In this battle, the two sides invested at least 200-300 million troops, and the number of real immortals alone was no less than 100000.

Such a huge force of terror can naturally smash the world and cripple the earth!

Now, the boundary extends all the way from the no man's land to the edge of Jiuzhou. This place has become a new "end of the world"!

Although the power of the war is boundless, it's just that. The earth crumbles here, even if it's the end, because Guiyun mountain is rooted here, it blocks all the remaining power of the battle!

Guiyun mountain not only stopped the continued collapse of the earth, but also protected himself with a mountain protection array. If you look up from a high altitude, you can find that Guiyun mountain is covered by a black curtain. The black curtain is a famous mountain protection array in ancient times, called dark sky curtain!

The dark sky blocked the whole Guiyun mountain behind. Neither the devil nor the Cang family could smash it. Even if thousands of true immortals attack together, they can't shake it.

According to Dionysus, he has been entrenched here for endless years. How can he not be prepared, and how can he let others destroy his "home"?

The dark sky curtain is an ancient strange array that he began to plan and arrange many thousands of years ago. Naturally, it can't be eradicated easily.

Strictly speaking, the dark sky is just a mountain protection array. However, its real utility is the world barrier. It not only firmly guarded the Guiyun mountain behind him, but also firmly guarded thousands of big states behind him.

Virtually, Guiyun mountain became the first front line of the war of resistance against Japan. With the unremitting efforts of the divine court, all the forces on this half star united, and we formed a temporary anti robbery alliance, with the Qingtian divine court as the leader of the alliance.

With the help of the broken fairy pill, the number of real immortals in the alliance has reached 150000!

Although the number of 150000 real immortals is not enough compared with the Cang family and the heavenly demons, this is a terrible number for the Canglang continent. Thanks to the broken elixir provided by Dionysus, otherwise how could so many people break through?

During this period of time, there has been a problem that has puzzled the ancient wind. That is, all the forces of the whole world have united. Why don't you see a fairy king?

It seems that there is no fairy king in this world except Dionysus!


Ancient customs can remember clearly. It is said that like the Han family, they only controlled the forces of three major states, all of which were dominated by the fairy king. And some big forces have fully controlled more than a dozen big states. Will there be no fairy king among them? If there is no fairy king among their forces, how can they dominate more than a dozen states?

In the Guiyun hall, the ancient wind was really unbearable, so he asked the Dionysian: "Lord Dionysian, there's one thing I haven't understood. The whole world is broken. Why don't you see a fairy king? Is there really no fairy king in our Canglang continent? "

Gu Feng really couldn't understand this problem, because whether it was the devil or the Cang family, their supreme commander was a real immortal. Why did the fairy king of Canglang mainland prefer to watch his family and clan destroyed, rather than watch the world destroyed? Is there really no fairy king in Canglang continent? Or are the fairy kings of Canglang all cowards who "don't bring a handle"?

"Fairy King..." the wine god muttered to himself, then slowly shook his head and said, "this is not a question you should ask. You'd better organize to resist the enemy at ease!"

"Why? Do we really have no fairy king in Canglang continent? If so, why don't they stand up to the enemy? They would rather watch the world destroyed and countless creatures slaughtered than be indifferent? "

The old wind's voice was so loud that he was a little angry. From the beginning to the end, he firmly believed in the principle that "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", and he has always done so. However, some people are not like this. Although they have strong abilities, they never take responsibility for the world.

"As I said, this is not the question you should ask. Now your main responsibility is to resist the enemy. Some things, when you should know, will naturally let you know! "

Dionysus is still unwilling to answer the question of ancient customs. It seems that he is still a little angry in the face of endless entanglement.


Gu Feng wanted to continue asking questions, but at this time, he saw a man running outside the hall. It was Gu Xiaotian, Gu Feng's son.

Gu Xiaotian seemed a little worried and was far away. He shouted at Gu Feng and the God of wine: "Lord God of wine, father, the big thing is bad. Uncle Tianpeng sent back the news that they were trapped on their way home and urgently needed our help. Otherwise, the whole world will be destroyed! "

Uncle Tianpeng in Gu Xiaotian's mouth refers to qingtianpeng. Just after the world was cut off, he volunteered to go to the other half of the world and widely issued the convening order of the Qingtian divine court!

He was accompanied by little fox, Lei batian, the deputy leader of shenting, Han Yumo and many real immortals of shenting. After the whole world was divided into two from no man's land, most of the foundation of the divine court fell there, so they had to go to meet it.

Originally, Gu Xiaotian, as the emperor of the divine court, was the first to offer to go, but later he returned early.

Hearing the speech, the ancient wind and Dionysian were stunned at the same time. The ancient wind hurriedly asked, "tell me clearly, what's going on? Why are they trapped? "

"Father, uncle Tianpeng, they fulfilled their mission and successfully united the big and small forces in that half of the world. On their way back, they were unfortunately intercepted by the Cang family. The distress signal they sent back is extremely urgent. We must hurry to rescue, or they will be wiped out! "

"So serious?"

Smelling the speech, the ancient wind and the God of wine looked at each other, showing a dignified color.

Then, the ancient wind said to the God of wine, "Lord God of wine, the situation is critical. We must start quickly. I estimated that this should be regarded as the relocation of the whole world. Maybe half the world is trapped. If you are robbed... "

Half the world is trapped. If it is robbed, I can't imagine!

The Dionysian hesitated and then said, "save, it's certain to save, but we can't rush out the army and have to travel light. If the army is taken out, there will be no guarantee for half the world behind us. "

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