The news of being able to leave was exciting. The news spread like the wind all over the corners of Haize continent.

Finally, everyone was contacted, except nine.

When Gu Feng learned the list of the nine people, he strengthened his determination to wait, because one of the nine people was his old friend Lingxiao.

Speaking of Lingxiao, it has a deep relationship with ancient customs. At first, they met in Qingzhou. For a long time, they were enemies. It was not until they went to the eight wastelands that they completely melted their previous hatred and became good friends.

Three days later, there was an exciting news. Two of the nine people who went out for training received the news and came back one after another, while the remaining seven people, including Lingxiao, were still out of touch.

As time went by, everyone became anxious. Fortunately, half a month later, three people returned one after another, but there was still no Lingxiao in it.

Gu Feng sat in the golden Luan Hall of aojian gate with a deep frown and a little uneasy in his heart.

At this time, Mu Qingqing comforted softly: "are you worried about Lingxiao's safety? I advise you not to think too much. He followed us all the way from Qingzhou to Shenzhou, from Shenzhou to the eight wastelands, then to Shenglong City, and then here... After so many disasters, didn't he survive? I'm sure he'll be fine this time. "

"I think they should all be back in a few days. Because even if our cultivation has reached the realm of saints, it is impossible to walk in space for a long time. Our limit should only stay for two months. Calculate the time, they should come back. "

"I hope so!" The ancient wind sighed and replied, still a little uneasy in his heart.

I don't know why. During this period of time, he always felt something was wrong. It seemed that something bad was going to happen. But he couldn't tell what bad events would happen.

This is a kind of intuition. It's very wonderful. You can't catch it if you want to, and you can't make it clear if you want to.

In the following days, Gu Feng returned the five treasure maps one by one to the families and told them the truth. This is not a treasure map, but a star map leading to a black hole.

In order to show their gratitude to those families, each family distributed 20 top-grade holy medicines.

Although this holy medicine is of little value to the ancient customs, it is a great opportunity for the families in the world. It is the treasure among the treasures. With these holy drugs, they can ensure the continuous development of their family descendants.

This is also a blessing for them. After all, their family has kept the star map for Lei Di for five or six years.

Half a month later, the remaining four finally came back. Among the nine, Lingxiao did not return.

Now, everyone is a little anxious, especially the ancient style.

During this time, he has been worried that something bad will happen. Is it Lingxiao?

It's more than two months since the ancient wind stepped out of space. It is reasonable to say that he should have reached the limit he can bear and should have come back long ago.

Lingxiao hasn't come back until now. There are only two possibilities. First, he went too far and couldn't come back at all; Second, he was in danger in space, either dead or trapped.

When the night comes, the stars are all over the sky. A full moon hangs in the sky. The moonlight like water sprinkles on every corner of the earth, making this not too big continent seem to be covered with a bright coat.

Gu Feng sat on the big Bluestone of aojianfeng and looked at the sky with a faint sadness in his heart.

Mu Qingqing sat quietly beside the ancient wind. She withdrew the female overlord's coat and became so docile at this time.

The ancient wind's eyes took back from the sky and whispered, "everyone has come back, but I don't see Lingxiao. I'm very worried. We waited for more than a month. We can see that everyone is worried. It's not the way to go on like this. I think I should go out and look for his trace. "

"Looking for? Where can you find it? In such a big universe, do you know where he went? Don't let him not find it, but lose yourself. "

Mu Qingqing retorted. She firmly opposed the decision of ancient style.

I'm kidding. Where can I find a person in this vast universe? In the universe, not to mention looking for a person, even if you look for a huge star, you may not be able to find it.

Gu Feng stopped talking because he knew how absurd the decision was. It is impossible to find a person in the universe.

For today's plan, in addition to waiting, it is waiting.

Mu Qingqing also knows that the ancient wind feels bad. He lost a Wang Shihai some time ago. Now he may lose another Lingxiao.

In order to comfort the ancient wind, Mu Qingqing gently leans his head against the ancient wind's shoulder. Whispered: "ancient style, do you remember your mother? She's always telling us to have a baby. I can understand my mother's mood. I only hate myself for being disheartened and never being able to conceive your child. "

"Have a baby?" The corner of the ancient wind's mouth aroused a slight smile. He gently poked MuQing's forehead with his fingers and said with a smile: "don't listen to your mother. She's idle all day. She knows to worry blindly. Let's let it be. We can have it if we have it, and we can't force it if we don't have it. "

"But have you forgotten? The more powerful a monk is, the more difficult it is to have children. We are already a little monk now. In the future... "Mu Qingqing dared not go on. She was a little flustered when she thought that she might not have children in the future.

While they were talking about some sensual love words, there was a slight change in the sky.

On those nine days, a little red dot suddenly appeared in the deepest part of the vast interstellar.

The little red dot was not impressive at first, but with the passage of time, the little red dot gradually began to enlarge. Before long, the little red dot became more and more bright and clear. It was a blood red star.

When the little red dot became as big as an ordinary star, Gu Feng still didn't notice the change. They were still discussing the life events of giving birth to a baby.

However, with the passage of time, their eyebrows wrinkled gradually, because they felt something wrong.

It seems that the bright moonlight is a little red. Not only the moonlight became red, but even their hearts felt a little stuffy, as if they were a little out of breath.

Coincidentally, they looked up at the sky. At this look, they were scared to change color on the spot and jumped when they achieved success.

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