After learning about these situations, Changsheng resolutely changed his surname. He despised Gu.

This is the main reason why Changsheng hates the two brothers and repeatedly pesters them to attack and kill.

He hated his father and his other women and children. He believed that it was because of those women and two brothers that his mother and aunt kept an empty room and looked at each other over the watchtower day by day.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaotian, the eldest son of ancient wind, is worthy of being a brother. After learning the accumulated resentment in his third brother's heart, he tried every means to resolve it and persuade him. Finally, he calmed down Changsheng and agreed to sit down and wait for his father's return and give a perfect explanation.


On this day, the ancient wind returned. Because he wanted to give nalanjing a formal title too much, he took the lead in sending back the news of his return, which made the Qingtian divine court boiling inside and outside!

Both old and new believers, those who are in seclusion, or those who travel abroad, have all returned. More than one million people gathered at the mountain gate and looked forward to it.

Among them, there are young children who are willing to sit down and resolve their grievances.

In people's anxious waiting, the ancient style and its high-profile way have returned.

He stepped on colorful auspicious clouds, took nalanjing's waist with his hand, smiled and strode back from the end of the sky.

After seeing the ancient wind, the congregation of the divine court was excited, boiling and cheering.

At this time, the scene can be said to be very exciting. Everyone is cheering and shouting. People are like welcoming heroes to meet the ancient style. Except for one person, the whole face collapsed after seeing the ancient style, that is longevity!

Nalanjing was a complete stranger to him. Originally, he believed that his father was an infatuated good man with a trace of fantasy, but at this time, he saw his father coming back with a strange woman in his arms. How could he accept it?

Although he was angry, Changsheng also knew that today's occasion was special, so he couldn't bear it. In this way, he looked at his father with an iron blue face.

"Hahaha, I'm back, I'm back!"

Far away, the ancient wind laughed, which can be said to be in a good mood.

He was really frightened when he saw the scale. He might have been surprised if he had not been briefly informed of the current situation when notifying Lei batian and others to meet him.

"Welcome the return of the leader!"

Gu Xiaotian led the team and knelt down directly.

Then, millions of people knelt down and shouted, and the scene was quite spectacular.

"Hahaha, good good, my God court is prosperous, and great events can be expected!"

The ancient wind was still laughing with excitement. He didn't notice the youth in a corner and didn't kneel down at all.

To tell the truth, although he is not very satisfied with the development direction of the divine court and the ancient customs, this is what his son has delegated power to do. What can he say?

Fortunately, a "war gate" organization has been retained in the shrine. This organization will carry out their teachings and beliefs to the end and strive to embark on the road of cutting heaven.

The members of the war gate are basically old members, which is the core elite. Gu Xiaotian has made rules. Anyone who wants to enter the war gate must pass a strict assessment, and must be absolutely loyal to the divine court.

In fact, after entering the divine court, everyone takes entering the war gate as the ultimate goal. They are proud to be a member of the war gate.

Gufeng and nalanjing were surrounded by a large group of people and entered the mountain gate. At this time, they were praised by the stars.

When we came to the central square, the ancient wind still took nalanjing's waist and stepped on a high platform. He glanced at all the congregations, then said in a loud voice with a smile: "as the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king for a day, and a home cannot be without a master for a day. Similarly, although our Qingtian divine court has a leader and a son of heaven, it lacks a godmother... Now I announce that the nalanjing fairy beside me has officially become the godmother of my Qingtian divine court. Later, like the son of heaven, she enjoys absolute supreme rights. Seeing her is like seeing me... "

Finally, it was announced, and the ancient wind's heart was much happier all of a sudden. The reason why he can't wait to announce nalanjing's identity is that he feels he owes nalanjing too much.

Since they knew each other, nalanjing guarded him like a big sister. Decades ago, in order to have the ability to continue to protect the ancient customs, nalanjing went to the demon world alone and did not hesitate to become a female demon head who shouted to fight and kill!

It can be said that her sacrifice was great enough to love the ancient style. At this time, she was granted godmother, which was absolutely affordable.

The announcement of the ancient wind is abrupt for the members of the divine court. Almost all the elders' faces suddenly changed. Even Gu Xiaotian's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and the secret way was going to be bad.

Although the congregation present was stunned and surprised, they all knelt down and shouted "godmother Hongfu" together.

However, just then, a very discordant sneer began: "godmother? Ha ha ha, that's a joke. It's just a wild woman. Can she be the godmother of the divine court? "

Then I saw a young man stride onto the high platform, it was longevity.

He didn't come up empty handed, but with a bloody spear in his hand.


On the spot, Gu Feng's eyebrows were wrinkled. The young son appeared here for the first time, which surprised him.

Then, the ancient wind's eyes fell on the longevity spear. He became angry on the spot and roared, "what do you want to do, rebel? Who did you call a wild woman just now? "

"Rebel? I bah, my name is Nie Changsheng, not your son Gu Changsheng! " After that, Changsheng suddenly shook his spear, and the spear point was pointing at nalanjing. The next second, he moved and the spear danced like a rainstorm pear. The endless spear edge finally turned into a little, straight to nalanjing's throat.

At the same time, he scolded: "I want to see what evil you are, a wild woman. How dare you come out to charm people!"


Gu Feng is angry, which can be said to be uncontrollable. He just wanted to slap and shout in the past, but he saw that the void around him suddenly fluctuated. Then three dark shadows came out one after another, and the brush blocked the hate killing of Changsheng.

Two more breaths, the three figures that suddenly burst out, subdued Changsheng. The spear was lifted, his divine power was sealed, and a sharp sword was put on his neck.

"Pro guard!"


On the spot, many people took a breath, and people reacted that there were pro guards around the ancient wind at any time. No matter who wants to fight against the ancient style, there will be pro guards to take the lead!

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