Similarly, the words of the old patriarch Lei batian not only confused the ancient style, but all the people on the scene, including the more than 20 Banxian, were confused and puzzled.

As soon as the old patriarch had finished his words, there were bursts of hot discussions. The voices of those discussions could be described as one after another.

Half a day later, a man got up and shouted, "Lei Changlao, even if what you said is true, why have we all become preparatory disciples instead of formal disciples? You should know that we all go for formal disciples. We don't want to be preparatory disciples. We are all famous people in our respective areas. We can't afford to lose that person! "

"Yes, we don't want to be preparatory disciples, but formal disciples!"

Many people echoed. Everyone kept arguing and still wanted to get a clear statement.

In the face of so many people's coaxing, the old patriarch Lei batian seemed very confident and didn't panic at all.

With a smile on his face and flat hands, he shouted to everyone again: "quiet, quiet, please listen to me. In the final analysis, we have to thank our sect leader for his kindness. He doesn't want to see your talents and talents buried here, so he has set up such a provision for reserve disciples for the time being. As long as you follow us to the Canglang continent, then you will conduct another assessment. As long as you pass the assessment, you will be regarded as the official disciple of my Qingtian divine court. "

At this point, the old patriarch deliberately sighed, pretended to be very embarrassed and said, "Hey, generally speaking, time is too tight. If it were not five days later, it would be the best time to leave. Our leader would not change the overall plan so much. I hope you can understand the leader's pains. "

"So it is. We misunderstood the leader and the divine court."

On the spot, many people were moved and bowed their heads to discuss. At this time, everyone no longer had the sense of blame on their faces. On the contrary, many people turned to the enemy in the face of the ancient style and expressed deep admiration.

Although the old patriarch told a lot of lies, it was obviously very effective and even surprised the ancient style.

Seeing that no one objected, the old patriarch nodded with great satisfaction. He stroked his beard with his hand and said in a loud voice again, "well, what I have said is very clear. Due to time, we must start in five days. Now, if you have no opinion, go on stage first and take an oath with me. As long as you swear never to betray the divine court and never reveal any secrets of the divine court after you arrive in another world, we can go on the road together! "

In fact, this rule was also set by the ancient custom early in the morning. Some people will not join the divine court, so there is no need to swear allegiance to the divine court and themselves. As long as they swear not to betray the divine court and not to talk nonsense about everything they see.

"Do you want to take an oath now?"

Many people looked at each other and seemed to feel a little too fast and a little unprepared.

Seeing that everyone was still hesitating, the old patriarch continued: "what I said is very clear. Due to time constraints, if you want to leave with us, you must take an oath now. Of course, you are not formal disciples of the divine court now, so you don't need to swear allegiance to the divine court and the leader. You just need to swear that you will never betray the divine court and never reveal anything about the divine court in another world. "

The reason why the ancient wind must make such an oath is still the problem of black holes. Because the way he leaves is still the same as when he came. He will turn himself into a black hole and run through the infinite universe. Such a means is too unimaginable. Some knowledgeable people may recognize that this is the taboo means of demon star. Without an oath, who dares to let so many people see that taboo means?

Now that the old patriarch has said this, the 180000 disciples naturally have nothing to say.

Next, another spectacular scene appeared. A full 180000 people all stepped on the platform and took an oath with the old patriarch. After the oath was announced, a full 180000 blood waves rushed into the sky and turned into 180000 bright red "oath".

Such a spectacular scene can be described as unprecedented, which has amazed countless people.

Even after seeing the 180000 blood vows, Gu Feng was severely shocked, and his heart could not calm down for a long time.

This is the superior. Once you master the absolute power, it will be much easier to do things.

The oath ceremony is over, and today's meeting is over. All the goals that the ancient wind wants have been completely achieved. Even, he got an unexpected harvest

At first, he didn't intend to make so many people swear to be loyal to himself. He only asked all the disciples of the divine court to swear to be loyal to the divine court forever and never betray their common faith. However, due to the proper operation of the old patriarch, he directly made all the 15000 young holy kings swear to be loyal to him.

Five days later, it is the day to leave. Although the time card is very tight, most people are caught off guard. But everyone was deceived by the old patriarch's lies, and finally had to bite their teeth and overcome all difficulties.


The meeting is over and will leave completely in five days. In this free five-day period, the ancient wind is not idle. His figure has been wandering in those resettlement sites. He is investigating the lives of those who survived.

He brought disaster to the people of the world. He can't just stand by. He must be responsible for the people of the world.

This is about to leave completely and take away all the elites in the world. More or less, the ancient wind is still a little sorry. Therefore, at his call, more than 20 Banxian in Qingtian shenting each took out a valuable divine medicine to build a divine pool for the world that can be blessed for thousands of years.

With these sacred pools, the broken continent will continue to give birth to talents, and the world will not decline at once.

After that, Gu Feng ordered the semi immortal elders to take the 15000 holy kings to the disaster area overnight, dug out all the large spiritual veins contained therein, and moved them all to the areas that had not been robbed.

With these spiritual veins and the more than 20 holy pools, the whole Silver Red continent will recover its vitality in the shortest time.

All these things done by ancient customs are put in their own shoes for the sake of the world. It can be said that he has done his utmost to the world.

When all the layout is finished, the dawn of the fifth day is finally coming

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