Among the taboo demons known by the ancient wind, there are the nine demons in the lower world, the demon king aruye and the heavenly demon king. These people can be sky swallowing beasts. Which black hole stands in the boundless universe, and which big demon is lurking?

In terms of time, it seems that they are not the demons known by the ancient wind. First of all, how long has the nine demons in the lower world just been born? It's only twenty or thirty years, and the black hole has existed there for at least fifty or sixty thousand years, so it can't be them.

In the same way, it could not be the demon king aruye, because when Kyushu was destroyed, the demon head appeared in Kyushu. The Lord of the heavenly devil seems a little impossible. He has already turned himself into the world and become the master of the heavenly devil world. His original statue should stay in the heavenly devil world, rather than standing in the universe all the time.

All the above are excluded. Which devil is the black hole?

Perhaps, Gu Feng already had the answer in his heart, but he was unwilling to believe it. Therefore, he came to this silvery red continent where there was no need to set foot, just to verify some things and confirm his conjecture.

Compared with the Haize continent, the Yinhong continent is not many times larger, but it is slightly smaller than the xuanhuang five regions, and even less than the Canglang continent.

Here, there are still many clans and martial arts are popular. Some big families comparable to the Wu family and the Ning family are also everywhere. However, the world is relatively barren. There are many holy kings and half immortals, but there are no real immortals.

After the ancient wind came to the world, he first let go of his body and mind and seriously felt the laws of heaven and earth in the world. After three months, he successively set foot in some big forces as a guest.

Among the top powers, he was honored as a guest of honor, and even some powers invited old ancestor level figures to accompany them in order to treat them well. After all, when the ancient wind was only in his thirties, he set foot in the great holy land, which is enough to be called a unique evil. Such a person, no matter where he goes, dare not be offended.

Wan leizong is the eighth super bulk gate visited by ancient customs in the world. Surprisingly, this sect doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic about the arrival of ancient customs. Even their attitude is slightly arrogant.

In the highest reception hall of wanlei sect, a very young holy king and contemporary patriarch of this sect entertained the ancient style. Those who came with me were more than a dozen elders at the saint level and above of the sect.

The ancient custom saw the arrogance of the sect. Although he was a little unhappy, he had nothing to say.

After drinking the wine in the cup, the ancient wind asked the leader of wanlei clan, "Lord Lei, I heard that you wanlei clan has a semi immortal old leader. Why don't you see it?"

Smelling the speech, everyone sitting there looked a little bad. Lord Lei frowned and said, "friend of the ancient wind, please forgive me for offending you. You have self-knowledge. You are only a big holy land. Are you qualified to let our old lord come out to meet you? Today, we wanleizong sent 18 saints and elders to entertain you. It has given you great face. Don't ignore it. "

These words can be said to be quite merciless. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately solidified the atmosphere at the scene.

In the eyes of these people, although the ancient style has a mysterious origin, unique talent and infinite potential, in the final analysis, it is still a young man and just a great saint's initial cultivation.

The arrogant Wan leizong didn't take the ancient style seriously at all. Today, the main reason why they sent out such a big show to entertain the ancient style is that they are worried about the tough background of the ancient style.

The ancient wind was silent. Although the leader of wanlei sect didn't speak well, he didn't get angry. After half a ring, the ancient wind smiled and arched his hands and said, "it's hard for leader Lei to say this. I just rely on your old leader's reputation. Therefore, I want to pay a personal visit and ask for advice on some accomplishments. I have no other intention."

"Ha ha, bye? Old wind Taoist friend, don't you understand what I mean? I've made it clear enough that although you are gifted, in the final analysis, you are only a great saint's medium-term cultivation achievement. How can you be qualified to visit our old patriarch? There are many people with accomplishments like you. If everyone comes to visit our old patriarch, won't he be busy and die? " Lord Lei.

There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, which looked very disdainful. He is a very young holy king, which can be said to be a young success. His heart is arrogant and his ambition is higher than heaven. How can he see the ancient customs in his eyes?

On the other hand, no matter how well the cultivation of ancient customs was, his face sank after hearing these words.

Then he sneered: "hehe, what is qualification? I don't know what qualification Lord Lei said? How can I qualify? "

While talking, the look of the ancient wind gradually cooled down. At the same time, a seeming threat was transmitted out to everyone present.

On the spot, everyone's faces changed. A middle-aged sage suddenly patted his seat and shouted angrily, "presumptuous, do you want to be aggressive here? You wild boy of unknown origin doesn't polish your eyes to see clearly. Where is this? This is wan leizong. Who dares to go wild here in the whole Silver Red continent? "

"Ha ha ha!" Gu Feng laughed wildly on the spot when he heard the speech, then his face was cold and sneered: "what about Wan leizong? Where do I dare not go wild? "

Then, Gu Feng's body moved and pulled out a long phantom in place. The next second, he directly appeared ten feet away and grabbed the great sage who spoke.

This change came so suddenly that no one thought that the ancient wind actually said to do it.

After everyone reacted, they roared on the spot.

But seeing that the ancient wind was not afraid, he directly crushed the head of the great saint, and then quickly grabbed his original God in his hand.

He sneered again: "hahaha, Wan leizong? No one dares to be wild here? Today, my ancient wind has gone wild here. What can you do to me? "

At this time, the ancient style was very arrogant. He grabbed the yuan God of the great sage and looked down at everyone here. Then he turned his eyes to Lord Lei and continued to sneer: "Lord Lei, do you mean this qualification? If you think this qualification is not enough, someone can arrest your original God! "

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