the ancient style insisted on it completely. Although it was a little embarrassed and miserable, in the end, those natural disasters still couldn't get him.

After the baptism of ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly thunder, the ancient style has completely set foot in the realm of saints.

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was full of strength. A random wave followed the infinite laws of heaven and earth.

It's a wonderful feeling. Ancient customs even have confidence that even if a bunch of great saints come up, he can easily kill them.

He looked far away. The Tianjie that belonged to Wu Kong and aocang Wanli had already ended. Because they interfered with their own Tianjie, they were killed by Tianjie that was ten times stronger than their own strength. It would be a miracle if they could survive such a high-intensity sky thunder.

At the thought of the previous war, the ancient wind was more or less afraid. To tell the truth, this is the closest time he has been to death. This is the first time he has been smashed by someone.

Fortunately, that group of original gas finally became independent in the last crisis. This time, if the original spirit does not show its power, the ancient style will really die.

The golden holy gate disappeared, and the primitive God of the ancient wind had already returned to his body with the God bridge.

At this moment, he stood for nine days again, overlooking the broken earth below, looking at the broken mountains and rivers, the completely subverted cities, and the ancient wind's heart was completely pulled together.

How similar does this scene look? The disaster in Kyushu was like this. It was terrible to see.

Fortunately, the planet has not been devastated. Although the earth has sunk a lot, it is still intact as a whole.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, nor are the masters. When will all sentient beings be free?"

Looking at the dead land thousands of miles below, the ancient wind has unspeakable bitterness in his heart. This side of heaven and earth itself is weak. Even the war between God kings can't afford it. How can it tolerate the wanton war of saints?

Wu Kong's three people only wanted to kill the ancient style, but who thought about those innocent lives?

These are those who have mastered strength. In their eyes, life is grass mustard.

Because the ancient wind really couldn't bear to see that the world below was broken, so he opened his own small world and shrouded all the broken places below.

Then, a strange scene appeared. I saw that the original broken places were repaired at this moment. Mountains and rivers have been recast, cracks have been repaired, and within a few minutes, thousands of miles, it has miraculously returned to its original appearance.

This is a great means to connect heaven and earth. It's like reversing heaven, earth, yin and Yang. This means can not be achieved when the cultivation reaches the realm of saints. The reason why the ancient style can be achieved is that the laws of heaven and earth he mastered are more perfect. He made use of many natural laws of heaven and earth, and assisted by the world tree, which made him return to the previous form thousands of miles around.

Such a means of communication immediately made countless people look silly.

Finally, under the leadership of the proud sword venerable, countless people began to kneel and worship. Everyone shouted "green heavenly king" and the name of "ancient wind saint", which simply pushed the ancient wind directly to the altar.

Undoubtedly, this is a great merit, which can be recorded in history and respected by all ages.

The ancient wind swept to all directions. Although people here worshipped him like a God, he was not happy. Because he has experienced too many disasters. Every time he suffers, it is all those sentient beings.

Gu Feng looked down at the bottom. Although the earth was repaired, the aojian gate was gone. There are few disciples left in aojian sect. Even though the ancient wind can mend the world by means of heaven and earth, he can't let those dead live again.

In this war, in fact, aojian gate suffered the most heavy losses, and their mountain gate was in the core area of the war.

The aojian venerable and his younger martial brother Aoyun venerable were loyal to the ancient style, but in the end they ended up with the destruction of Taoism. Therefore, the ancient wind is very sorry and feels very sorry for the two old gods.

So he opened his mouth to the two old God kings and said, "please forgive me, two venerable ones, and please come over for a chat!"

Although the aojian gate is gone, aojian mountain is restored. As long as it is repaired again, aojian gate can still be rebuilt.

The ancient wind fell on the new aojian peak. After a while, the aojian venerable and his younger martial brother Aoyun venerable came back under their pressure. The people they pressed were the Dragon worshippers and flying dragon worshippers who had been ordered to sneak into the ancient wind flesh.

Along with them, there are more than 1000 surviving disciples of aojian gate. At the same time, there are countless others, who have witnessed the war with their own eyes. They came here specially to worship the ancient customs.

The ancient custom of sitting alone on aojian peak temporarily ignored those who came to worship themselves, but focused on the Tianlong venerable and Feilong venerable kneeling on the ground.

His eyes were not sharp, even a little weak, and he couldn't show any momentum. But even so, the dragon and flying dragon were still trembling with fear that day, and they didn't even dare to lift their heads.

After this war, the ancient style is no longer what it used to be. He is no longer a God King, but ascends to the sky step by step and becomes a legendary saint.

Who can be afraid of hurting saints?

The ancient wind looked at the two people gently. After half a ring, he asked softly, "two venerable ones, are you all right?"

"Ancient... Ancient wind saint, forgive me, ancient wind saint, forgive me, we... We know our mistake!"

The two worshippers quickly kowtowed, only to hear the dull sound of "Dong Dong". A big Bluestone in front of them was smashed by their heads.

It can be seen that they are really afraid. They secretly hate themselves. They should not listen to others.

Now, if the ancient wind in front of you is angry and wants to destroy your whole family, who can save it?

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