It seems that Bo Miao didn't finish his words at all. That man will not only subvert the rule of the Cang family, but also... What will he do?

That's the point, but no one dares to think further, because it really matters too much.

Count Boku became very serious and asked tentatively, "bomiao, do you think the man is... Demon star?"

As soon as the demon star two words were exported, the people in the hall sucked cold again. Even if they are members of the Cang family, they also have a deep fear of the demon star.

Everyone's eyes fell on Bo Miao again. How they wanted Bo Miao to shake his head, but Bo Miao not only shook his head, but also nodded, and said with great certainty: "yes, that man is a demon star, and he is not an ordinary demon star. So many of you can't kill them, which is enough to illustrate that he has great luck, his mission is not exhausted, and he can't die... "

At this point, Bo Miao said no more, because his other eye began to rot and then went blind. Black pus came out of his eyes, which smelled very fishy. It looked terrible!

After seeing this scene, the others in the hall were all frightened to breathe again. Bo Miao has been punished for revealing the secret, which shows that what he said is true - that man is the demon star!

Demon star, who can be afraid? Of course, the Cang family will not be afraid of the false demon star. What they are afraid of is the real demon star like the ancient wind!

At the end of the last era, the demon star of Emperor Yu was born in the sky, which didn't make the Cang family suffer less.

"Bo Miao, please shut up for a while. It's very important at this time. You have to report it!"

Boku stood up. With a big hand, he stopped bomiao's words. At the same time, he said to the people in the hall, "remember, if anyone dares to spread what he just heard, he will bear the consequences!"

Boku was still cold and domineering, and immediately began to block the news. Because in his opinion, the demon star is too big for him to make a decision.

Next, bomiao, who had lost his eyes, was taken by Boku to a higher Hall of their "Bo family" and met a higher-level principal. The higher-level principal was well aware of the importance of the matter and did not dare to report it again.

Within a few days, all the more than 100 core clans of the Cang family knew about it, so they all sat together and discussed it together.

At this time, an old man with a purple mark in the center of his eyebrows looked at Bo Miao who was blind and asked, "Bo Miao, are you sure that man is the reincarnation of the demon star?"

The purple mark indicates that this person's blood is the most rich and pure. Such a person has the highest status in the Cang family.

Bo Miao bowed respectfully to the man and said, "back to the head of the Lu family, I have lost my eyes because of the revelation. How can I be false?"

In his words, an old man not far from Bo Miao also stroked his beard and nodded: "in my opinion, Bo Miao's words are credible, because I have asked someone to deduce them several times in private. Anyone who deduces that person will either be unable to figure it out or will be backfired! "

Many people in the audience nodded secretly, because in these days, there are many people who are good at deduction and are calculating ancient customs. But anyone who has the ability to calculate the conclusion is basically the same - the ancient style is the demon star!

Seeing that no one questioned his words, Bo Miao's heart was also relaxed. Then, he arched his hands and said to everyone present, "I believe you should know the importance of demon stars without me saying more, clan leaders? If the demon star is not eliminated, it is not only about the survival of our Cang family, but also about... You all know, I don't know. So I suggest setting up a Dharma altar immediately, calculating the position of the demon star, and doing everything possible to get rid of it! "

Demon star is not only about the life and death of the Cang family, but also about what?

The answer is the control of heaven, that is, the survival of God. Because everyone knows that the presence of the demon star means the end and replacement of the way of heaven. If the demon star is not eliminated, there is a great chance to replace the original rule of the way of heaven.

And who was the original rule? That is the "old ancestor" of the whole Cang nationality. Therefore, for the whole Cang nationality, it is a taboo topic, so we can't speak clearly, we can only understand.

"Bo Miao, it seems that I have heard you say that the demon star and the body have great luck and great mission. How can the body die before the mission is finished? "

This time I asked, it was another master of the purple mark.

Facing the man's inquiry, Bo Miao became respectful again and bowed to the man: "patriarch Zhong, do you know about Emperor Dayu? He was also a demon star reincarnation. He also had a great mission, but didn't he die in the end? He didn't accomplish his mission! "

"Emperor Yu?"

Wen Yan, everyone here has changed color, because the word "Dayu emperor" has almost become a taboo word for the whole Cang nationality. At the end of the last era, Emperor Yu almost destroyed the Cang nationality. The whole Cang nationality will turn pale at the mention of emperor Dayu.

"Yes, it's the great Yu emperor. You must have seen his prestige from various classics. He was also a man with great luck and great mission, but he died in the end. Why? That's because he was changed and deprived of his luck! " Bo Miao Lang said.

"Change your life style and seize your luck?"

On the spot, the people sitting there sucked cold air one after another. This time, they were really shocked.

Another clan leader said, "although there is such a record in some ancient books, you have to understand one thing. That man is a demon star. Who can change his life style? Who can deprive him of his fortune? "

Then, in the hall, there was a commotion immediately, and hundreds of people here whispered.

It's true that demon star is a person who jumps out of the control of heaven. Can such a person be changed?

However, there is indeed such a record on the ancient books of the Cang nationality. It is said that the reason why emperor Dayu finally died and failed to change the sky was precisely because he was changed his life style and deprived of his good fortune.

Therefore, Bo Miao shouted again, "do you think this is a waste? In my opinion, there is no shortage at all, because the matter of Emperor Yu is right there. In my opinion, we can at least have a try, because the demon star has not yet grown up. It's relatively easier to change his life. "

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