The old custom at this moment was really angry, and even he wanted to kick at the pro guards.

Five true immortals are around, but they just let several assassins at the level of little saints get their hands. If this is spread, won't people laugh off their big teeth? The ancient wind wants to ask, how do they act as guards? It can be said that this is a serious dereliction of duty.

"Sister, sister, what's the matter with you? Get up, get up, you can't just leave me... Wuwu... "

Fu Xueqin could no longer control her emotions. She broke away from the embrace of the ancient style and threw herself directly on her sister. She cried so hard that she was devastated.

Seeing Fu Xueqin crying so sad, the ancient wind's heart is also very uncomfortable, as if the whole heart had been broken. He stroked Xuelian's cheek, sad and angry. The whole body was shaking slightly.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He opened the crying Fu Xueqin, then hugged Fu Xuelian's body and went straight to the door.

Shouted: "Dionysus, help, Dionysus, get up and help!"

Originally, he thought that Dionysus was the fairy king. Normally, Xuelian is dead and unable to return to heaven, but Dionysus is the legendary fairy king. Maybe he will have a way?

The five Pro guards also thought of this, so they hurried out.

Gu Feng came to the square of the main hall with a lucky heart, but he saw that the door of the hall was still closed and couldn't help but be anxious. So, he shouted on the spot: "Dionysian help, Dionysian come out to help!"

The ancient wind held the gradually cold attached snow lotus and kept shouting, with unspeakable grief in his heart. He knew Fu Xuelian for no more than two hours, but even so, Fu Xuelian still gave his life for himself.

Five Pro guards knelt down, and sister Xueqin also knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. She kept begging, but the door of the main hall was still closed. What makes people desperate is that everyone heard the snore of "snoring" coming from there!

The God of wine is indeed inside. It's a pity that he is really as drunk as the old wind said. He snored so loudly that he turned a deaf ear to the cries and cries outside.

Gu Feng was silly and even desperate. At this moment, he wanted to rush in recklessly. However, the God of wine had said in advance that he was absolutely not allowed to step into the main hall without permission. If he really wandered in and angered the old man, he might have to be thrown directly into the pot.

But now it's a matter of human life. Can you care so much?

"Since Xuelian didn't think so much at the moment when she saved me, why should I have too many concerns?"

Thinking of this, the ancient wind couldn't care so much anymore. He picked up Xuelian's body and rushed directly into the hall door.

This frightened the five Pro guards. They knew the old man's rules and temper. The ancient wind directly broke into Guiyun hall. What's the difference between breaking into hell hall?

So he dissuaded on the spot: "the leader can't, please think twice!"

"Go away, I don't want to see you now."

Gu Feng scolded five Pro guards without looking back, and then continued to walk without scruples.

And Fu Xueqin wiped a tear and followed.

When he came to the main hall, Gu Feng was so angry that he trembled. At first glance, it was a mess. The whole hall was full of strong wine. Needless to say, the ground was full of wine jars. What was alive was a garbage dump, which made people unable to get off at all. Look at the God of wine, he has no image at all. Wine lies flat on the ground, snoring is still, and he is an old beggar who has died of sleep!

Gu Feng put Xuelian's body on the ground, held back his anger and began to call the God of wine: "wine is the great God. Wake up, Lord God of wine. I have something urgent to find you!"

Fortunately, although Dionysus slept very hard, he finally woke up after a violent shake of the ancient wind.

He was still bleary eyed and didn't react to what had happened. After rubbing his eyes, he pointed to the antique nose and asked, "you... How did you come to me? Didn't I say that without my call, you are forbidden to step into my cloud returning hall? "

"God of wine, stop your anger. It's really damned that the ancient wind broke into the Guiyun Hall tonight, but it really happened for a reason. Please use your anti heaven means to save the girl's life."

Then the ancient wind bowed down to the God of wine. After getting up, he said, "Lord Dionysus, the ancient wind knows that he is guilty. After that, I am willing to accept any punishment!" He bowed again.

Until this time, Dionysian's drowsiness and drunkenness were sober. He noticed the gradually cold attached snow lotus lying on the ground.

Just a simple glance, he shook his head slowly and said, "it's too late. You sent it too late. The girl has already died!"

"Ah... Impossible, impossible, how could my sister die? How could my sister die? "

As soon as the Dionysian's words fell, Xueqin couldn't help crying. She grabbed her sister's arm, shook it violently again, and cried, "sister, how can you die? You said, no matter how hard the days are, we must survive, because one day our happiness will come. Seeing that your wish is coming true, why did you leave... Sister... "

Crying is very emotional. It teaches people to break their liver and intestines. It can be said that those who see are sad and those who listen are crying.

"Dionysus, is there really no way? Please! " Once the ancient wind worshipped again, the whole heart was broken again.

"Hey, it's not that I don't want to help you. Her spirit has already been cut off. How do you want me to help? The person who took the shot was a little saint, and she was in the holy palace. Such a big cultivation can kill in an instant. Who can save her? "

The God of wine also roared, and his words made the ancient wind fall into the ice cellar.

Did you really just watch her die?

"No, no, you can't let her die. There must be a way!" Suddenly, Gu Feng looked up at Dionysus and said, "Dionysus, this girl died to save me. I can't owe her because I can't afford it. I know you must have a way to save her. I'm willing to pay all the price, even if I break into the underworld! "

"Break into hell? Just you? "

Smelling the speech, both Dionysian and piano students stared round their eyes, indicating that it was incredible.

The Dionysian glared angrily and said, "it can be said that those who don't know are fearless. Does the underworld say to break in? The more powerful the cultivation is, the more dangerous it is for people to enter. Do you know that? The underworld is a Xumi world integrating Yin, bad luck, hostility and all bad things. If you want to travel safely, you must have good luck and strong Qi. Do you have any? If you go to hell in your current state, you don't know how to die. "

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