
This is because after three strikes, Boku's momentum was relieved. His fist banged on the empty Zhang Liu gold body, which was tantamount to banging on the steel. No matter how explosive he is, how many can he explode in a row?

"Boku really can't do it. It's really expected to kill it in the next round!"

At this time, the voice of Hekun came again from the ears of the ancient wind, which shocked many people's minds on the spot.

Indeed, Boku is not as good as it used to be. According to his previous degree of ferocity, even ten emptiness combined with golden hair was not enough for him to kill. But now, every time he swings a punch, he is seriously overdrawing himself. If emptiness persists for a while, it can really drag it down. In the next round, if you send a strong man to fight, it is really possible to kill him.

"He really can't do it. His combat power is estimated to be less than 50% of his peak. But even so, who is his opponent here? "

Zixiahan's voice rang, and many people frowned on the spot.

You look at me and I look at you. I really don't know who to let on.

Still, even if Boku has only 50% of his combat power, who can defeat him?

Seeing that there was no one suitable for the war, the ancient wind sighed and said, "in the next round, I'll fight myself. The person Boku wants to kill most is me. The person he wants to capture most is me. The person he hates most is me. "


Almost at the same time, everyone present objected. Gu Feng is the supreme leader of the whole alliance. He is the leader of the alliance and is related to the safety of the whole world. How can he easily get into danger? Even if Boku can't kill him, how can the Cang army outside suddenly attack him? If Gu Feng, the leader of the alliance, dies, the whole alliance cannot be disintegrated in an instant?

"Father, I said decades ago that I would fight for my father. Since you are determined to fight, let me help you. Shenting can't live without you. The Anti Japanese War alliance can't live without you! "

Xiao Tian knelt on one knee and showed his sincerity.

But the ancient wind helped him up, patted him on the shoulder, sighed: "although my father has three sons, but only you are willing to recognize me. How can you be willing to let you go to war?"

"But father..."

Gu Xiaotian wanted to say something, but his words were interrupted. At this time, at the end of the crowd, a voice came out: "the next war, let me come. Although you young people are evil spirits, you are too weak to kill Boku. "

Hearing the speech, everyone turned back and looked at the man who opened his mouth. The next second, the antique face showed a surprise on the spot.

"You... Old ass? Oh, no, the wine is half crazy, master! "

It turned out that the person who spoke was half crazy. He was the first person that the ancient wind knew after stepping into this half of the world. It has been called "old ass" by ancient customs many times.

Wine half crazy didn't care about the name of the ancient style. He pulled away the crowd, came to the ancient style, and said very seriously to the ancient style: "according to the seniority, you shouldn't call me a senior, but a senior brother, because I worshipped under the God of wine as early as 100000 years ago..."

"Elder martial brother? 100000 years ago? "

The ancient wind frowned, and then remembered that the God of wine had told himself that the reason why wine half crazy would lead him to Guiyun mountain was precisely because he was the disciple of the God of wine, and the God of wine instructed him to do so.

At this moment, people showed joy after knowing the identity of wine half crazy. Since wine half crazy is a disciple of the God of wine, his strength will not be weak. Dionysus is a fairy king. How can he be regarded by Dionysus and accepted as a successor?

Seeing the wine half crazy, he continued, "since I am the descendant of the God of wine and your senior brother of the alliance leader, how can I sit and watch you die? So, next time, I'll go! "

"But, master... Brother, you have to think clearly. Boku is not easy to kill!"

He suddenly changed his name to senior brother. The old style still feels very uncomfortable, because he is used to calling "old ass".

"It doesn't matter. Although I'm stupid, my glass and jade body is still hot. It's enough to deal with a powerful Boku!"

While talking, the wine half crazy body gradually sent out bursts of green halos, which caused a series of exclamations on the spot.

"Liuli jade body, this is Liuli jade body. He inherited the mantle of Dionysus and learned Liuli jade body!"

The glazed jade body is one of the four most powerful ways to refine the body in ancient times. How strong it is does not need to be explained by others. It can be seen only from the current battlefield. Emptiness and Lingxiao are able to fight the fierce Boku because they have practiced the four body refining methods.

Since both of them can fight Boku, not to mention half crazy wine? I don't know how much better the qualification of half crazy wine is than two people. Because he has been practicing glazed jade body for 100000 years!

"Well, I'll invite senior brother to come out in the next war. Be sure to cut off the head of Boku!"

Finally, Gu Feng's face showed a gratifying smile, because he saw the hope of killing Boku. Boku is the supreme commander of Cang's army. If you kill him, will the disaster be over?

This is certainly impossible, because the ancient wind doesn't know that there is a more powerful Bo Wantong in the dark. Even without Bo Wantong, the terrible fairy king, there are still demons eyeing. Moreover, Dionysus also said that this is a hunting war. Far more than the Cang army and heavenly demons are involved, but other forces have not shown their faces.

The real hunting war hasn't come yet. How can this catastrophe pass like this?

Suddenly, there was a cry in the crowd: "no, no, master emptiness is going to lose!"

This exclamation immediately made everyone's heart mention his voice again. When people looked at the battlefield, they were all cold in their backs and cold in their breath.

I saw that emptiness also became the end of a powerful crossbow. Although he joined Lingxiao, he was still defeated by Boku. After a hard war, ten separated and finally nine were killed. The only one left was first cracked and finally returned to the prototype. Even Lingxiao, who joined him, had already been hit back to the prototype, and was blasted out and fell to the ground. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

At this time, the emptiness was caught in the palm of his hand by Boku, who was two feet tall. It seemed that Boku could crush him as long as he tried hard.

At this moment, emptiness has lost all resistance. He didn't make any resistance, but didn't listen to recite the Scriptures...

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