The ancient wind turned into a wine half crazy, so he broke into the cellar like an underground palace.

Just after stepping into the wine cellar, the whole person of the ancient style was dizzy and had a feeling of floating.

Why? Because the strong aroma of wine is really intoxicating. Don't say it's a drink. Just smelling it makes people want to be immortal and die.

"Good wine, good wine!"

The ancient wind shook his head twice and couldn't help but praise him. If he hadn't been holding on to the wall, he would have fallen down.

"That old guy, don't you think he's singing 'drink our wine and don't walk around'? But I can't stand still before I drink it. If I drink it, I won't be drunk for three days and nights? "

The old wind slandered him, and he once again felt that these good drinkers were maniacs. In particular, Taoist Guiyun was so crazy that he dared not bow his head when he saw the great emperor

"Five thousand years, eight thousand years... No, no, good wine is still ahead!"

The old wind shook his body and walked on the wall. He was excited at the thought that so many good wines would enter his bag.

After passing through the previous Millennium level Tibetan Wine House, the ancient wind officially entered the door. He came to the door of the Tibetan wine house that is still two years away from 10000 years.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally didn't go in to harm.

He said to himself, "I think I'm an ancient style. At least I'm also the leader of Qingtian sect, who dominates dozens of states. How can I get started in ten thousand years? The wine here is two years away. No, no... "

He quickly turned his eyes to a nearby wine house. To the ancient wind's surprise, the wine hidden in this room was also his favorite peach blossom wine, and it happened to be in its early tens of thousands of years.

"Ten thousand years of peach blossom wine, I don't know how to compare with the wine made by the dean?"

The old wind murmured and moved his mind to taste wine on the spot.

So he entered the wine hiding house and really opened a wine jar.

The wine jar had just been opened, and the ancient wind was stunned. Even his face solidified instantly. Why?

Because he feels familiar with the wine!

Yes, I'm familiar with it. Isn't that the peach blossom immortal wine they got in muqingqing's hands?

As like as two peas, he felt a little bit of a dull look. He felt the taste and taste of the wine and the intensity of his taste were just like that of the peach blossom he had drunk before. It seems that the two wines are brewed by the same person, the same batch and the same pot

"How could this happen? Is there really such a coincidence in this world? " The ancient wind was startled. It just felt incredible.

For further confirmation, he quickly put down the wine jar in his hand, picked up another wine jar and looked up with a big mouthful.

Still the same, there is no difference in taste, taste and mellow degree!

Quickly opened the third jar and the fourth jar, and the results were the same. The wine here is as like as two peas before, and there is no difference.

"Is there such a coincidence in the world? Did the peach blossom immortal wine you used to drink come from here? "

Gu Feng murmured, then shook his head and smiled, only feeling a little ridiculous. In the past, the peach blossom immortal wine they drank was brewed by the yard's grown-up devil day. How could it come from here?

Besides, the two worlds are so far apart, how can there be any relationship between them?

After shaking his head and chuckling, the ancient wind stopped worrying about it.

Then he did a shameful thing, because he put all the wine in the wine house into his pocket.

He also said to himself, "since the wine here is so similar to the wine we used to drink, we can simply put it away. Next time we meet Xiang Wang and others, we can take it out for everyone to aftertaste..."

Aftertaste... The ancient style is thoughtful and generous, but there are 300 jars of wine in this wine house? Each jar is at least 20 jin. So much wine is just used to aftertaste with King Xiang and others?

Three million jars of old wine were collected by the ancient wind. Then he continued to hold the wall and went forward.

After passing a 20000 year old wine house, the antique hesitated and finally gave up because the wine in front was better.

Thirty thousand years, forty thousand years... The ancient wind didn't stop until it was fifty thousand years old.

He said to himself, "I'm the leader of Qingtian sect, which dominates dozens of states. How can I start with 50000 years of wine? Ha ha! "

With a big hand, all the wine in the wine house entered the bag, more than 80 jars!

The next room, fifty-five thousand years, seventy altars, received; Sixty two thousand years old, fifty-two jars, collected... More than ten wine houses have been emptied in a row, and the antique purse is bulging.

At this time, he trembled and came to the last wine hiding house.

There are only eight wine jars in this wine house. The wine here has been treasured for more than 100000 years.

It can be said that the value of these eight jars of wine is unimaginable. If you put it out, it is estimated that any SIP will be invaluable.

"Such a good wine is worth dying if you can taste it!"

Gu Feng's eyes stared round. After a burst of excitement in his heart, he finally stepped towards a wine jar


The cover was lifted, and a strong smell of wine immediately came out.

Just for a moment, Gu Feng's body suddenly staggered and nearly fell down.

He shook his head twice, and then he forced himself to stand still.

He said to himself with a ferocious face: "good wine, good wine. If a good man can't die in the battle, he should also die in the wine room. Drink it, even if you die, it will be a good story forever! "

When he finished, he really looked up and poured it into his mouth.

I saw that the clear and bright wine splashed into his mouth, but most of it was spilled on the ground because of the hurry

Suddenly, Gu Feng's whole body froze, his eyes stared round, and then he leaned back straight.

At the same time, with the sound of "bang Dang", the wine jar fell to the ground. The tile wine jar was broken, and all the more than ten kilograms of wine in it were scattered

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