"Oh, my God, the Cang family is coming. It's the Cang family!"

Among the crowd, I don't know who shouted so, which changed everyone's color on the spot.

It has been a long time since the Cang people crossed the border, but they have not taken any action. Until this time, the Cang family used their army to advance towards the mainland!

The old wind looked at the horizon, and his face was terrible. He knew that the reason why the Cang people started at this time must be because of their own relationship.

After all, he killed more than 300 Bosch followers in no man's land.

Bo Shi, that's the supreme commander of this expedition. Naturally, they won't bear this evil spirit.

Suddenly, a loud cry came from the crowd: "the divine court is in place, immediately organize all forces and prepare to resist the enemy!" It was the voice of Gu Xiaotian, the son of God.

He did not mess in the face of danger, but played an absolute core role at this time.

Gu Feng glanced at Xiaotian and gave the other party a "go all out" look, then turned his eyes to the more than 800 Cang slaves.

Sneered: "I'm surprised that your rescue of the Cang family has come so soon, but it's a pity that you have become my servant and can't return to the Cang family forever. Now, do any of you want to go back? Does anyone else want to kill me for meritorious service? "


Almost everyone knelt down at the same time. Although their faces were full of unwilling color, no one dared to kill the ancient wind.

As the ancient wind said, they have completely become slaves, and it is impossible to return to the Cang family forever. Ten thousand steps back, they have eaten shit and scolded the Cang family. Even if the ancient wind puts them back, they can only be executed. Because the Cang people boast of nobility, they will never allow such people to exist.

"Well, it seems that you still know your identity. Now, I will give you a task. If there is a war in a while, your first task is to protect the safety of the son of God. Secondly, your task is to catch your peers as much as possible, because you have too few partners, and you need more people to accompany you! "

With that, Gu Feng looked up at the rising sun in the sky, and then walked in towards Guiyun hall.

It was not until his figure completely disappeared that people understood the meaning of the archaic saying. It turned out that he wanted these cangs to try every means to catch them alive during the battle. Because their combat power in the divine court is too much different from that of the Cang family. If you want to win more with less, you have to adopt such a method. Recover the servants of the Cang family and deal with the Cang family again!

It's a surprise that the Cang people have been killed at the door of their home, and the God of wine actually lies obliquely in the hall, singing and enjoying himself!

This old guy

"Lord Dionysus, this..."

Gu Feng really didn't know what to say. He just sighed that Dionysian's heart was too big. It was hot outside, and he could be so carefree!

"Lord Dionysus, the Cang clan is coming..." Gu Feng whispered.

The God of wine suddenly threw the wine gourd in his hand to the ancient wind and said, "it doesn't matter. They can't kill them. I'm safe in Guiyun mountain and the thousands of big states behind Guiyun mountain!"

"...." the old wind was speechless again. He didn't know how to answer. He simply looked up and drank muggy wine.

At this time, he saw the God of wine ask, "have you seen it at the broken boundary?"


"How do you feel?"

"How do you feel?" Gu Feng was silent. After thinking for a while, he said: "the disciple's trip to break the boundary really has a lot of feelings. However, the biggest emotion should be the magic sword cutting the sky. It's terrible to cut the sky demon sword. Such a big Canglang star was cut in half by a sword! "

"Yes!" The God of wine undeniably nodded and said, "the magic sword is really not terrible. Even I don't dare to kill you!"

"Ah? You... Even you can't resist the sky cutting magic sword? "

Now, the ancient wind was frightened. All along, Dionysus has been his biggest reliance. If the God of wine can't stop the chopping magic sword, isn't the whole Canglang continent really coming to an end?

"Stop the sky cutting demon sword? Do you think the magic sword really means you can stop it? If the magic sword and magic power are really so easily blocked, it's not a chopping magic sword. "

"Is it really so terrible to cut the sky demon sword? Even you can't stop it? Isn't that just a magic weapon belonging to the fairy king? "

The ancient style is really a little confused. The four magic treasures seem to be just fairy king magic tools. Can a fairy king magic tool without its master be better than a real fairy king?

However, the Dionysian looked at the ancient wind with a smile and asked, "fairy king magic weapon? Do you think those magic treasures are as simple as ordinary fairy king magic tools? If it is really just a few ordinary magic weapons, how can it become the taboo four treasures that everyone wants? Although it's just a fairy King's magic weapon that has lost its master, if an ordinary fairy King meets it, he will be easily killed! "

"So good? So... What's the origin of the four treasures of the heavenly demons? "

"What's the origin? What do you say can make the fairy King afraid of? "

"..." in an instant, the face of the ancient wind changed. He stared round his eyes and showed an incredible color on his face. He asked tentatively, "is that... Isn't that... Emperor's weapon? The artifacts of the great emperor? "

Facing the bold speculation of the ancient style, Dionysus just smiled and said nothing, and called the ancient style more confused.

"If those four magic treasures are really just fairy king magic tools, Dionysus, you can't be afraid. If it was really an imperial instrument, where would it come from? " The ancient wind murmured, continued to reason, and said, "emperor tools can only become Tao with the great emperor. Except the great emperor, no one has the ability to forge imperial weapons. The only great emperor in the world of heavenly demons can only be the Lord of heavenly demons... "

"Lord of demons?"


At the thought of this, the ancient wind was startled.

According to his analysis, aren't those magic treasures the Tao tools of the Lord of demons? Because imperial instruments can only become Tao with the great emperor, it can not be forged and refined. But there is only one Lord of the heavenly devil in the heavenly devil world

"Lord Dionysus, do you mean those magic treasures are imperial weapons? Is it the magic weapon of the Lord of the devil? "

Gu Feng's eyes are wide. If his guess is true, it's terrible.

It's no wonder that if you gather four magic treasures, you can set foot in the imperial realm 100%. No wonder that if you get one of them, you can cross the heavens!

Because the Lord of demons is a very terrible existence. He has already got rid of the shackles of God and become an existence equal to "heaven".

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