"It's not difficult to refine the pill, but there are not enough herbs?"

The ancient wind played with the broken elixir in his hand and sighed slightly in his heart. The efficacy of the broken fairy pill is so rebellious. If the real energy source is continuously produced, it is simply contrary to the harmony of heaven.

The last time he collected medicinal materials, Gu Feng was personally involved. He deeply knew how difficult the medicinal materials were. There were more than a dozen kinds of fairy medicines. That is, Dionysus has such a thick family background. Who else can take it out?

However, the ancient wind was wrong, but he saw the Dionysian shaking his head slightly and said, "it may be difficult for a certain family to collect medicinal materials, but if they are collected publicly, they can come up with a lot. Therefore, the prescription and refining method I gave you are very helpful to you. In the future, you can really use this broken fairy pill to make a lot of real immortals for the divine court. "

"Really? These herbs will not be too troublesome to collect? "

"It won't be too much trouble. Those real immortals may have limited collection, but some hidden immortals, maybe some people's medicine garden is richer than mine. Therefore, it's not difficult for you to collect the medicinal materials of broken fairy pill. "

Dionysus nodded affirmatively and made Gu Feng laugh on the spot. If there is no medicine, the pill in his hand is a piece of waste paper.

Suddenly, Gu Feng stopped smiling, stared at the broken fairy pill in his hand and said, "Dionysus, since there is a treasure pill in hand, what are we waiting for? I'm going to attack the advanced level now, and you can protect the Dharma for me! "

The ancient wind is really a little impatient. The disaster of heaven and earth is coming. He urgently hopes to improve his strength.

However, the wine god shook his head slightly and said, "don't you want to witness the effect of this pill first? In my opinion, you'd better find someone to test it first. After all, I haven't given this pill to anyone. How about the specific efficacy? Kelp observation! "


Gu Feng was stunned, and then his whole face turned black. It's been a long time. I'm not sure whether this pill is effective or not?

Seeing that the ancient wind gradually showed a disappointed expression, Dionysus took the pill and said with a smile: "the broken fairy pill is so precious, don't you want to make the best use of it? Those sects are still hesitant about the merger. Therefore, you can use this pill as a catalyst. As long as anyone is willing to take the lead in the merger, you will reward one. On the one hand, it can strengthen the efficacy of pills, and on the other hand, it can let others see the details of Qingtian shenting. Why not do such a thing with one stone and more? "

Smelling the speech, the corners of the ancient wind's mouth slowly showed a smile. Quickly saluted the God of wine and said gratefully, "Lord God of wine has been planning for me. Ancient wind is really grateful!"

Dionysus was thoughtful and had to be admired by the ancient style. If those great powers know that after they merge into the divine court, they will not worry about breaking through the real immortal. Who doesn't want to?

Next, Gu Feng really adopted the suggestion of Dionysus. He arranged his hands and colluded with the big forces one by one.

First of all, Lei batian and Gu Xiaotian found song Heyun, the supreme elder of Liuyun sect. When the other party learned that he had joined the divine court, the descendants of the door could impact the real immortal realm without any worry, the whole was shocked.

Does this not mean that joining the divine court is for the welfare of the whole sect? If this is true, isn't it a great blessing?

Song Heyun is a smart man. When Lei batian took out the broken elixir, he resolutely agreed. As long as this pill can keep a half immortal safely in the realm of true immortals, it will be incorporated directly.

In fact, song Heyun is so cheerful because he has long been moved. For their own lives, for the future of Liuyun sect, joining the divine court is the only correct choice. Because he knew that Dionysus would not lie to everyone.

The first one won so smoothly, which surprised Lei batian and others. At the same time, they were also happy. Next, they went to the Jiang family in Jiangzhou. They found Jiang Zixu, a principal of the Jiang family.

To their surprise, the yuan family was surprisingly smooth. They had not mentioned the broken fairy pill, so Jiang Zixu promised to merge directly.

It turned out that the Jiang family had held a family meeting, and they came to a unified conclusion, that is, to merge directly. Now the divine court has taken the initiative to come to the door. The wine is better.

Although the yuan family was surprisingly smooth, Gu Xiaotian and others were not stingy. The broken elixir belonging to the yuan family was still taken out. He was so happy that the main business of the yuan family couldn't close his mouth and shouted for justice in the divine court.

The next third house, they found Huafu in Huazhou. This family was not so smooth. When they saw the people of the divine court in the past, they thought that the divine court was going to forcibly annex them, and they almost started to do so.

Finally, Gu Xiaotian patiently explained and took out the broken fairy pill. Their faces looked better.

Hua Fu's final attitude is that if this broken fairy pill can really help a half immortal of their family to set foot in the land of real immortals, then they will consider merging again.

Although the flower family had a bad attitude, the task was barely completed.

Next, the shenting party spent more than a month and traveled to more than a dozen major states. Only then did they convince the people of 14 major forces.

Another day of great attention has come. It is the big day they agreed to spend the robbery together. Therefore, early in the morning, those who received the pill came to Guiyun mountain.

Today, there are not only those 14 great forces, but also thousands of people from large and small forces in more than a dozen large states. Who wants to miss such an earth shaking day?

For a while, fourteen people have spent the real immortal disaster together. How many people have seen such a shocking scene?

After a while, Dionysus and ancient wind came out of the Guiyun hall together, and immediately aroused a lot of voices. Thousands of people knelt down to the God of wine at the same time, with an extremely pious attitude.

"You all get up. Today is a big day enough to go down in history. Let's witness it together in a moment!"

After everyone got up, the Dionysian looked at the 14 families who had agreed to cross the robbery and asked, "where are the people you selected? Please step forward! "

Hearing the speech, a dozen people immediately stood out from the crowd. They were full of breath. Unexpectedly, they were all half immortal peak, only people who had to survive the robbery.

Suddenly, the ancient wind's eyes fell on a fat man. After half a ring, he couldn't help but stare round his eyes, and then exclaimed: "you... You... How are you? Hekun? How did you get here? "

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