This is a big truth. After these people come to this world, their first task is to improve their cultivation, and then they try their best to find a way to leave.

But now, there are no saints and immortals in this world, so we can't find a suitable means of transportation.

This is a difficult problem. There is no ready-made, so we can only try our best to find some ancient relics. If we are lucky, we may find one or two suitable transportation tools among them.

Gu Feng nodded noncommittally. At this time, he focused his eyes on the 50 or 60 local old gods.

He asked softly, "you must know now why I asked you to stay? Yes, I just want to ask you, do you know where there are ancient relics, or what forbidden areas you can't step on? "

Smelling the speech, a group of old gods began to talk in low voices. After a long discussion, they were basically shaking their heads and sighing. They really don't know where there are any forbidden area relics mentioned in gufengkou. Even if some places can be called forbidden areas, they have explored many times. It is impossible to have any powerful magic tools left.

Aojian peak gradually became silent, and everyone's faces were filled with disappointment.

Just as Gu Feng smiled bitterly and planned to let everyone dissolve, the Dragon venerable suddenly screamed: "eh? The old man thought of a very important thing. Although we don't know where there are ancient relics and forbidden areas that we can't step on, as far as I know, there are several families in the crowd here who have an indecipherable treasure map? "

"Treasure map?"

Smelling the speech, the ancient wind and the other five saints were interested immediately, and gradually showed a smile on their faces.

However, the faces of several old gods in the crowd turned black immediately.

One of them, with snow-white hair and wrinkled face, looked like a dying old man, and angrily said to the Dragon venerable on the spot, "ignorant young man, what are you talking about? Who has a treasure map? Don't chew your tongue in front of your saints! "

The voice fell. Among the crowd, another middle-aged man angrily said to the Dragon worshipper that day: "the sea and sky worshipper is right. Please don't talk disorderly in front of the emperor, so as not to harm others and yourself."

With that, several people jumped out of the crowd, all shouting angrily and scolding the Dragon worshipper.

However, the Tianlong venerable is not easy to provoke. He turned his face on the spot and shouted at the people: "you guys, don't be ignorant of good or bad. Those broken pictures are in your hands and are of no use at all. Why don't you take this opportunity to show them to all saints? If the broken picture in your hands is really helpful to the saints, it is also your creation. I think the saints here will not treat you badly! "

After that, the Dragon venerable looked at the ancient wind with a flattering look on his face and asked, "ancient wind saint, do you think I'm right? If they were willing to present the treasure map today and rely on the ancient style of the emperor, they would not treat them badly, would they? "

Hearing the speech, the ancient style was stunned. He never thought that the Tianlong venerable was so smooth.

To put it bluntly, his behavior is betraying others to please himself. No matter how you look at it, it's a little shameless. But then again, the ancient style at this time really likes such people.

Therefore, Gu Feng had to smile and nod, and then said, "Tianlong venerable, please tell us what kind of treasure maps they are? Why did these venerable masters react so much? "

This is the key point, because the ancient customs have been seen. Those who have the treasure map are reluctant to take it out at all. Presumably, the treasure map must be very valuable and of great origin.

Sure enough, the words of the ancient wind had just finished. That day, the Dragon worshipper hurried forward and said to the ancient wind with a flattering look on his face: "ancient wind saint, please listen to me in detail. There are several very ancient treasure maps in these old guys' families. It is said that it was left over from fifty or sixty thousand years ago and has been regarded as a treasure by several of their families, passing on from generation to generation. "

"Inherited from fifty or sixty thousand years ago? Well... Then why don't they go to the treasure hunt by themselves? Is it difficult for those precious pictures to be useful only after they are safely spliced together? "

Now, the ancient wind is a little puzzled. It is reasonable to say that even if those pictures need to be spliced together in order to be useful, they should have excavated the treasure long after so many thousands of years have passed?

However, he saw that the Dragon venerable sent out a helpless sigh that day, shook his head and said, "you saints, you don't know. After the pictures are spliced together, they are indeed a complete picture. How... How can no one in our world know the words on them. So... "

As soon as Tianlong venerable's words fell, the snow-white old man jumped out, pointed to Tianlong venerable's nose and scolded: "Tianlong old son, why are you so immoral? Although we are unable to explore the secret of the treasure map, at least it is inherited by our ancestors from generation to generation. If the treasure map is really lost in our hands, how can we explain it to our ancestors? "

"Besides, no one can understand the words marked on the treasure map. Even if they are given to the saints, what's the use?"

Although the old God King seems to be going to the earth, he has a hot temper. After a bad scolding, the Dragon worshipper was speechless on the spot. At the same time, his heart is more angry. He is angry with the behavior of Tianlong venerable.

It can be said that the practice of Tianlong venerable is to take other people's things as human favor.

Who can not be angry about such a thing? You know, those precious pictures are the ancestral relics of several families.

That day, the Dragon venerable was indeed scolded, bloody and a little speechless. However, at this time, the ancient wind smiled at the angry old man and said, "you don't have to be angry, sir. The treasure map is really precious to you, but we didn't say we had to forcibly occupy it, did we? Besides, don't we all understand the words recorded on the treasure map? In that case, why not take it out? If we can't understand the above words, we'll return them to you immediately. Won't there be any loss to you? "

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