"Hehe, are you finally willing to show up?"

While talking, Gu Feng held the yuan God of Lord Lei and directly broke through the hall and stood in the air. The other half immortal Lord Lei came out, but Gu Feng didn't show a trace of fear.

Today's affairs are very noisy. At this time, Wan leizong is almost all soldiers. Even the mountain protection array of wanleizong was activated by the elders who escaped. At this time, the ancient style seems to have become the great enemy of the whole wanleizong.

Seeing this scene, the ancient wind still had no fear, but looked out of thin air to the deepest place of wanleizong. He said with a slight smile: "Lord wanlei, I'm attracted to you. Is that how you entertain me? You have set up such a large array. Do you want me to make a thorough break in your wanleizong? If so, it won't look good. At that time, I don't know if I can stay, but I can guarantee that if I break through, your foundation for tens of thousands of years will be destroyed. "

Gu Feng's words are not nonsense. With his various means and his attainments in array, it is almost difficult to trap him again. Once a fierce collision occurs, the whole wanleizong or patch will have to be broken and sunk.

"Ancient wind, you are too presumptuous. You dare to speak wildly in front of our old patriarch!"

The old patriarch in the depths has not yet made a statement, but the patriarch Lei in Gufeng's hand took the lead in shouting. In his opinion, since the old patriarch came out, everything should be over.

However, the arrogance of the ancient wind seems to have exceeded the expectation of Lord Lei. Facing his clamor, Gu Feng just smiled contemptuously and said, "Lord Lei, didn't your master teach you how to be a qualified prisoner before he taught you skills? If I were you, I would shut up and maybe I could slip away! If you have to say that I am presumptuous, I can do something more presumptuous to show you! "

As he said this, Gu Feng's right arm holding Lord Lei suddenly flashed a light, and the power of dozens of laws was blessed on Lord Lei from his arm in an instant. Then, I saw that the yuan God of Lord Lei suddenly heard bursts of screams like killing pigs. A large number of Yuan Shen's power is dissipating. Soon, his yuan Shen becomes weak, and the method will dissipate.

This scene frightened the people of wanleizong. There were yells and screams everywhere. People are afraid that the ancient wind will really crush their patriarch to death.

Lord Lei's life was threatened again. Once again, he was so close to death. Finally, he put down his pride and dignity and began to beg to the ancient wind: "ancient wind Taoist friends, please calm down. Lei has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai. He offended you today, so I'll make amends for you. As long as you will let me go, we can say everything! "

At this time, he was not allowed to be soft. Even though their old patriarch has appeared, it is very easy for the ancient wind to crush him. Therefore, surrender and submission is his only correct choice.


The old wind hummed coldly, and his face was full of contempt. Then he threw out Lord Lei in his hands like garbage.

Then he said, "Lord Lei, I sincerely called on you today, but you despised me again and again. You're to blame for this. I said the meaning of compensation. As for other compensation, it's not necessary. However, in the end, I advise you that the vastness of the universe is far beyond your imagination. A genius like me doesn't know how many, not to mention you? I advise you not to be a frog at the bottom of a well! "

With that, Gu Feng ignored the reaction of Lord Lei and others. He walked straight to the deepest place of Wan Lei Zong, raised his voice, and shouted, "I'm going down to Gu Feng, please pay a visit to Lord Wan Lei!"


The old patriarch Banxian in the depths declared his position, and there was no obstruction in the end. He was still slightly satisfied with the ancient style of doing things, and did not intend to make trouble when there were no hostages in the hands of the ancient style. At the same time, those mountain protection arrays that had locked in the ancient style were all cancelled at once.

In fact, from beginning to end, ancient customs did not take anyone's life. He made it clear early in the morning that he came to visit the old patriarch. He came to be a guest. The reason why they are so arrogant today is that wanlei Zong is too arrogant.

The ancient wind walked in the air and directly came to the deepest place of wanleizong. Here, there is a mountain not too high, which is the first forbidden area of wanlei sect, that is, the retreat of wanlei old sect leader.

"The ancient wind came to visit old master wanlei!"

A hundred feet away, the ancient wind saluted the mountain again, showing respect and no disrespect.

"Please don't make yourself at home. Please come up and have a chat!"

The old voice sounded again, still with a little sense of ethereal!

"Thank you, old patriarch!"

Gu Feng bowed down and saluted, and then set foot directly.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, the ancient wind saw a big white cocoon shining with purple lightning. The cocoon kept spinning and kept making the sound of "hiss" thunder and lightning.

Just as the ancient wind gazed at the big cocoon, he saw that a familiar old voice came out of the big cocoon: "the old man has been closed all the time. I don't know there are distinguished guests. I'm waiting for the ancient wind Taoist friends. Don't blame me!"

"It's the ancient style that disturbed the old patriarch's seclusion. We should make amends to the old patriarch!" Saying that, the ancient style is another gift. Looking up, the ancient wind said, "old patriarch, today the ancient wind is wanton in your sect. Please forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter. Who is not proud of those who succeed in youth? Although the reputation of wanleizong will be damaged by your trouble today, it is not a bad thing for others. At least, let them understand what is heaven beyond the sky! "

After that, Wan Lei, who was in the big cocoon, said again: "old Taoist friend, I have been trapped in the big cocoon for thousands of years and can't get out. I wonder if you can do me a favor, break it and help me get out of the pass? "

"Is there something wrong with this... Old patriarch? I think this cocoon is very strong. I'm afraid my ability is limited and I can't break it! "

Gu Feng hesitated because he knew that it was not the old guy who wanted to help him break the cocoon, but to test his real ability. In other words, the old guy is doing it himself in a disguised form. Once he can't break the cocoon, the old guy may be in trouble suddenly.

As long as Gu Feng moves his hand, whether he can break this big cocoon or not, his own real combat power has been touched by the old guy.

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