On the list, there are 108 kinds of medicinal materials, of which 48 are fairy medicines, and the other 60 are top divine medicines.

The ancient wind couldn't pick the magic medicine, so he had to pick the magic medicine first. Sixty kinds of divine medicines were fully picked after noon, but the ancient wind was exhausted.

Gu Feng came to Dionysus with a medicine basket style space magic weapon in his hand, and said, "Dionysus, all the magic drugs have been picked, but the fairy medicine..."

"Fairy medicine, I'll do it myself!"

While talking, Dionysian took the medicine basket in Gufeng's hand and looked inside for a long time before he showed a satisfied smile.

Said: "yes, you are still in place for the control of the year. Although there are 60 kinds of magic drugs, you haven't made any mistakes."

It's rare that Dionysus is praising ancient customs, which makes him happy. It's rare to see Dionysus in a good mood, so Gu Feng didn't want to waste, so he quickly said: "Dionysus, when cleaning up the side hall in the morning, Xueqin told me that she really wanted to worship under your door. What do you think?"

"Does that girl want to be my disciple?" After hearing the speech, the God of wine frowned on the spot and pondered for a long time, he slowly shook his head and said, "no, I can only make wine, not teach people to fight and kill!"

"...." the old wind was speechless on the spot. His mouth was flat for a long time. He just didn't know how to answer.

You don't know how to fight and kill. Did you come for nothing?

Obviously, this is just a wording. It seems that Dionysus doesn't want to accept disciples at all.

Thinking of this, Gu Feng sighed helplessly and couldn't help feeling sorry for Xueqin.

I think so. It's also right that Dionysus doesn't accept disciples. It can be said that people who want to worship under the door of Dionysus in several large states can probably row to the horizon. Why can Xueqin be selected by Dionysus?

Next, the ancient wind was a thorough insight, because he was really exposed to the legendary elixir.

The God of wine picked the fairy medicine, but after picking it, he handed it all to the ancient wind, and the ancient wind put them into the medicine basket one by one.

Every fairy medicine will be smelled and seen by the ancient wind. I just want to bite a few more. This is a fairy medicine. It usually only appears in legends. How can you not be excited when you suddenly hold so many things in your hand?

Forty eight kinds of fairy medicines were soon picked by the God of wine. Since then, the 108 kinds of medicinal materials needed for Jiuqu have been complete.

Gu Feng thought it was over so that he could go back. But at this time, he took out a formula to Gu Feng and said, "don't worry, there is another formula here. Collect this formula before you go."

"Another one? What formula is this? "

Gu Feng took over the formula curiously. He just glanced at it and knew that this one was not a prescription for making Jiuqu, because there was not even the least Jiuxin grass in it. The medicinal materials on this list are very different from the list just now. Ancient customs even suspect that this list has nothing to do with wine.

Sure enough, the God of wine then opened his mouth and said, "this list is for alchemy."

"Alchemy? Most of the above records are fairy medicines. If they are refined, will they be the legendary elixir? "

"Fairy pill?"

Dionysus took a funny look at the ancient style, but did not answer. He still collected the magic medicine by himself, but let the ancient wind pick the magic medicine by himself.

When this list was picked, the sun in the sky finally pulled up the red glow, and today is almost over.

Gu Feng thought that the God of wine would close the door and prepare wine songs by himself. He never thought that the God of wine called him to the Guiyun hall for the first time.

The wine jars all over the ground were cleaned up with a wave of the God of wine's big hand. Then, he took out a one person high gossip Dan stove.

After sitting on the site, he said to the ancient wind, "the reason why wine can become wine is inseparable from this wine song. The quality of koji directly affects the quality of wine. Therefore, if you want to learn how to make wine, you must first learn how to prepare Jiuqu... "

The God of wine didn't say anything more. He opened the Dan stove, and then began to put in herbs again and again.

His process is not very fast, let alone the slightest deliberate cover up, as if he was deliberately demonstrating to the ancient style.

In an instant, the ancient wind was confused.

What's the situation? Will Dionysus teach himself to make wine?

Dionysus is showing himself. If he doesn't see it, isn't he a fool?

Thinking of this, the ancient wind immediately stared round his eyes and began to remember the whole process very seriously.

At this time, Gu Feng finally understood why Dionysus gave himself such an important recipe list. It turned out that he didn't want to tease himself, but really wanted to teach his skills. He first gave the recipe to himself, and now demonstrated himself. Even if the old wind is a fool, he can understand Baijiu's intention. He is really teaching himself to brew wine.

The ancient custom at this time can be described as a burst of ecstasy. Dionysus teaches himself to make wine. What does that mean? Doesn't this mean that he has regarded himself as a descendant?

Dionysus is the legendary fairy king. If he really had such an ox breaking master, would he still be afraid of Boku and morwen?

Gu Feng's heart couldn't be calm for a long time. He sighed that he really came to the right place, and even he began to appreciate the wine half crazy. How could ancient customs come here without the encouragement of wine and half madness?

It doesn't matter whether the Dionysian teaches the ancient style of wine making or not. It doesn't matter whether the Dionysian accepts him as an apprentice. What the ancient style most expects is that the Dionysian can help him restore his luck and life style.

It took more than two hours to finish the process of putting herbs. Although there are many mysteries, the ancient style still firmly wrote down the whole process.

Then, the God of wine said to the ancient wind, "in addition to the previous delivery process, what is left is the heat and time. Feel it yourself! "

Then, Dionysus began to concentrate on controlling the fire again. The strength of the fire was not concealed at all. It was completely presented in front of the ancient wind, and the ancient wind was palpitating.

About two more hours later, the God of wine stopped, got up and said to the ancient wind, "that's good. This time, the quality of Jiuqu is excellent to ensure that good wine can be produced."

With that, the God of wine directly opened the Dan stove, and suddenly a strong aroma of wine floated out of it. For a moment, the ancient wind mistook the Dan stove for a big pot of wine making, because the wine smell inside was too strong.

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