At this time, the ancient style is almost calm and scolding purple ling'er. He was determined not to talk about this topic. He was afraid that something would really happen between the two people.

However, Zi ling'er, who was completely aroused by his interest, would not give up so much?

On the spot, she slammed her fist at the isolation array between the two people, which only shook violently and nearly collapsed. At the same time, he roared, "ancient wind, do you want to say it? If you don't speak clearly today, you can't rest assured and shut up. "


In an instant, the ancient wind bounced up with anger, and even his face blackened. Ziling'er's vexatious behavior really made him very angry.

However, the old wind will not really do anything to ziling'er. He forced down his anger, tried to make his tone calm, and said, "linger, listen to me. This topic is really not suitable for us to discuss. Let's stop here and stop talking, OK?"

"No, you must tell me everything I want to know today, or you can't rest assured!"

"Nonsense, aren't you kidding? What do you look like? Do you want a girl's reserve? Do you want to look up and be a man if outsiders know what happened today? "

Seeing purple ling'er start to mess around, the ancient wind also completely crossed his face. He felt that he really shouldn't continue to discuss such a topic, otherwise he would be known by others and say that he was tricking the little girl.

Gu Feng really didn't want to continue to discuss such a topic, but Zi ling'er seemed determined to break the casserole and ask to the end.

She raised her foot and directly kicked it on the isolated array. She shouted angrily, "if you don't tell me about today, no one will know forever. If today's events are really known by outsiders, you also spread them. Besides, what does it have to do with you if I see people face to face? Today, you must rely on me. You must say everything I want to know. "

At this time, ziling'er was really a little confused and reckless. She even didn't want the girl's most basic reserve.

In her opinion, the two have been naked and have zero distance contact with skin relatives. What else do you want to be reserved?

On the spot, she kicked the big array again and suddenly drank: "tell me, why do men prefer green women? In the eyes of men, what's more about green women? "

"..." the ancient wind was black and completely speechless. He was completely defeated by Zi linger's fierce.

Is there such a woman at the end of the day? Don't you blush when you pester a man to ask such a shameful thing? Does a woman's reserve really ignore it at all?


Gu Feng sighed helplessly and said, "calm down first, and I will slowly answer your questions!"

"Then you withdraw the isolation array. My aunt is not in the mood to shut up at this time."


The ancient wind was so angry that he had to remove the isolation array between them according to his words.

As soon as he withdrew from the array, Gu Feng was dumbfounded. He stood in place like a wooden stake staring at ziling'er not far away.

After half a ring, he suddenly returned to his mind, turned his back on the spot, and scolded in a very severe tone: "linger, are you crazy? Don't you put your clothes on? "

Yes, ziling'er really didn't wear clothes at this time. She took off her clothes at the same time when the ancient wind withdrew from the Dharma array. At the same time, she put her hands on her hips and posed a very tempting posture towards the ancient style, which made the ancient style look silly for a while.


Ziling'er covered her mouth and smiled. Then she really put on her clothes and said, "what's high now? Didn't you see it all just now? Besides, we are discussing these issues now. If I don't show you carefully, how can you give an accurate evaluation? "

"Nonsense!" Gu Feng suddenly turned back and continued to scold: "if we discuss the feeling of sex later, do you want me to test it with you?"

"Isn't this... OK?"

"Ah? Do you really want to? " Now, the ancient style is completely stupid. Can you try this kind of thing? Gu Feng's face suddenly changed, his tone became extremely severe, and scolded: "absurd, it's ridiculous. Can you try this kind of thing? You don't see how old you are! "

"How old is it? I'm in my forties. Am I still young? If I remember correctly, is your mother a grandmother at this age? Why can't I discuss such a thing? Why can't I try this? "

"This... You... Time is so fast, it's too late!"

On the spot, Gu Feng was silly. He suddenly remembered that Zi linger was really over 40.

When they first met in Kyushu, ziling'er was only 17 years old, and Gu Feng was in his twenties. But in the twinkling of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and the ancient style has been more than thirty years.

However, there is still a time deficit of nearly ten years between ancient wind and ziling'er!

His trip to the ancient silver red continent was less than a year for himself. However, ziling'er, who is on the Canglang continent, has been in the past ten years.

In other words, they completely staggered their ages in this place. Ziling'er, who was two or three years younger than the ancient style, was seven or eight years older than the ancient style.

Gu Feng looked at ziling'er with particularly complicated eyes, and his heart was filled with emotion. All along, he regarded Zi linger as his sister. But one day, he suddenly found that this "sister" had grown up!!!

While the ancient wind looked at ziling'er, ziling'er was also looking at the ancient wind. Her eyes were also full of complexity and firmness. It seemed that she really wanted to try that kind of thing.

After half a ring, purple ling'er said, "ancient wind, calculate the time. You and I have known each other for more than 20 years. Have you never been interested in me for so many years?"

"Ling'er, haven't you been asking me why I don't care about you? That's because over the years, I have always regarded you as a relative... "

The remaining half sentence is archaic, and the other half is "relatives like sisters". The reason why Gu Feng didn't go on, he was afraid to hurt Zi linger's heart. At this time, the old wind suddenly found that the girl who had always been regarded as a "little girl" had grown up. She was no longer the Yellow haired girl when she first saw her.

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