He roared three times, and every sentence directly hit the heart of the Cang army, so that everyone's face was filled with a sense of humiliation.

"Shut up, you traitors!" Boku really couldn't listen. His whole face turned black into charcoal. He shouted at those war servants who were still roaring: "you are all good. Your family and people will be punished most severely for your actions..."

This is a naked threat, but it is of no use at all. Those 15000 war servants don't even want the minimum dignity and personality. What family do they care about?

Everything doesn't matter, because they have turned into a walking corpse.

Suddenly turning his head, Boku shouted at Hekun: "they were all coerced, which doesn't mean anything. Because when a person's life is threatened, he often chooses to give in. This does not mean that our Cang family is low, because our nobility, which is engraved into the blood and soul, can never be erased. "

"Oh, it's all up to now. You have to die a duck with a hard mouth? It seems that you really don't want to hit your face and roll away. Up to now, you are still talking about the nobility of your Cang family. Unexpectedly, you dare to say that your nobility is engraved into blood and soul. It seems that you will never know if you don't take out something that really shocks your soul. In fact, what is engraved into your blood and soul is not noble, but low! "

After a series of sneers, he Kun took out a crystal ball the size of a washbasin

As soon as the crystal ball came out, the army of Cang family was reorganized. In the divine court, thousands of people suddenly showed a smile on their faces. Even at this time, many people took out a transparent crystal ball - he Kun was not the only one who recorded the image that day.

"You bastards of Cang family, you can see clearly. Don't blink, or you will regret it all your life. Hahaha!!! "

Hekun laughed wildly and threw the crystal ball into the air. Immediately, the crystal ball exploded and turned into a huge picture

"Cang is a dog, Cang is humble. Cang is a dog, Cang is cheap. Cang is a dog, Cang is cheap... "

More than 800 people with the marks of the Cang family were roaring into the sky. The roar was so neat, so loud and clear, so magnificent... I could only see that everyone in the Cang army outside changed color.

Suddenly, another crystal ball was thrown into the air, and then another huge picture appeared. The protagonist above is still this group of Cang war servants, but the number is much less, only 890 people, including Xun you.

What are these 80 or 90 people doing? They licked around a big pool of excrement and urine, and competed with each other... Everyone's cheeks were buried in excrement and urine, and were pasted beyond recognition. Even the mark of Cang family, which is regarded as the most noble and sacred, was trampled by excrement and urine at this time!

"Enough, enough, enough - poof!!!"

Boku couldn't stand it anymore. With the roar, he gushed an old blood. After his body stumbled, he almost fell down. Until this moment, he finally began to doubt whether the Cang family was really so noble. Otherwise, why do these people give in?

According to the integrity of their Cang family, even if they are facing the test of life and death, even if they are facing inhuman torture, they should not be surrendered? Today's scenes have completely subverted their three views of cognition.

No one would have thought that some of them would really eat shit. Even if you are coerced, even if you are tortured, you shouldn't give in.

He pushed away the entourage who helped him, and Boku hit the two pictures with a fierce fist. However, his attack was blocked by the dark sky, and the two pictures were still showing again and again. Those who eat shit are still eating shit

"Get out of the way, I'll kill everyone!!!"

The Furious Boku finally lost his calmness. He seems to have forgotten his previous promise.

However, he forgot that the ancient wind and others did not forget.

The old wind shouted on the spot, "slow down, Boku, don't let the hundreds of millions of troops following you laugh at you. What did you say just now? You said yourself that as long as we find someone who eats shit, you'll beat yourself in the face and stop the army. Now, so many people who eat shit are in front of you, and there are videos as evidence. Do you still want to deny it? "

This roar made Boku sober up a lot in the fury. In the end, he didn't continue to order to attack the mountain.

But what if we don't attack the mountain? Do you really want to slap yourself in the face? Do you really want to stop?

Today's scene, but they carefully arranged the situation. Now that the demon star has not been caught, how can we stop? After the strike, not to mention whether their actual commander Bo Wantong will let him go, the demon star is likely to escape control from now on.

Once the demon star leaves the world, it will be difficult to catch it later. If he can't hold the demon star, how should he deal with the Cang family?

What should I do? Now it's neither retreat nor attack. What should I do?

After some silence, Boku grinned coldly. Then he shouted inside, "yes, I did say that, but I also said that as long as one of you can defeat me, I will admit that I am incompetent and stop fighting forever."

"Now, these words still work. Whether you want me to go on strike or hit me in the face, you need to defeat me. As long as some of you can defeat me, I will not only admit that I am an incompetent, but also beat myself in the face immediately, and then lead the army to return to the origin star domain and never commit it again. How? "

"Do you want to fight alone?"

The faces of all the Alliance troops were gloomy for a moment. No one thought that Boku would eat his words and get fat. Just now, but he himself admitted it. As long as he Kun could find out a person who had eaten shit and admitted that the Cang family was a cheap kind, he would slap his face and stop the army.

But now, he doesn't admit it.

However, these are expected by Hekun. After sneering, he continued to shout, "Boku, you're shameless. You haven't fulfilled your gambling appointment just now. What's the shame for you to come out and gamble with us now? Who dares to believe you when you go back on your word? You speak well. When you lose, you admit that you are incompetent, and then go on a permanent strike, but who dares to believe you? "

"What I said is true. I have never broken my promise."

"Empty words are not enough for trust. It's easy for us to believe you. Give yourself two big slaps first! "


Hekun's proposal was strongly opposed by all the Cang army on the spot. Everyone burst into drinking and everyone roared.

Boku is the supreme commander in the open. If he blows his own face, what face do you have to stand on their Cang army?

Now, what Boku represents is not him alone, but the whole Cang family.

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