After more than ten rounds of fighting, the old wind is that the Vietnam War is easier, and the other party is gradually at a disadvantage.

The man's moves are very tricky and cruel. Every sword comes straight to the point. Unfortunately, his opponent is an ancient style. Today's assassination will eventually end in failure.

"Say! Who the hell are you? Why did you assassinate me? " The old wind shouted while fighting easily.

The visitor didn't answer. Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, he turned and left, but he was forced back by the ancient wind.

"Hum, since you're here, don't go. If I let you leave so easily, I won't have to stay in the imperial city. " Gu Feng was about to capture the man, but the scream of runny baby came from the other side.

Gu Feng turned around and found that the runny baby was covered with blood. He was abused by his opponent without the slightest temper. He fought hard and shouted for help at the ancient wind. He looked a little miserable.

I can't care so much. The slug baby is very dangerous at this time. Gu Feng immediately abandoned his opponent and rushed to rescue the runny baby.


Just then, a series of arrows came, completely blocking the ancient wind's rescue line. The man who entangled and assassinated runny baby also resolutely withdrew. He dropped a rune and immediately turned into rolling white fog. Then his figure disappeared.

"You run fast, or I'll peel you alive!" The ancient wind stamped his feet in anger and immediately picked up the runny baby.

At this time, the runny nose baby was covered with blood, and there were many terrible wounds on her body. She looked a little worried. Even so, the slug baby still clenched his teeth and said nothing. Then he whispered, "I don't know where the master came from and why he assassinated us!"

"Hum, needless to say, this must be the man of the changsun family!" The old wind was angry and answered without thinking.

"Ah! Little brother, I advise you to walk less in the future. The group just now is not from the changsun family, but from the building in the fog! "

Looking at the speech, the speaker was a middle-aged man with a shaking head and compassionate look. Gu Feng was immediately curious and asked, "uncle, how do you know that group of people were from the building in the fog? The two of us have never had anything to do with him. Why did they assassinate us? "

The middle-aged man looked up and down at the ancient style, and then asked, "if I guess right, are you the ancient style, the talented disciple of wuliangzong? They don't need a reason to kill in the fog. In my opinion, you are the only one they want to assassinate today, not the two of you. "

"They always just take money to kill people. Maybe someone hired them. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, for the Qunying meeting. All of you who are in the top five will be assassinated like this if there is no accident. They don't send people to the big contest in the fog, but they will compete with you under the stage. "

After hearing this, Gu Feng frowned deeply, then shook his head and said, "no, I saw the disciples of the fog tower participating in the competition on the battle platform two days ago!"

"That's just a disciple who doesn't enter the stream and is not valued by the sect. Their real elite disciples will not take part in such competitions. The real elite disciples of the fog tower only appear on assassination occasions and never easily appear in front of people. " The middle-aged man shook his head and continued to say to the ancient wind, "I think you'd better be careful and subtle. Although they won't send out disciples beyond the realm of France to assassinate you, their assassin technology is extremely clever and often overwhelming."

"Thank you, uncle. I'll see you later!" The ancient wind arched his hand at the middle-aged man, and then took the runny baby and quickly disappeared in place.

It was not that he was worried about the secret assassination, but that he was worried about it. If a group of people suddenly appear to assassinate themselves, the slug baby is absolutely dangerous.

Before they could run far away, there was a loud cry in the distance: "right there, that's the ancient wind. Take him down for me!"

Smelling the speech, the ancient wind turned around and found that the speaker was the eldest sun Wuji. There are two old men who follow the eldest sun Wuji. At first glance, they are absolute masters.

The eyes of the two old men were like torches. They locked the figure of the ancient wind in a moment, then turned into two big hands and caught it at the ancient wind on the spot.

"Damn it!" Gu Feng cursed in his heart, then suddenly turned into a rosefinch, picked up his snot and flew towards the post house.

Seeing that the ancient style turned into a rosefinch, he disappeared in place in an instant. The middle-aged man who just pointed out the ancient style showed a mysterious smile on his face: "ha ha, he is really an interesting baby!" Immediately, his figure also suddenly disappeared in place.

"If you want to go, how can it be so easy?" The two elders of the changsun family immediately flew up and quickly chased after the ancient wind.

These two elders are both the top strongmen of the divine palace realm, and the ancient style is only the realm of the law and the sea. In contrast, there are more than two great realms. Even though the ancient wind incarnated rosefinch used the wind formula again, his speed was still much slower after all.

In a short time, he was firmly grasped by a big hand. Gu Feng knew that the main purpose of the two people was themselves, so he resolutely left the runny nose baby. Sure enough, after the two old men caught the ancient wind, no one paid any attention to the runny baby. Carrying the ancient wind, they hurried out of the city.

"Boss!" Seeing that the ancient wind was captured in this way, the runny baby was very anxious. Then he got up quickly and hurried to the post house. He wanted to inform elder Bai quickly.

In addition, the ancient wind was captured in his hand, and his heart was immediately angry. He suddenly took up a raging flame and kept shouting. He quickly urged the three Manas in his body and tried to break free from the shackles. Unfortunately, the level of the person who caught him was too high, and he had no resistance at all.

"Hum! It's a rare genius. It's a pity that you killed a genius of my eldest grandson family. You have to pay it back with your life. "


The ancient wind incarnating rosefinch once again gave a loud cry, which was so angry that anyone could hear it.

"If you don't be honest, break your wings now." The old man who carried the ancient wind immediately threatened, but his steps still didn't stop and hurried out of the city.

"Xiaoding save me, Xiaoding save me!" At the critical moment, the ancient wind still put all his sustenance on Xiaoding. Unfortunately, after shouting for a long time, Xiaoding still had no response.

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