"Eh? How dare you overstep the position of the leader of Qingtian cult? "

The woman called Lingzi didn't answer the ancient style directly, but pretended to be surprised. She turned to Lei batian and continued, "aren't you the leader of Qingtian cult? Why did you let such a pickled ordinary disciple take his place? Does this not disgrace the prestige of your blue sky god court? "


Almost at the same time, more than 20 elders in the hall all yelled, and everyone was furious.

It can be said that Lingzi's words are a naked insult to the ancient style and a great insult to the Qingtian divine court.

If the ancient customs are "pickled", what will the Qingtian shenting become?

"Girl, I'll warn you for the last time. If you make trouble like this again, I'll be polite in Qingtian divine court." Lei batian, standing beside the ancient wind, couldn't stand it anymore. He gave a final warning to Lingzi. Then he said, "listen to me clearly. This person is the real leader of our Qingtian God court and the ancient style of Qingtian king. If any of you dare to talk nonsense again, you will bear the consequences! "

"Ah? No? "

As soon as this statement came out, the six people of the Han family seemed to be shocked, especially the expression of Lingzi was more exaggerated. She opened her mouth wide, pointed to the ancient style and asked:

"Is this person really your Qingtian cult leader? You're not kidding us, are you? Will you so many old people willingly submit to a younger generation? "

"Girl, that's enough, aren't you..."

Lei batian roared again, as if he wanted to get angry. But it was interrupted by the ancient wind.

The old wind looked plain and said gently to Lingzi, "girl, it's meaningless to continue fooling around like this. I think you'd better explain your intention directly. I am the founder of Qingtian divine court and the leader of Qingtian cult. Every word I say can represent the will of the divine court! "

With that, Gu Feng's eyes directly bypassed Lingzi and fell on the Han brothers and sisters. Chuckling, he said: "Gu has long been a thunderclap in your name. I've heard about them for a long time. It's really lucky for you to come to my Qingtian divine court together today. "

As soon as the conversation changed, the ancient wind continued to say to the Han brothers and sisters: "however... Although their reputation has spread all over more than ten states, they have deterred many curfews. But we still have to be careful of some people with ulterior motives, but don't be used by some people! "

With that, the ancient wind's eyes fell directly on Lingzi.

"Antique, you... What do you mean? Who do you say is a curfew? You mean this girl is using them? I... "

Almost before the Han brothers and sisters answered, the woman called Lingzi couldn't stand it.

Similarly, before she finished her words, she was interrupted by Han Yuxin, who had never spoken.

She stepped forward, gave a sneer at the old wind and said, "we don't need you to take care of our brother and sister's affairs. As long as you can admit that you are an ancient style! "

This inexplicable sneer surprised the ancient wind on the spot. It seems that it is a little unclear. Listen to the meaning of Han Yuxin's words. It seems that he has something against himself? But what hatred would that be?

Before the ancient wind wanted to understand, Han Yuxin continued to speak and said, "since you are the ancient wind, it's easy to say. Haven't you been asking us why we came? Now I'll tell you that there are two ways in front of you. One is to lead all the believers and submit to our Han family. Second, you hand over your soul brand and be willing to be our war servant from now on. Choose for yourself! "

"War servant? Two ways? " As soon as the ancient wind heard it, he sneered and said, "sorry, I choose the third one!"

Then he saw the palm of his right hand on the dragon's head move gently, and the whole hall suddenly became turbulent, shaking mountains and earth, as if it was about to collapse.

Before the Han family could figure out what was going on, they saw a cage shining with light blue light, suddenly rising from Lingzi's feet and enveloping her all at once.

The next second, the cage tightened, and finally directly invaded Lingzi's body.

Impressively, the ancient wind actually started, and it was still so simple and resolute. It moved as soon as it was said, and it was not separated from the water at all. With a successful move, the ancient wind did not hesitate and directly absorbed the trapped Lingzi into his hands.

For a long time, ancient customs have always been a master who refused to suffer losses. This is his territory. He controls the whole array of cloud mountains. How can he let others show off their ferocity in front of him?

The spirit purple was suddenly caught by the ancient wind, and was stunned on the spot, sending out a series of panic screams. She ran her mana crazily, wanted to resist and get rid of her bondage, but tragically found that the cage that had just invaded her body had completely locked her mana.

"Ancient style, you are presumptuous!"

"Gu Feng, you dare to touch my Han family. Do you want to be killed?"

"Ancient wind, don't you hurry to loosen your dog's paw?"

"Ancient style..."

In an instant, the young men and women of the Han family were frightened. At the same time, they were angry, yelled and yelled, and the reaction was extremely fierce. The ancient wind caught Lingzi as if it had caught their key.

In the face of the reaction of the Han family, the ancient style was still unmoved and ignored at all. His eyes stayed on "Lingzi" and smiled again and again.

Then he asked, "ling'er, I haven't seen you for so long. Do you have to say hello to me in this way? I asked myself, but I haven't treated you badly. Are you still remembering the little misunderstanding many years ago? "

Until this moment, the ancient wind can be regarded as understanding the real purpose of this group of people. It turned out that they didn't come for the blue sky god court, but for themselves. The woman named "Lingzi" is not someone else. She is the little girl of ziling'er.

She used a very clever technique to change her appearance, so that the ancient style could not be seen through. But at this time, her divine power was imprisoned, and the face changing technique failed, and Zi linger automatically recovered her original face.

This is why "Lingzi" always sneers at the ancient style, because she knows the ancient style at all.

"Ling'er? What spirit? My name is Han and my name is Lingzi! Gu Feng, you bastard, don't you let go of your smelly claws? "

Although her identity was found out, Zi linger still killed her and didn't admit it. She didn't know that her cosmetic surgery had failed, so she wanted to force sophistry.

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