Two days have passed. These two days are quite happy for the ancient wind. In these two days, he has completely fallen into the gentle countryside, which is not pleasant. The feeling of being served by twin sisters makes people linger and forget to return, with endless aftertaste.

In these two days, several elders of wanleizong found ancient customs, all of which were all kinds of flattery and kept giving gifts to women. Their purpose is only one, that is to hope that the ancient wind can take them away together.

Of course, for those things and women who came to the door, the ancient style refused. He not only refused the gifts and women sent to the door, but also refused their requests cleanly. The reason is very simple. If the ancient wind really takes away a group of elders and two patriarchs, won't the wanlei sect decline from now on?

At that time, it will really evolve into a behavior of digging at the foot of the wall. It's not easy for him to work in front of his senior brother, isn't it?

Of course, another important factor is that ancient customs don't care about the talents of those people at all. The current qingtianjiao is not accepted by everyone, and the minimum standard must be young people with unlimited potential. Only a young man with unlimited potential can help him after he goes to Canglang continent.

At night, the old patriarch who went out to help the ancient wind lobby came back and brought back a very exciting news for the ancient wind - those people agreed to the conditions of the ancient wind. In addition to herself, there were 18 Banxian in the whole Silver Red continent who wanted to leave with the ancient wind.

In a wide hall, the ancient wind couldn't hide his joy. He couldn't wait to ask the old patriarch, "elder martial brother, are those eighteen Banxian really willing to swear to be loyal to me? Are they really willing to join the Qingtian divine court? Is there no other condition? "

"Conditions? Yes, of course! "

The old patriarch looked very serious, and then continued: "their condition is also very simple, that is to ask you to take more people to leave."

"Huh? With someone else? Don't you know my difficulties, elder martial brother? Those who are willing to go together must swear allegiance to me, otherwise I can't take any extra people. Besides, not everyone in my Qingtian divine court accepts it. If you want to enter the Qingtian divine court, you can either be a semi immortal like you, or a Saint King with excellent talent. "

Seeing the ancient style, he was a little excited. The old patriarch stopped and said with a smile: "younger martial brother, why worry? Let me finish slowly. Naturally, I made it clear to those people about your conditions. They also know that the threshold of your sect is very high, so they won't take some worthless people on the road. "

"What they want to take away, as you said, are all young people with excellent talents, all of whom are holy kings and strong men under the age of 300. Their cultivation talent is absolutely amazing, and even many people are famous people on the road! "

At this point, the old patriarch's face hung a proud smile and continued to say to the ancient wind, "what? Are you satisfied with such a person? With all due respect, since you want to establish a school, it's naturally impossible to have only a dozen people, isn't it? Our world is limited by the environment of heaven and earth. It is impossible to want too many half immortals, but there are too many young people with the potential to become immortals. If you can recruit all the talents from the mainland, over time, even in the Canglang mainland, you can push a large sect force? "

"Recruit all talents?" All of a sudden, the ancient wind was stunned and widened his eyes. It was unbelievable. He hurriedly asked, "elder martial brother, do you mean to attract all the young holy kings in the world? Plus 18 half immortals, then... Is it as simple as sweeping some sect doors? "

This time, the ancient style was really frightened. The idea was so crazy that ordinary people almost didn't dare to think about it. This is equivalent to mastering a real big world. How domineering is this? When you go to Canglang mainland, which sect force dares to provoke yourself?

In fact, the Silver Red continent is only a little barren than the xuanhuang five regions, and the geniuses and demons in the world will never be much less than the xuanhuang five regions. If the ancient wind really recruited all the demons and talents here under his command, plus the 18 Banxian, it would be equivalent to mastering the elite of a world.

Even such a force is many times more domineering than the fairy house. After all, the fairy house is only aimed at young people under the age of 30, while the ancient wind is aimed at the young holy king under the age of 300 and the Banxian, the highest combat power in the world.

However, I'm excited, but it's a bit of a fantasy. It's still very difficult to make it.

The ancient wind soon calmed down after a burst of confusion. "Elder martial brother, this idea is really attractive, but how do we implement it? I believe that not many people want to be controlled by others and lose their freedom from now on? "

Facing the doubts of the ancient style, the old patriarch still smiled confidently and said, "younger martial brother, you don't have to worry about this. Some old guys and I have come up with countermeasures. At that time, we will jointly create your sect in the name of 19 half immortals. We will announce that our Qingtian shenting will set foot on the road to immortals and go to the fairyland everyone yearns for. Only those who are amazing and gorgeous are qualified to enter our sect... "

Speaking of this, the old patriarch couldn't help laughing proudly and continued to tempt: "younger martial brother, you can imagine, who can resist the temptation of the fairy world? If we hold another martial arts contest facing the whole continent at this time, won't those Tianjiao people from all over the world rush to join us? Even, in order to prove that they are strong enough, they will fight to the death on the platform. In this way, the survival of the fittest and those who enter our school are all real elites. There are dragons and phoenixes among real people. "

"Tongxian road? "Martial arts contest?"

After hearing these words, Gu Feng was completely unable to calm down. He was so frightened that he couldn't return to his mind for a long time.

After being stunned for a long time, he suddenly understood a truth, that is, now he can be regarded as a superior and a rule maker. He was no longer a weak friar led by the rules. Suddenly, the ancient way of thinking has not changed at all.

Different status directly leads to different ways of thinking. It is precisely because the old patriarchs have always been the superiors and judges of the world, so their way of thinking and doing things are so different.

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