"The devil? What is the devil? "

Lei batian and his wife are a little unknown. Therefore, they have never heard of the name of the devil. Naturally, they don't know the terrible nature of the devil.

The ancient wind had a deep understanding of the devil. He deeply knew what the devil meant.

With a pale face, he whispered to them, "the devil means destruction, the devil means the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the devil means the end... You have not seen the devil, should you have seen the plague? Like the plague you've seen last time, the devil of heaven has no grass, even more... "

Gu Feng simply introduced the devil to them, and they turned pale on the spot.

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, Lei batian suggested to the ancient wind on the spot: "religious leader, it seems that we must withdraw our hands to avoid all of them. In my opinion, this is probably a game, a big game! "

"Bureau? You mean, the whole wedding is actually a game? Is this the big picture set by Wang Shihai? To kill all the guests who came to celebrate? "

Ancient style is not a fool. With a little reminder, he can see through all the doorways on this side at a glance.

Lei batian nodded and said very seriously, "yes, according to the current situation, this is likely to be a big situation. Leader, you can imagine that Wang Shihai is a demon star who everyone shouts to fight and kill. Why should he hold such a grand wedding? How many of the guests didn't come for his life? Since everyone came for his life, can the wedding go on? Combined with these demons, Wang Shihai mostly arranged a big game. He only waited for the guests to enter the urn, then released the demons and caught them all... "

With that, Xiao cangyun nodded clearly and whispered to the ancient wind, "master Lei said it's true. This wedding is actually a big scam. Sect leader, you are also a person who knows the array. Now let's explore these 108 peaks carefully. Although on the surface, it is only a guard array of Tiangang and Desha, but it hides a super locking array in the dark. Once these large arrays start, none of the people on Aolong mountain will want to run! "

Smelling the speech, the ancient wind acted the original Qi of the demon star on his eyes. After a while, his face became extremely dignified. Sure enough, as elder Xiao cangyun said, the 108 peaks are indeed hidden murders. The locked array hidden inside can trap several real immortals at the same time!

"Shit, the Wang Shihai is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. It seems that the guests all over the mountains are going to suffer!"

Now, Gu Feng had a complete insight into Wang Shihai's intentions. When he learned the truth, he was trembling with anger.

Suddenly, the ancient wind moved his heart of compassion and said in a deep voice: "no, I can't watch these people being robbed. I have to stop this disaster!"

"How to stop it? You know, it must not be a day or two for Wang Shihai to arrange this bureau. How can it be easily destroyed by us? " Lei batian frowned very high. He also wanted to destroy the layout, but he knew it wasn't that easy.

However, elder Xiao cangyun shook his head slightly and said, "it's not difficult to destroy Wang Shihai's plan. We just need to destroy the locked array secretly, and these guests will be safe. At that time, even if these demons come out for disaster, the guests can leave calmly without causing any unbearable disaster! "

"How to destroy the locked array? There are array eyes on 108 peaks. Where can we find so many people who are proficient in array? "

After talking, elder Xiao cangyun smiled again and said, "leader Lei is very clever at ordinary times. How can he react now? We came with five or six thousand young holy kings and more than 500 fighting Banxian. Aren't they human? Isn't it more than enough for them to destroy those large arrays? Besides, even if they can't find out all the array eyes, as long as they destroy the key ones, it's no problem. Because the whole array is a whole. If several places are destroyed, its power will be greatly reduced! "

"Oh, it seems that I'm old and confused. Elder Xiao is right. He's right, ha ha!" Lei batian smiled awkwardly and scolded himself for being old and confused, so that his brain was not smart.

Elder Xiao cangyun is right. As long as they find out several core areas and destroy them intensively, there is no need to find out the array eyes on 108 peaks.

"In that case, let's go around and see what's the key."

Gu Feng made the final decision, so the three began to wander around.

After a long search, they finally came to a consistent conclusion that the key to the whole locking array lies on the six main peaks of Tiankui peak, Tiangu peak, Tiansha peak, dikui peak, Diling peak and Digu peak. As long as the array holes above the six main peaks are destroyed, the whole locked array of Aolong mountain will be broken. Even if it won't collapse completely, it won't play much role.

"Oh, God help me!" The key to the formation was found out so quickly, and the ancient wind was really a little proud. He hurriedly said to the two people behind him, "since the key of the big array has been found out, you should hurry to arrange it. You must order everyone to be careful when doing things. Don't scare the snake!"

"I see!"

Lei batian arranged to go, but the ancient wind continued to wander with roaring clouds.

Just when the ancient wind was impatient, there was a small commotion at the mountain gate. After a little attention, the antique immediately understood what was going on. On the spot, one of his hearts suddenly beat, and the whole person was directly stupid and a little at a loss.

The reason why the ancient wind has such a big reaction is that a person he cares about has set foot on Aolong mountain.

Who's that?

That man is Gu Xiaotian, the son Gu Feng has been looking for!

In fact, Gu Feng doesn't know his son, because he hasn't seen his son several times since he was born. Gu Feng knew that his son was coming because he heard many people talking like this.

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