Gu Feng's body shuttled passively through the black hole. I don't know how long it was transmitted. He was finally "sprayed" by the black hole.

After a little survey of the surrounding environment, the hanging heart of the ancient wind was put down, because he found that he was sent to the end connecting the Canglang continent.

If he went out from the other end of the black hole, it would be fun. In this way, the time difference caused by going would make people feel depressed and want to vomit blood.

Out of the black hole, but the ancient wind didn't leave in a hurry. He looked at the slowly rotating black hole silently, and his eyes were full of complexity.

Earlier, he always suspected that the inner space of the black hole was directly controlled by Leidi. But at the last moment of leaving, his faith wavered, because he found that Wang Shihai could control everything around him. Even, Wang Shihai can throw himself out!

What does that mean? Is it difficult that Wang Shihai controls the whole black hole?

This idea has just come to the fore, and the ancient wind is unwilling to think about it. First, it's a little incredible. Second, if his conjecture is true, it's terrible.

"Three months later, on Aolong mountain outside the broken dragon city? Isn't that where Wu Xie got married? " The ancient wind murmured, and a sneer came up at the corners of his mouth. Then he said, "Wang Shihai, if I let you succeed, I will not be a real demon star!"

After sneering, the ancient wind turned directly. He has made a decision in his heart that he can't let this wedding go on smoothly. He can't let his sister marry such a person. In fact, he is the reincarnation of the real demon star. He is the real chaotic celestial body. Can he be fooled by a "fake"?

Just as Gu Feng turned and wanted to leave, a very familiar voice suddenly came out of the black hole: "Gu Feng, I can warn you that today, three months later, you'd better be honest with me. Now I am no longer the weak me I used to be. No woman I fancy can escape my palm, even if it is your sister! " This is Wang Shihai's voice. He actually came out of the black hole.

Hearing the speech, the ancient wind suddenly turned back. He stared at the black hole angrily. He was so angry that he almost burst his lungs and trembled.

Arrogance, Wang Shihai's words are really arrogant. He is so angry that he wants to kill people. All along, only he has such an attitude towards others. When does anyone dare to be arrogant in front of him?

Therefore, the ancient wind roared at the black hole on the spot: "Wang Shihai, you have to have a bottom line to be a man. If you really dare to move my sister, you can weigh the consequences yourself."

"Get out!" Just after the ancient wind roared, Wang Shihai roared from the black hole: "if I hadn't had too much bottom line, your sister would have died in my hand. Don't be unkind!"

"You... Good!"

Now, the ancient wind almost burst his lungs with gas. He's been on the road for so many years. How many people scolded him and dared to call him "roll"?

Nima, do you still want to marry someone else's sister? In this world, is there anyone who treats his brother-in-law like this?

At this moment, the heart of the ancient wind was like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past. That taste, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Finally, the ancient wind had to leave with a blue face and a trembling body. He only felt that he had been wronged by the greatest injustice in the world.


The ancient wind still looked for the old route, stepped on several colorful altars, and finally reached the nameless canyon.

Back, the ancient style of this moment, that is the real return to the Canglang continent. At this moment, he felt a lot.

On that day, he just wanted to take Wu Han to the edge of the black hole to verify his conjecture. He never thought it would be ten years. Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. He not only formed a huge force for himself that no one dared to provoke, but also several groups of follow-up disciples of the immortal Academy on the road to becoming immortal.

After taking a deep breath of the air in this world, the ancient wind can clearly feel the gap.

Compared with the Silver Red continent, the quality of this heaven and earth aura is indeed much higher, so that people who grow up in this heaven and earth are easier to impact the realm, and can set foot in a higher field along the way of martial arts.

After some emotion, the ancient wind directly closed his eyes and began to contact Wu Han with his soul and ideas.

Fortunately, he just tried a little, and the result was really successful. Wu Han was really contacted by him.

"Master... You? Are you really back? Where are you? " Wu Han exclaimed excitedly, "master, I thought it might take you a few years to come back here. I didn't think you would come back in only three or four months!"

"Huh? Has it been three or four months? "

Hearing the speech, Gu Feng was surprised. Unexpectedly, it was such a trip to the black hole. He and Wu Han caused a time difference of several months.

Of course, the time difference is also normal, which is also expected by the ancient wind. Aside from this topic, Gu Feng immediately reported his position to Wu Han.

About two hours later, the space around the canyon suddenly fluctuated. The next second, I saw a palm sticking out directly from the nothingness. Suddenly, it tore the nothingness like a cloth strip.

Immediately, a group of people appeared in front of Gu Feng. It was the people of his Qingtian divine court, and a full twenty-four elders, including Wu Han, were present to welcome him.

"Master, welcome the master back!"

As soon as a group of people rushed out of the void, they immediately knelt down on one knee against the ancient wind. Everyone's faces showed excitement. For them, nothing is more gratifying than the safe return of ancient customs.

Seeing this scene, Gu Feng smiled happily. His eyes swept through everyone one by one. When he saw the familiar faces, he felt really friendly.

Suddenly, when his eyes fell on elder Lei batian Lei, he was stunned on the spot. Then he lost his voice and exclaimed, "Lei Changlao, you... You... You have set foot in the land of true immortality?"

Yes, it's the realm of true immortals. At this time, the breath transmitted by Lei batian is too strong. I don't know how many times stronger than before. Isn't this the terrible smell of real immortals?

"Ha ha ha!" Lei batian laughed wildly on the spot. Then he stood up on his own and said to the ancient wind, "yes, elder martial brother, I set foot in the realm of true immortals half a month ago. Now, I am the only true God in our Qingtian God court."

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