The little fox suddenly raised his foot and kicked it up. He laughed and said, "hahaha, you deserve it. You've told you several times. Don't worry about drinking. How dare you do it first? Now, we can each have another drink. "

With that, the little fox picked up the wine bowl and looked up with a big mouthful


Qingtianpeng was frightened and stopped immediately. Unfortunately, it was late. The whole bowl of wine had been drunk by the little fox.


Stupid, everyone is stupid, including the little fox himself.

With a sad face, she looked at the ancient wind and qingtianpeng for a moment. She was wronged because she couldn't tell. The next second, just listen to the "bang" sound, the wine bowl fell to the ground, and then she fell down

"This..." everyone was stupid and was a little unprepared by this scene. Lingxiao suddenly stared at the ancient wind and joked, "I said the ancient wind. Is this good wine or poisonous wine? Why did you drink your wine one by one and fall down? What's your heart? You don't want to poison us all? "

Lingxiao's words aroused everyone's resonance, and they all looked at the ancient style with questioning eyes.

However, the old style didn't care. He picked up the wine bowl and tasted it again. He laughed and said, "ha ha, now, we can share more, can't we?"

"Then why don't you just drink it all yourself? Why take it out and buy us a drink? " Yan Yan's voice sounded, full of contempt.

She came to Gufeng, picked up the little fox who had just fallen, and said, "I think you'd better combine this wine, otherwise who can have a good time? It pours as soon as you drink it. Who can let it go? "

Indeed, eight of the sixteen have already laid down. If you drink like this again, who knows if anyone will fall? It's not a matter to take a sip of it? Who can get addicted?

Yan Yan's proposal was almost approved by everyone. Everyone asked the antique to take out the wine again.

In the end, the old custom could not resist everyone, so they had to take out several jars of 20000 year old wine again and mix them all together before people dared to continue drinking.

Now, everyone had a good time. They just wasted two jars of good wine. If the God of wine knew that his good wine had been ruined, it would be difficult for the ancient wind to get a jar of wine.

The topic goes back to the top ten generals again. Now counting Hekun, there are still four people to go. Fortunately, the future is long. This matter is not urgent at all.

After entertaining these old friends, Gu Feng took the time to visit the core backbone of the shenting. Fortunately, he asked Fu Xueqin to bring the wine early in the morning, otherwise he was really embarrassed to face these people.

Here, it has been lively for a long time. The arrival of the ancient wind has made the atmosphere of the scene reach the peak.

Everyone rushed to propose a toast to the ancient style. They all admired the ancient style.

Similarly, the ancient style was full of pride. He didn't refuse anyone. He completely let go of his body and mind. He was here and returned to his old friend. Finally, he simply let the group of old friends sit over and run at both ends.

When drinking to this point, it was not only the ancient style that let go, but also the zixiahan who had been straight faced. It seems that she no longer hates the ancient style, and even took the initiative to find the ancient style to touch the cup.

Looking up and drinking the wine in the bowl, the ancient wind asked Zixia Han: "fairy Xia Han, King Yu fox, in order to step on the land of God, he would not hesitate to turn nine and experience ten reincarnations. How many of you are gathered now? When are you going to get together? "

Hearing the speech, zixiahan was stunned. Then he was depressed, shook his head slowly and said, "how difficult is it to get together and separate? There are only five of the nine separations. There are four separations. I don't know where they are. Over the years, we have almost traveled all over the Canglang continent and have not found the whereabouts of our separation. Maybe we'll leave the world and go elsewhere to find a separation. As for fit... Now is not the time! "

"Leaving? Where are you going when you leave here? "

Zixiahan shook his head again. After taking a sip of old wine, he said, "I don't know where to go. Maybe we will go to the origin star. After all, it will be more suitable for practice and help us quickly improve our cultivation to the peak of the fairy king."

"Fairy King peak? You mean you won't fit until you reach the peak of the fairy king? Nine peak fairy kings combined into one? Then... "

The ancient wind is frightened. One fairy king is scary enough. If nine are added together?

But zixiahan smiled and said, "how can it be so easy to set foot in the imperial realm? If you can step up directly after nine separate bodies are combined, it will be lucky! "

"So difficult?" The ancient wind's heart suddenly became heavy. When you think about it carefully, there are really few great emperors in these infinite years.

It seems that after the arrogance of Emperor Yu, there has been no great emperor in the world. Even emperor Lei is not necessarily a great emperor. Perhaps, Lei Di is just an existence between the fairy king and the great emperor.

The party gradually climaxed, and almost everyone was dizzy.

Finally, even the weather changed, and everyone didn't notice.

Yes, while everyone was drinking, the weather changed. There was a loud "click" over the no man's land. Then, a frightening scene appeared, and the void cracked with a loud noise. A huge opening appeared, stretching thousands of miles and hundreds of miles wide!!!

Endless time and space turbulence, then like sea water, flows in and devours this broken earth.

Ha ha ha!!!

Another loud noise came out, and then a terrible scene appeared again. A sword suddenly cut out of the void crack and disappeared directly into the broken earth.

This is not an ordinary sword, but a black magic sword with a width of 100 feet and a length of thousands of feet, shining with red light!

After the magic sword was cut off, it sank half of the sword body into the ground. Calling the broken earth, it became even worse - a big dark crack was spreading wildly, and the two ends were added together, spanning more than a dozen states!

Fortunately, this is a no man's land. There are no creatures in hundreds of big states. Otherwise, if this sword is cut down, it will lead to a great disaster, and countless creatures will die under this disaster.

Since that sword fell, the whole world seemed clean. However, this is only an appearance.

After a short silence, a sudden roar came out of the black magic sword: "tremble, end, let me Boku be the final terminator of the world!"

Boku, that was the voice of Boku. He... Went back and killed the Cang family again!

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