Mr. Lin's son below tried his best to resist, but his body kept making a loud noise, and finally exploded and completely disintegrated!

So far, two of the three clan CHILDES have died, while the remaining childe Zhong has directly torn up the void and plans to escape the scene.

However, the ancient custom that has long killed his heart, especially willing to let him escape? Almost at the same time, one of his fists went into nothingness and pulled out the son of Zhong.

The next second, in full view of the public, Gu Feng directly threw the childe Zhong into his mouth. After a while of chewing, black blood flowed out of the giant's quarrel, making people feel numb.


Several Zhong's followers cried out in pain. They tried their best to attack the ancient wind and try to let the giant loose, but where can they do it?

Childe Zhong was chewed up by the ancient wind at the moment when he was thrown into the mouth. He was eaten raw by the ancient wind. From beginning to end, he didn't have time to ask for help.

Hoo Hoo!

It's a random bus palm shot, and the wind and cloud are rolling again. The rest of the entourage were all smashed and smashed by a slap.

So far, all the sixteen Cang family members who were suddenly killed died in the hands of the ancient wind. After cleaning up these people, the antique mood is much more comfortable.

It is undeniable that these people who were killed are all real immortals who have already been promoted. They are very strong and can even sweep most of the real immortals in the Canglang continent. But in front of the ancient customs, they can only be a group of tujiwa dogs, not enough to see, not enough to kill, not enough to eat!!!

Because the ancient wind is a demon star, he has been invincible in the same realm since he was a child. After he set foot in the realm of saints, he was like a runaway wild horse, invincible... Now, he set foot in the realm of true immortals, which was golden scale and Jiao, and the Dragon soared into the sky. In the same realm, it's too difficult to beat him!!!

Therefore, even if these people are Cang members with actual combat power, which is far greater than that of other monks in the world, they are still not enough under the hand of ancient wind.

If you want to block the ancient wind in the same realm, unless it is the top demon of Cang family.

"Cang family, this is just the beginning. I will give you back the pain you have imposed on the Canglang continent one by one!"

The ancient wind whispered back to the noumenon. After killing more than a dozen Cang members, his heart was much happier.

He straightened his clothes and continued to walk deep into the no man's land.

He still wants to go to the edge. He wants to see what the cut place looks like.

He was disillusioned step by step and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Just after he disappeared, a large group of people came one after another.

All the people came from the Cang family, but there were hundreds of them. The leader is a middle-aged man. What makes people sigh is that the mark on his eyebrows is actually blue.

In other words, the purity of his blood and his high status are still above the three Lucas.

His status is so high that he is about to catch up with Boku, because Boku with such terror is actually a blue mark.

The visitor shrugged his nose and suddenly his face changed greatly. He said to himself, "those wastes of Luca died so soon. It seems that the man may really be a demon star!"

"Is it really a demon star?"

Hearing the speech, the hundreds of people who came together changed color.

What are they doing this time? To kill or capture the demon star? Now the demon star has taken the initiative to send it to the door. How can it not make them moved?

"Lord BofA, since the demon star has set foot in this no man's land, we have to catch him whatever we say. This credit can't be robbed by other clans!" An attendant arched his way.

The leading middle-aged man with the blue mark is BofA. Although his cultivation is not as good as his brother Boku, he is also a great commander, and his men are in charge of tens of millions of troops.

Hearing the speech, BofA nodded noncommittally and said, "the demon star can't run. This credit can only be ours!"

BofA seemed very confident. After a word, he closed his eyes and planned to feel the place of the ancient wind.

However, at this time, a very discordant voice sounded: "Oh? Is it? Will the demon star really fall into your Bo's hands? Just now, but I Lu Shi was the first to find the trace of the demon star. Do you Bo Shi still want to win the merit? "

Then another large group of people stepped out of the void. The leader was also a middle-aged man with a blue mark.

His name was lubor, and he was an important commander of the Lu family. Lu's entourage informed him just now.

Lubor's words just fell, but another disharmonious voice sounded: "Oh, it's really funny. The demon star was clearly discovered by our Zhong family, Lin family and you Lu family. How can it be your Lu family's sole credit again? What are you doing here? "

With a sneer, two groups of people stepped out of the void one after another. It was Zhong's and Lin's rescue.

Similarly, as soon as they heard that they found the trace of the demon star, they immediately rushed over with the master. But what they didn't expect was that Bo's people also received the news and arrived at the place of the incident first.

Four groups of people, a total of 12300, confronted each other at this time, but no one gave in.

After half a ring, Bo FA said in a deep voice: "the demon star is the public enemy of our whole Cang family. It doesn't matter who found him. What matters is how to capture him and how to kill him. If we delay so much longer, let alone kill the demon star, I'm afraid we don't even know where his shadow is for a while. "

Hearing the speech, everyone was silent and no longer argued.

After half a ring, he saw lubor, the commander of Lu Shi, frowning at Bo FA and asked, "you came first, have you ever found their trace? They haven't heard from them since they reported the letter. Why? "

Lubor naturally asked Luca and others. The demon star is important, and Luca and others are equally important. What he asked was also the question that Zhong and Lin wanted to ask, so they all looked at BofA.

"Dead, all dead. We're a little late. They all died in the hands of the demon star!"

BofA gave a very straightforward answer, calling everyone to change color again.

The others were a little better, but they saw that lubor not only turned blue, but also his body trembled violently.

One of his fists was tightly clenched together and said, "Cabo, he's my nephew... So dead?"

Suddenly turning back, lubor said to the people around him: "we have come to this world and have not taken any real action, but the demon star dares to provoke us first. This tone can't bear it. Send orders and kill ten states first!!! "

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