Gu Feng believes that there is no problem in grinding several holy kings with these holy King bees in his hand. Even, the ancient wind has been thinking evil, whether to directly use Wu Han to bring the holy King Bee back to his family, and then... Hey hey!

Presumably, when Wu Xie saw that the holy King Bee he had worked hard to cultivate would be brought back by exiled Wu Han to attack his family, he must be angry and spit blood?

Thinking of this, the corners of the ancient wind's mouth inevitably aroused a trace of evil smile.

On the spot, Gu Feng took Wu Han directly into his small world.

As soon as I came in, the ancient wind was stunned by the scene in front of me. I saw that the dense holy King bees surged wildly as soon as they saw themselves.

Even, the ancient wind has seen that the 48 queen bees are full of resentment, and they want to eat themselves up.

The King Bee swarmed over like this. It was silly to see the ancient wind for a while. Just as the holy King bees were about to arrive, an unexpected scene appeared.

Wuwu... Wuwu

Bursts of slightly sharp bamboo flute sounded in real time. Those holy King bees who were in anger miraculously stopped their attack. Groups of Royal bees stayed where they were and did not move.

Wuwu... Wuwu

Another sharp flute sounded, and all the holy King bees retreated and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

After all the king bees retreated, Wu Han immediately knelt down on one knee against the ancient wind and said, "these bees disturbed the master. Please forgive me!"


The ancient wind suddenly came back and asked, "usually you use flute to control the swarm? In this way, isn't it troublesome? "

"Back to my master, bamboo flute is just a hobby of mine. In fact, it's not so troublesome to control these holy King bees. Just use your mind. " Wu Han replied.

After pondering for a while, he hesitated, and finally continued to say, "master, those queen bees are actually controlled by a soul contract like me. As long as you master their soul contract, you can easily control the swarm. "

When he said these words, Wu Han felt very bitter. Because he suddenly found that he had fallen into the same situation as those King bees - slaves and tools!

Wu Han knew that the ancient wind wanted to get the control of the holy King Bee, so he was not stingy. He directly took out 48 light groups, held them in his hands and said, "master, this is the soul brand of the 48 queen bees. As long as you take them, you can control them."

Looking at the 48 light groups in front of me, Gu Feng's heart is still a little excited.

Not to mention the countless bee colonies, there are only 48 queen bees, which is equivalent to a great saint! All of a sudden, he took forty-eight great saints as slaves. Who can not be excited?

Excited to excited, Gu Feng didn't really put away all these soul marks at once, because he still had a plan, which must be implemented by Wu Han himself. Only when these holy King bees are in his hands can they play their role to the greatest extent.

Therefore, the ancient wind did not accept it, but pondered and said, "if I let you take these holy King bees to attack your Wu family, would you like to?"

"This......" suddenly, Wu Han's face became iron blue and angry. Seeing that the look of the ancient wind began to turn cold, he hardened his head and said, "if the master has an order, Wu Han should sacrifice his life to complete it. It's just... If I go, I'll really sacrifice my life to complete the task. It will be difficult to come back to meet my master. "

Smell speech, the ancient wind is silent. Wu Han is right. If you really force him to do it, it will be very difficult. With the strength of Wu Han, so many great saints and holy kings in the Wu family can't escape once they are exposed.

After thinking for a while, the old wind said, "it's not difficult to complete the task and save your life. At that time, you just need to separate an avatar to do it. Your self doesn't have to take the risk at all. "

"Avatar? The strength of the avatar is not as good as the original. If you can't do it well, you have to be seen through. Once seen through, will not all previous efforts be wasted? "

"It doesn't matter. I'll teach you a more clever method of separation, which will not be easily seen through."

With that, the ancient wind directly pointed at Wu Han's forehead with his fingertips, and a message soon passed through. It was the separation method.

This separation method is absolutely brilliant, because it is an ancient custom from Lingxiao. Lingxiao's separation method is an absolute treasure. It can be turned into ten, and each has 100% combat power, and it is impossible to be easily seen through. In the past, in the Forbidden City of eight wastelands, Lingxiao completely defeated emptiness by this separation method.

Wu Han closed his eyes and felt it carefully. Then he couldn't help kowtowing on the spot: "master, you... You taught me this anti heaven method? I... how can I repay you? "

"All your people are mine. How can I repay you? You are strong, which is also a great help to me. Do a good job. You can't live without your benefits in the future. The chance you get from following me is definitely a hundred times better than following Wu Yiqiang! "

"Thank you, master. Wu Han will certainly live up to his master's kindness in the future!"

Wu Han's face showed a look of ecstasy, especially excited. After three consecutive kowtows, he got up and said to Gu Feng, "master, there is another important thing I haven't reported to you, that is, Wu Xie is about to get married. According to his current prestige, the hall will be full of guests and all ethnic groups will gather. If we choose to do it then... "

At this point, Wu Han's face showed an evil smile. After listening to the ancient wind, he was stunned at first, and then he smiled tacitly.

Wu Xie chose to get married at this juncture. Isn't that the best time to retaliate? If he makes a fuss at his wedding, let alone a big wedding, it's not easy for him to save his face.

Therefore, Gu Feng hurriedly asked, "come on, who is the object of Wu Xie's wedding? Are you beautiful? "

"Ah... Master, do you think... Although I haven't seen that woman, I know that she definitely belongs to the world, because her fame has been spread all over dozens of States and is a household name. Such a wonderful fairy, why don't you enjoy it yourself? In this way, he can not only cheer himself up, but also give Wu Xie a big green hat, so that he can never lift his head. Isn't it happy? "

Wu Han's eyes were strange. When he finished these words, he didn't forget to stir his eyebrows against the ancient style. It was cheap enough.

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