"Good song, good song, what a 'one person dares to kill his mouth and doesn't bow his head when he sees the great emperor'. Are good wine people so arrogant besides showing off?"

Gu Feng smiled. He thought of the peach blossom song sung by the wine half crazy. It was also arrogant. It makes the ancient wind sigh that these wine maniacs are really bold maniacs.

Having learned the lesson from the last time, Gu Feng knew that these good drinkers were both maniacs and misers, so he didn't intend to ask for it directly, but really planned to steal it.

After making up his mind, the ancient wind slowly hid his body into the void. He intends to lurk first and look for opportunities before starting.

When it was ready, the ancient wind immediately began to operate the heavenly eye and began to look at the Guiyun Taoist temple carefully.

The Taoist temple is not too big, even a little broken. There are only three in total, one main hall and two side halls.

To Feng's surprise, neither the main hall nor the side hall saw any statue of God, let alone any incense and offerings, as if the Taoist Guiyun was a fake Taoist.

Among the three main halls, the most stacked thing is the wine jar. It is piled up and disorderly. It seems that it doesn't seem to be an invisible residence of a Taoist expert at all, which makes the ancient wind confused for a while.

The ancient wind's eyes finally fell in the middle of the main hall, but in the center of the main hall, in addition to the wine jar, there was a beggar turning around!


No, it's not a beggar, but a little old man like a beggar.

His clothes are ragged and his hair is messy. He is no different from the beggar on the side of the road.

The little old man held a wine gourd in his hand and drank it himself. Unexpectedly, he kept turning around a big pot. Those deep and hoarse songs came from his mouth.

But when he saw the little old man, he looked up again and sang again:

Make new wine on September 9. Good wine comes from our hands. If you want to make good wine, you have to wait until September 9

The little old man sang and danced, and kept spraying wine into the pot. He looked like a God, which surprised the ancient wind. Now, he finally knows why the Taoist temple is so messy. If there is a sloppy old man like a beggar living here, can he not be messy?

The ancient wind's eyes finally fell on the big pot. Then he suddenly found that the big pot was full of peach blossoms!

"Wine made from peach blossom? Peach blossom wine? This... This little old man wants to make peach blossom wine? Is he the wine god Guiyun Taoist in the mouth of wine half crazy? The little old man doesn't have a Taoist robe. He collapses and jumps. He's a madman alive. Will he be the Dionysian Taoist

It's an ancient custom to know later. This sloppy little old man may be the Dionysian Taoist Guiyun. At this time, the old style, it can be said that the whole head was big, and he felt that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

The wine in taohualin was half crazy. It was so elegant that the ancient wind once thought that people with good wine were some elegant people. Therefore, he specially dressed himself up before he came.

However, the present Taoist Guiyun completely subverted his cognition. The little old man gave himself an elegant name, but no matter how he looked, he just couldn't match elegance... What's the matter?

"New wine on September 9? It seems that the wine brewed on this day is the best bar? " The old wind whispered. Although he was good at wine, he didn't know anything about wine. Although I don't know about wine, I have heard some saying that wine on September 9 is the best wine.

"Eh? Today seems to be September 9? "

On the spot, the corners of the ancient wind's mouth smiled and sighed that he was too lucky.

"No, when the old man has finished brewing this pot, I will steal it directly? You can drink fresh, can't you? Hey, hey! "

Gu Feng smiled treacherously and praised himself for his wisdom. He really never drank such fresh wine.

Suddenly, the antique eyebrows frowned again, and then exclaimed, "Oh, no, no, the best wine is not fresh, but old. In other words, wine is Chen's fragrance... "

The old style was embarrassed. He claimed to be a good wine man, but he didn't want to fall into a layman. He still wants to drink fresh. Should you be a vegetable? The fresher the better?

"New wine is brewed on September 9. We have all the good wine. I have good wine. You don't have good wine. Good wine is on September 9. If you want to make good wine, you need to soak it on September 9... "

The little old man's broken Gong voice sounded again, but it was a bit free and easy and uninhibited. Suddenly, the old wind felt that such an old man was in line with the temperament of the "God of wine". A man who pretends to be elegant like a wine half crazy will never get the true meaning of wine and can't become a Dionysian, an alcoholic at most.

Then, the old style was attracted by the lyrics in the old man's mouth. What did he sing?

If you want to make good wine, you need to soak it on September 9? Does this peach blossom need soaking?

Therefore, the attention of the ancient style focused on the peach blossom in the big pot. After some research, he actually found that the peach blossom had been soaked. As for how long it took, he didn't know.

The little old man still collapsed and jumped. He was talking about it. He didn't see him brewing for a long time.

As a result, the ancient wind diverted his attention, and he began to search the underground and surrounding of the Taoist temple. Because he knows that good wine is usually in the cellar. Only the wine stored in the cellar is the real good wine.

The peach blossom wine they used to drink in the holy land, which has been hoarded for 10000 years, is really good wine. For people with good wine, this kind of good wine cannot be changed.

After a good search, Gu Feng was disappointed. He didn't find the wine cellar. If you can't find the wine cellar, can't you steal it?

"Is the wine cellar hidden in the small world? If so, then steal a fart? "

Gu Feng scolded secretly. If he couldn't find the wine cellar, he would rather go back and steal half crazy wine. At least he was sure the old man wouldn't kill himself.

The little old man in front of him is hard to say. Although he looks crazy, who knows what his temperament is?

Although I haven't found it for a long time, the ancient style still hasn't given up. He actually used the Qi that can explore the origin of all falsehood. After this great action, he really found the wine cellar.

Yes, the wine cellar is directly below the Taoist temple, thousands of feet away, which is almost at the foot of the mountain.

That wine cellar is very spacious. The total area is thousands of feet square. What is alive is a underground palace.

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