"You... You know everything?"

Wu Minjun was very frightened. Judging from the ancient style, he probably knew everything.

It can be said that this humble Canyon is of great importance to the whole Wu family. If the secrets here are not leaked, they can not only get rid of the threat of ancient customs, but also set foot on the road of immortality alone. From then on, there are unlimited opportunities, and it is not impossible to become immortals and become emperors in the future.

However, since the ancient wind already knows the secret here, it can be said in two ways. With the previous hatred between the Wu family and the ancient wind, and this incident, even if the ancient wind will not kill the whole Wu family, the people under his hands will no longer allow the Wu family to appear on Chengxian road.

Gu Feng ignored Wu Minjun's question at all, and his eyes fell into the canyon again. The corners of his mouth evoked a chilling sneer.

"Gu Feng, now things have been exposed. You can kill or cut as you like, but please let go of brother Ze long. The whole thing was done by our Wu family, which is none of his business."

Infatuated Wu Minjun is still defending Ning Zelong. She is afraid that the ancient wind will directly involve her lover because of this matter.

In Wu Minjun's opinion, the ancient wind appears here, mostly because he found some clues, and then secretly followed Ning Zelong here. But naive she, how can she know that the reason why ancient customs appear here is caused by the lover in her own heart.

Gu Feng took back his eyes and looked at Wu Minjun again. After half a ring, he asked with a smile: "Miss Minjun, do you take the initiative to hand in the last black hole treasure map, or do you want me to search the memory?"

This is an indisputable tone. It won't give Wu Minjun a third choice at all. At this time, the ancient style is overbearing and can not be violated.

Even, in his mind, the whole Wu family has been labeled as doomed.

This is not an old-fashioned ruthlessness, but the people of the Wu family are too self-respect and repeatedly provoke themselves. Now they have played such a vicious trick. If these people don't die, the ancient wind will capsize in the gutter and die in their hands sooner or later.

"Qing... Qing Tianwang, can you... For the sake of my great contribution, Rao Jianjun? She... In fact, she is just a poor person. She has only to obey these things and has no right to speak at all. She is innocent. "

Ning Zelong was afraid when he saw Gu Feng's killing intention. The Wu family is immortal. He doesn't care. He only cares whether he can live with his beloved.

The ancient wind looked at Ning Zelong and whispered after half a ring: "yes, you provided me with clues and let me find here. But whether the woman you love can live depends on her own performance. "

"You... You..."

Hearing this, the infatuated Wu Minjun was confused. No matter how she heard and looked, the arrival of the ancient wind did not seem to be what she thought in her own heart. Listen to their tone, it seems that it is their lover who has brought their family's biggest enemy nemesis?

"Brother Zelong, is that you? Did you tell Gu Feng that I was here? You brought the ancient wind? "

Naive Wu Minjun, still looking forward to her lover, how she wants her lover to shake her head and deny it, even if she deliberately deceives herself.

However, the reality is cruel. Ning Zelong didn't shake his head at this moment, but nodded and admitted.

He put his arms around Wu Minjun's shoulders and said with a deep apology: "Minjun, please listen to me. We can't be too selfish. This is related to the future of the disciples of the whole immortal Academy..."

"You... Brother Zelong, is it really you? You really betrayed me? Did you really bring the ancient style here? Ah... You... How can you do this? How can you do this? You heartless man, you liar... "

After learning the truth, Wu Minjun became crazy. She cried bitterly, heartbroken and loveless.

At this moment, she only felt that the sky had collapsed, she only felt that the faith in her heart had collapsed, and she was disillusioned. She found perfect love for the first time. It seems that it only appears in fairy tales.

She struggled frantically, crying, trying to push away her lover. Heartbroken, she couldn't listen to any advice at all.

At this time, wave after wave of immortal academy disciples arrived, nearly a thousand people. After discovering the secret of the canyon, everyone was shocked and changed color. No one can imagine that there is such a big secret hidden here.

Just as Wu Minjun was still crying, a white jade palm extended out and pressed directly on her forehead.

It was Mu Qingqing who made a move. She was forcibly reading the relevant memories in Wu Minjun's mind.

After half a ring, Mu Qingqing took back his palm, but Wu Minjun fainted. Mu Qingqing said to Ning Zelong with a blank face, "for the sake of your great achievements, we won't investigate this woman's guilt. But in the next 20 years, I will not allow you two to set foot on the road to immortality. You must reflect here and guide the way for the disciples behind you. "

Simple words can be regarded as determining their future.

As soon as Ning Zelong heard this, he smiled happily on the spot. He immediately knelt down and kowtowed his head: "thank you, King Qingtian, and King Mu. Don't say you can't leave for 20 years. We are willing to take root here forever. "

Then he kowtowed three times. Ning Zelong was very satisfied with the punishment.

He continued: "you can rest assured that in the future, we will choose to live in seclusion in this world, we will live an enviable Taoyuan life, and we will be a couple like immortals and women."

"Well, that's the best. But you don't have to worry about what this woman will blame you when she wakes up, because I erased all the memories of this place for her. She won't know that you betrayed her! "

"So thank you, King Mu!"

Then Ning Zelong kowtowed three times.

After getting up, he knelt down to the rest of the Ning family and said, "please forgive me. I failed to live up to the family's trust and cultivation. I'm sorry for the family. In the future, you will consider me dead in the disaster. Please forget me from now on, and let me disappear in your memory forever! "

With that, he worshipped three times again, then held Wu Minjun in a coma and completely disappeared in the sight of everyone.

For him, what is the path to immortality? What family dignity? What is the strongest? That doesn't matter. The path of monks is too cruel. As long as you want to climb up, you have to face all kinds of death and oppression at any time.

Only really give up everything, that is the real freedom.

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