The peach blossom forest is not too large, only dozens of mu of land. The strong aroma of wine comes from the peach blossom forest.

"Peach blossom wine? Is the wine here made of peach blossom? "

Seeing this peach blossom forest, the ancient wind thought of the scene when he was in the holy land. At that time, he often had wine with the ten kings of the world. Isn't the wine he drank made by peach blossom immortals?

I remember the ancient style clearly. The peach blossom wine is very precious. Only the wood is clear. In those days, it took us a lot of effort to get this peach blossom wine from Mu Qingqing.

"Well, well, the peach blossom wine is good. I'd like to try it. Is it the peach blossom wine brewed by the dean or the peach blossom wine here?"

Far away, the ancient wind saw a row of huts, and the strong aroma of wine came from the huts. Just as he wanted to visit, he heard a singing voice from the hut:

Peach blossom nunnery in peach blossom stronghold, Peach Blossom Fairy under peach blossom nunnery.

Peach blossom immortals grow peach trees and pick peach flowers for wine money.

When you wake up, you only sit in front of the flowers. When you are drunk, you come to spend the rest.

Half drunk and half awake, day after day, flowers bloom year after year.

Live and dream of death in the flower and wine room, do not seek longevity, do not envy immortals.

The world is busy seeking the way, but its will will will be destroyed before it is fruitless.

If you compare a Taoist to a drunkard, one is on the flat ground and the other is in the sky.

If I compare flowers and wine to fruit, why do I have nothing to do.

Others laugh that I'm too crazy. I laugh that others can't see through.

There are no tombs of heroes in the Wuling, no flowers, no wine, hoeing fields.

"This is... A good poem, a good poem, a good poem!"

Gu Feng was stunned, and he fell deeply into the artistic conception of this poem.

What is immortality? What is Tao? People in this world seek long life for Tao, but how many people get what they want? On the road of monasticism, people often die before they see longevity, or they are disabled before they have ambition, and several people enjoy real leisure.

Perhaps, only the artistic conception described in this poem is really carefree?

"Well, what a 'drunken life and dream of death in the flower and wine room, do not seek longevity and do not envy Immortals', admire the ancient style, but ask for a glimpse!"

The ancient wind really likes this poem because he hears the big ideas reflected in it. What is free and easy, what is carefree? Only the realm of "only sitting in front of flowers when drunk and sleeping under flowers when drunk" is really free and easy, and this is the real freedom.

What's the use of longevity? Why do you seek the Tao so hard? I am free and unfettered, I am crazy, I only laugh that you can't see through!

This is the real freedom and freedom.


The wooden door of the hut was opened, and an old man in white robe, holding the door frame in his hand, half narrowed his eyes and looked at the ancient style.

After half a ring, he said something that made the ancient wind spit blood.

He said, "where do beggars dare to comment on my poetry? Go, go, I have no leftovers to give you! "

After that, the wooden door was closed with a "creak".

"This... Beggar? I'm a beggar here to beg? "

The ancient wind was silly, and the whole person was stunned in an instant. He is a frightening taboo demon star. He is the leader of Qingtian sect, a super big Mac. How can he become a beggar now?

After a burst of stupidity, Gu Feng waved his hand and immediately appeared a bronze mirror in front of him. Under this light, he was stupid again. After half a ring, he couldn't help laughing!

No wonder the old man said he was a beggar. At this time, he was unkempt and his whole head was in a chicken nest. Not to mention, even his white robe had already become gray black. It was not only full of dust, but also ragged, but also had a pungent smell.

His face is very flowery and dirty, which completely covers his original face. Coupled with that messy chicken nest hairstyle, isn't it a living beggar?

"Old man, I'm not a beggar. I'm not here to beg, but my wine gourd is empty. I want to beg for some wine!"

Although he was misunderstood by others as a beggar, the ancient style was not angry, nor did he change his image. He giggled and went straight to the row of huts.

Bang bang!

The ancient wind patted the wooden door hard. It seemed a little anxious.

He continued to shout: "old man, I'm really not a beggar. I just want to beg for some wine. My wine gourd is empty. Since everyone is a good drinker, why do you shut me out like this? "


The wooden door opened again. The old man in white robe suddenly put his head together. He stared round his eyes and roared at the ancient wind: "wine? You beg me for wine? Wine? Go, go, go, I have no wine, no wine! "

The old man seemed very impatient. He didn't let the ancient wind into the house at all. After a word, he had to close the door to see off the guests.

This is amazing. The wine bug of the ancient wind has been hooked out. How can you stop if you can't drink wine?

So he put his hand in on the spot, stuck it in the crack of the door that was about to close, and quickly shouted, "Sir, at least you have lived a long time. Why are you so unreasonable? You, the fragrance of wine, fluttering for hundreds of miles, have already hooked out my wine bug. If you don't give me a drink, can you drive me away? Your room is full of wine, but you say you don't have wine. Aren't you bullying honest people? "

"No wine, no wine, I said no, just No. There's something wrong with your nose. Where's the smell of wine? Go, go, go, go! "

The old man is still sophistry, but he stubbornly pushed out the ancient style. Then the wooden door was closed with a bang, leaving the ancient style alone in the wind.

"You... You are cruel!"

After wandering around the door for several times, he shouted inside, "what else do you say, 'others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I can't see through it?' I thought you were really an elegant hermit who saw through vanity, but you were also a vulgar person who judged people by appearance. It's just a pity that you have a good poem, and you are blind to a good poem! "

After a good taunt, the ancient wind played helplessly and sat down in front of the wooden door. It seems that if the people inside don't give wine, he won't go.

These words of the ancient style seem to stimulate the old people inside. As soon as the old wind sat down, the old man inside scolded: "bullshit, how can I become a vulgar man? Is it because I didn't give you a drink? "

"That is, if you don't give me a drink today, you are disgusting with my appearance, and you are a vulgar person who judges people by their appearance. On the contrary, if you give me wine to drink, you will not dislike my sloppiness and filth, and you will be a great hermit who really explores the vanity! "

"You... Naughty, you are naughty!"

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