When he returned to the post house, he immersed himself in the treasure gourd world again. The ancient style was shocked because he found that the two elders of the changsun family were beaten miserably by Wan Xun one by one.

At this time, the two old men were in messy clothes, with blood all over them. All their bones were broken. They lay soft on the ground and couldn't move. They looked miserable.

Wan Xun sat aside and took good care of himself. His face was a little pale. It seemed that he had gone through a hard war again.


When the ancient wind came out, it was still a robbery cloud all over the sky. Bright lightning twinkled in the clouds, frightening the three people to jump up immediately, with a terrible look on their faces.

Although the two elders of the changsun family were seriously injured, they had to climb up hard at the moment, because the robbery cloud looked so scary. They were afraid that the robbery cloud would fall on their heads if they were not careful,

Before the ancient wind turned into a face, Wan Xun quickly knelt on one knee and kowtowed to the robbery cloud on the high sky: "young Lord, the old slave has confessed his crime. Before the young Lord spoke, he helped the young Lord accept these two old things by himself. Please forgive the old slave for his loyalty. "

Then, Wan Xun suddenly stared at them and said, "what are you doing foolishly? Don't you pay a visit to the young Lord soon?"

"My subordinates pay a visit to the little Lord and ask the little Lord to forgive my crimes!" The two elders of the eldest grandson family slowly knelt down on one knee and reluctantly bowed down to the robbed clouds in the sky.

They knelt down so reluctantly that Wan Xun scolded endlessly and cried bitterly in his heart. He wanted to scold, but the old style changed at this time.

The endless robbery clouds turned into a huge face, which is the ancient style.

At the moment, the dark wind looks very unhappy. He stared at the three people below for a while, and then decisively blasted thousands of lightning. He needed to teach them a lesson.



Infinite thunder and lightning accompanied by the ancient wind, the cold eyes tilted down in an instant, frightening the three souls below.

"Ah! Young Lord, spare your life. The old slave really tried his best! " Wan Xun begged for mercy loudly. He knew that the ancient wind must be blaming him for not completely conquering them and for his incompetence.

Crackle, crackle!

"Ah..." a series of screams began. Wan Xun was OK. After all, he was stronger, but the two old men were miserable. Their bodies were immediately split, and only their heads were intact.

"Ah! You little thief must die! " One of the elders of the eldest grandson family shouted abuse, resulting in a more crazy lightning attack.

At the moment, the ancient wind is heaven. He controls everything in the gourd world. As long as his idea moves, he will clean up whoever he wants.

The two elders of the eldest grandson family are constantly reorganizing their flesh, but each time they just reorganized, they were ruthlessly blasted into slag by the terrible lightning. When they came and went, they were greatly weakened.

Wan Xun was much better at this time. He could barely bear such a lightning attack. He knelt on his knees and bowed down in this way. He never looked up and silently endured the thunder and lightning.

As he endured silently, he shouted to the ancient wind for mercy: "the old slave knows his sin and asks the young Lord to spare his life!"

Boom! After another strong attack, the ancient wind put away the thunder and looked at the three people below silently.

It took a long time for the two elders of the eldest grandson family to reorganize their flesh again. When they looked up at the ancient style, their hearts were full of fear.

"Thank you for your mercy, young master!" Wan Xun took the lead in kowtowing to Shane, and the other two also kowtowed hard and seriously.

"Hum! Into my treasure gourd world, you can't be rampant! " Gu Feng finally opened his mouth and was so frightened that the three people kowtowed again.

"Today, you have been greatly weakened. I won't let you try the pain of purgatory. Let's wait for tomorrow!" Gu Feng planned to quit at this point, which frightened the two members of the changsun family to kowtow again.

"Little Lord, we know our mistake. We are willing to sincerely belong to you. We are willing to sign a soul contract with the little Lord!" Although they had not personally experienced yin-yang purgatory, they were deeply frightened by the power of thunder robbery.

"Oh? Then why don't you hurry? " Ancient wind came to interest, did not hurry to quit. At least these two old guys are also the strong ones at the peak of the holy palace. It's also useful to keep them around in the future.

"Not yet?" Wan Xun also drank at this time and wanted to show himself.

"My subordinate Chang sun Changhe (Yangtze River) swore that he would faithfully follow the ancient wind master..." a virtual shadow of his soul rushed out of their celestial cover, and they swore on this.

When two great "deeds" appeared in front of the ancient wind, the ancient wind was full of joy. Without the slightest doubt, he reached for a "deed".



The ancient wind just grabbed a "Qi" word in his hand, and the "Qi" word was blown up on the spot, with unparalleled power. Immediately after, the second "Qi" word was also blown up, and circles of ripples spread. On the spot, all the thick robbery clouds were blown up, and the face transformed by the ancient wind disappeared.

It turned out that the word "Qi" had hidden an opportunity to kill the ancient style.

"Little Lord!" Wan Xun drank on the spot, shocked and inexplicable. Then he immediately aimed his anger at the two old men beside him: "you two want to die!"

Boom, boom!

Wan Xun mercilessly shot. The two elders had no resistance. Even if they were slapped into powder by him, he was furious.

The only thing that reassures him is that he is fine at the moment, which shows that the ancient style is not in danger of life. Otherwise, he will die.


The old wind sitting in his room even spit out a big mouthful of blood and turned pale. His mind was hurt and his vitality was hurt.

"Die!" The ancient wind was so angry that he wiped off the quarrel and blood and entered the world of treasure gourd again.

As soon as he came in, he saw Wan Xun kneeling on the ground, holding two storage rings in his hands.

"Damn it, I didn't realize that they had a killing heart, which hurt the young Lord. In order to make up for their mistakes, the old slave has personally killed the two people and took their wealth to the young Lord as a slight compensation. "


Seeing that they had been killed, Gu Feng gave a long tone, and then said in his heart: it seems that all family people in the future can not be easily charged. They have long been loyal to their families.

Gu Feng took the two rings in his hand and said to Wan Xun, "forget it, it's not your fault. You can take care of yourself here and recover your vitality as soon as possible. There are still many places where you can use you in the future."

"Thank you, young master!"

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