"Hehe, it's getting more and more lively. Now I want to see how you end?"

The ancient wind hiding in the crowd sneered. The appearance of Xiang's family really surprised him. At the same time, he hoped that this pool of muddy water would become more and more muddy.

As long as Wu Xie's ugly face is known by the world, he will no longer be valued. In this way, it is also convenient for the ancient wind to gradually carry out the revenge plan.

After the Xiang family stood up, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. At the same time, the whole Wu family turned darker. Now, they know they're finished. It's almost impossible to stop Xiang's family. For now, I have to watch the situation deteriorate step by step.

Similarly, King Xiang first bowed to the three real immortals above the high hall, and then sneered at Wu Han: "don't you want a witness? I wonder if we can testify? Surely you, the whole Wu family, are no strangers to us? "

King Xiang took back his eyes again and didn't bother to look at Wu Han at all. He turned to look at the crowd and said in a loud voice, "today, heroes from more than ten states gathered together. It can be said to be spectacular. I, Xiang Yushang, swear by my personality that everything I say next is true. If there is an empty word, I would rather die from five thunders! "

"In fact, we, including all the core members of the Wu family, all come from a place called xuanhuang continent. After a lot of cruel screening, we entered the immortal Academy. Then the dean of the immortal academy used great means to send us to the "road to immortality". At the first stop, we arrived at a small world called Haize continent, where the world was barren and could not meet our supplies, let alone send us away. Finally, we found a star map left by our predecessors. According to the picture, somewhere in the Haize continent, there is a void treasure ship that can take us on the road. "

"It can be said that the empty treasure ship is the hope of all of us. Without the treasure ship, all of us would be trapped and die in that small world. But the problem is that the treasure map is missing a key record of the location of the treasure ship. At that time, everyone was very anxious. In order to find the person who held the last treasure map, almost the people of the whole world were mobilized. But... Wu Xie was lucky. He took the lead in finding the man with the treasure map. "

"It's reasonable that he should bring the man back to all of us. As long as we take out the treasure boat, we can all leave and live. However... He Wu Xie, their whole Wu family's next practice is simply irritating. They even secretly hid the man with the treasure map, quietly took the treasure ship, and then crossed the black hole alone and arrived at your Canglang continent! "

These words can be described as blaming the crimes of the Wu family. Hundreds of thousands of guests at the scene were in an uproar, and then began one hot discussion after another.

This behavior of the Wu family is called selfish at a young age. To say big, it's called cruel.

They know that Haize is not a place to stay for a long time. They know that there is only one void treasure ship. They know that the treasure ship is everyone's hope

However, although they knew everything, they did something like that.

In other words, they are going to kill all the disciples of the immortal Academy.

All kinds of discussions continued, and even some famous elders who thought highly of themselves directly stood up to drink and scold, which made the popularity of the whole Wu family tremble on the spot.

At this time, King Xiang took a deep breath and continued: "fortunately, there is no way for people. There is a woman in our group who has a special space magic weapon. All of us are on the road again with that magic weapon. Although there were transport tools, we tragically found that after they left, the Wu family directly destroyed the five-color altars shuttling through space. We have paid a lot to repair those altars. "

"Our party finally crossed the black hole, reached this end of the universe, and finally set foot on the five-color altar linking the world. Just when we were all excited and wanted to cheer, we didn't want adversity to come again... "

"Despicable Wu Xie, in order to stop us from stepping into the world, they not only destroyed the altar, but also arranged many killing arrays on the incomplete altar... He was afraid that we would die forever. Its sinister intentions are simply irritating. "

"One familiar person after another died in front of us, all under the heavy arrangement of Wu Xie. After thousands of disasters, we finally landed in the world and were transported to the canyon with five-color altars. I thought all the disasters were over and all of us were safe. Who ever thought... "

"Wu Xie, who has a vicious mind, has bred countless holy King bees in the canyon. We don't know how many brothers died to resist the cannibal King bees. After the holy King Bee was resisted, Wu Xie came directly to the canyon and killed us... "

"Would you please comment on me? Such a vicious man is also indomitable? Is he aboveboard? "

King Xiang's words were louder and louder than each other, making a clang, landing and roaring, which made everyone pale.

On the spot, many people directly jumped out and severely condemned, and all the Wu children who scolded couldn't lift their heads.

At this time, Han Yuxin, the bride, was so angry that she fell off the crown of the Phoenix on the spot and shouted angrily, "Wu Xie, tell me the truth. Are these people true? Have you really done such evil to them? "

"Yuxin, there are reasons for this. Please listen to me!"

When things got to this point, the wedding was completely spoiled. However, the naive Wu Xie was still very unwilling. He wanted to save and turn the tide.

However, Han Yuxin has been a belligerent madman since childhood. Her temperament has always been hot. How can she listen to those pale explanations?

On the spot, she tore off the Xiayu on her body and said angrily, "explain NIMA's big head ghost. Today, my aunt won't marry."

Han Yuxin was really angry. He thought Wu Xie was an honest man and a rare immortal evil. If it is such a person, it is not too aggrieved to marry him. However, facts have proved that Wu Xie is a hypocrite and a despicable person claimed by individuals.

How can such a man marry?

As Han Yuxin turned and left, Gu Feng's eyes lit up. Knowing that the opportunity came, he gave Wu Han an order on the spot: "quickly, release the holy King Bee to attack Han Yuxin and her brother!"

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