Gu Feng took the lead in winning a championship. Bai Changlao informed zongmen of the good news for the first time. For a time, the whole wuliangzong also fell into a celebration.

The group of children from Dali City even ran around the zongmen to tell each other, for fear that others might not know.

Someone inside the door won the championship in the Qunying club. This is a sign that the door is going to be prosperous. How can it not make people happy? Especially the senior elders. They really think for the sake of zongmen and give their whole life to zongmen. The power of zongmen is what they want to see most.

At this time, there were several elders in the residence of the patriarch Zhuge Changfeng. They were happy and frowned deeply at the same time.

Among these people are the patriarch Zhuge Changfeng, the elder guarding the pavilion, and three elders who participated in the battle of Dali city. They are both sad and happy.

I saw the elder guarding the pavilion bow his hand to Zhuge Changfeng and say, "Lord, although a talented disciple is important to our sect, a taboo person is a great disaster. Guan's second son is only seven years old, but he has such achievements. If he really allows his development and growth, it is inevitable that he will really have the ability to bring disaster to the world in the future. My suggestion is to get rid of it and never have future trouble. "

The words of the elder guarding the pavilion were very sharp, which made the atmosphere at the scene very depressed. Zhuge Changfeng did not speak, and the other three elders also did not speak, all with frost on their faces.

I saw the elder guarding the pavilion continue to say, "if we just sit and ignore it, and he really overturns the world in the future, then we are sinners in the whole world. How can we face our founder? At that time, don't say that it will make wuliangzong happy. It is estimated that it is impossible to even preserve it. It will be ruthlessly annihilated in the dust. "

"It has been said since ancient times that demon stars appear, taboos appear, and heaven and earth are robbed! This sentence is not groundless. There are records in various ancient books. At the end of the last era, the sky was shining on ten days, and finally the whole universe was overturned. If it weren't for a great Yu emperor to suppress the nine demons, where would there be our present Kyushu mainland? "

The words of the elder guarding the pavilion severely stimulated several people again, and their faces became more and more ugly.

They believed in the glory of the ten days at the end of the last era, and they were even more afraid of taboos. The legend of taboo has existed since ancient times. He can bury heaven and earth, subvert heaven and earth, and end the era. Who talks about it?

"Are you sure that the second son is the legendary taboo? You know, this is a rare talent disciple of wuliangzong. His potential is far greater than the cold lone star, and his future achievements are unlimited. " Zhuge Changfeng is talking about the ancient wind, which was saved by their death in Dali City four years ago. He is reluctant to believe that the ancient wind is the taboo person who will bury heaven and earth in the legend.

"Yes, I think the second son has a good mind. He has a childlike heart for a moment. He doesn't look like a cold and ruthless taboo." One of the three elders also spoke. They really like ancient customs and don't want to believe that he is a taboo person.

If the ancient custom is really taboo, it is likely to be disposed of by the Pope, strangled and never suffered.

The elder guarding the pavilion sighed heavily and said, "I also know that the second son's talent is rare, but the more demonic his talent is, the more it can prove that he is the taboo person. When the demon star appeared, it was seven years ago, and the second son was just seven years old this year. The time can be completely right. "

"On the night when the demon star appeared, we saw with our own eyes that a bright red train came out from the demon star and went straight to the Baihua valley of our boundless mountains, which shows that the demon star was born in Baihua valley. Baihua Valley is only ten thousand miles away from Dali city. His parents are extraordinary figures. It is entirely possible to bring him to Dali city after his birth. However, I once saw that practice on the second son, which was the same as the Qi machine emitted by the demon star that day. Not only me but also his master Bai Changlao are the people who have seen this red practice with their own eyes. "

The elder guarding the pavilion stopped talking after saying a lot of words. He believed that the people in front of him actually believed it in their hearts, but he was still a little hesitant.

Finally, Zhuge Changfeng said, "wait until you return to zongmen this time. At that time, hold a Presbyterian assembly. What to do, or wait for the assembly to make a decision."


Gu Feng won the championship. After the people were a little less happy, Bai Changlao came to Gu Feng's room and said to Gu Feng, "now your Dabi is over. Do you remember what I told you before? You can leave now. It's a big world. You'll have a good time. One can sharpen oneself, the other can increase knowledge. "

However, Gu Feng shook his head and said, "no, elder Bai, I also want to participate in the competition between the golden realm. Now I am at the peak of the French sea, and I have the strength to fight. If I can still win a gold body realm champion and come back, isn't there light on our whole wuliangzong? "

Gu Feng wondered why Bai Changlao repeatedly asked him to go out for experience. Is there any reason?

He was reluctant to leave. Wuliangzong had his friends and brothers, and it was his only home now. He didn't want to give up all the people and go.

"Ah! Well, you're going to participate in the Dabi in the golden body realm. I won't stop you, but you have to go out to practice by yourself after the Dabi is over. You're not allowed to go back to the sect. "

"Why? Why don't you let me go back? " A pair of smart big eyes of the ancient wind kept blinking and looked confused.

"Where did it come from? Why? Tell you not to go back, you don't go back! "

"Well... What if I was caught by that strange uncle after I left you? If I were caught by him, you would have no apprentice. "

The strange uncle in Gufeng's mouth is about the middle-aged man, a divine figure who has surpassed the boundary of Shenqiao.

Bai Chang was too old to say a word. He threw his sleeves and left. The ancient wind is also true. If you are really caught by that God, with the taboo identity of the ancient wind, you may be doomed.

Ancient wind is now at the peak of the French sea, and its strength has improved by leaps and bounds. There are three kinds of mana with different attributes in his body, each churning and roaring endlessly. Although there is only one Fahai, it is the top three others.

At the peak of Fahai realm, his physical body is also extremely strong. His physical body is no less powerful than many Jinsheng realm disciples who have melted their veins.

With current strength, I am really qualified to compete with those golden body realm disciples.

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