Patted Fu Yunzi on the shoulder, and the old wind said, "well, these two barrels of night incense are your great credit. In order to reward you, I will reward... Reward you with a period of cultivation formula of colored glass and jade body! "

"Glazed jade body?"

On the spot, I don't know how many people changed color and were frightened one by one. Fu Yunzi was so confused that he couldn't believe his ears.

Glazed jade body what's that? That's one of the four strongest body refining methods in ancient times. It's the unique skill of Dionysian. It is precisely because of it that Dionysus is qualified to become the top ten generals of Emperor Yu!

Now the ancient wind has taught the cultivation formula to Fu Yunzi. Doesn't that mean that Fu Yunzi will begin to rise from now on?

Of course, the ancient saying is a pithy formula, not all. After all, this is Dionysian's unique skill. How dare he fool around without Dionysian's consent?

Gu Feng knows that Fu Yunzi's biggest expectation is the glazed jade body. In the past, all kinds of flattery was to cultivate one's own glazed jade body.

"Thank you, sect leader. My subordinates will do their best to serve the God's court and the sect leader. I won't let you down."

"Well, get up!"

The ancient wind patted Fu Yunzi on the shoulder and showed a smile on his face.

Although he knew that Fu Yunzi was a flatterer and a standard villain. But such people are often more exquisite and pleasing. In addition, Fu Yunzi has made a blood oath to Gu Feng and belongs to an absolutely loyal person, so it is also necessary to give some benefits appropriately.

Two barrels of genuine old altar Yexiang were placed in front of Boku, and a group of people gathered around, which was going to force Boku to obey.

However, nalanjing frowned and said, "his divine power has been temporarily blocked by me. He can't do evil in a short time. Therefore, I'll avoid it for a while and don't participate in your affairs. " With that, nalanjing ran directly to the western sky. Because there is a terrible fairy Buddha over there. After a Tathagata palm patted Bo Wantong down, the Giant Buddha did not leave directly, but silently watched the battlefield on both sides.

"Be careful, sister Jing!"

The ancient wind shouted and didn't stop it. Because he knew that the occasion here was really not suitable for nalanjing to stay any longer. Besides, there is a terrible fairy king in the West. The strong man peeps. It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Looking back from the west, the ancient wind sneered at Boku, who was still struggling.

He stepped on his face again and asked, "my noble commander, how do you feel now? Do you want a good time? Or do you want to continue the painful suffering? "

"Demon... Demon star, you... You must die. You want me to lower my noble head, impossible!!! "

"Oh, this cheap bone is quite hard!"

Hekun couldn't see it anymore. He just kicked it up and called Boku to cry for his father and mother.

Returning to his head, he Kun said to Gu Feng, "let me say, this old boy is too tough. It's estimated that he will have to wait a long time before he eats shit obediently. You might as well force it down. Otherwise, the time has dragged on for a long time, and the night fragrance has changed its quality after the period. Don't you have to have diarrhea? "

"..." a group of people were speechless again. They were really defeated by Hekun's humor. For a time, they didn't know how to answer.

However, seeing the old wind's face, he sank again and said angrily, "is it difficult? Is he really your father? Or second uncle? Besides, haven't you heard that wine is old? Wine is still so? What's more, Yexiang? "


On the spot, the crowd was speechless again. Wine is old, and so is night fragrance? How did the leader know?

Of course, no one dares to tangle with this problem. People's attention soon focused on Boku, looking forward to his wonderful moment of eating shit. Many people are also considering Hekun's suggestion, whether it is good or not, and whether it should be poured directly.

After all, it seems difficult to see Boku take the initiative to eat, because his willpower is not generally strong.

Half a ring, but the old wind shook his head and said, "how boring is it to pour it directly? At most, it can humiliate the Boku, and it can't attack the self-esteem of the whole Cang nationality at all. Only by letting him put down his dignity completely and bury his head in the bucket obediently can he dispel hatred, be happy and achieve his goal. "

"But look at this old thing. His willpower is obviously much stronger than those people before. It's probably a little hanging to wait until he gives in."

"Then find a way!"

With that, the old wind left, and he didn't want to look at Boku any more. It's better to leave it to Hekun and others, because he has a more important thing - Dionysus.

Anyway, Dionysus is his great benefactor. Although he did not worship the God of wine as a teacher, they were both teachers and disciples. Even, ancient customs and Hekun, wine half crazy are treated as martial brothers.

Now, the God of wine is dead, how can the ancient wind not visit and worship? How can we not find a way to bury the head of Dionysus?

He went all the way to the back of Guiyun mountain. He had already sensed that the wine outside the three states was half crazy. He knelt on the edge of a cliff and wept.

The distance between the three major states is really not a distance for today's ancient customs. Not long after, he found the wine half crazy.

The cliff where wine half crazy is located is not a real cliff, but a crack in the earth. This is the trace left by the war. It is more than ten feet wide and invisible. It forcibly divides the earth into two halves, which makes people sigh and feel a lot.

Sadly, there are still many big cracks like this. The whole Canglang continent can be seen everywhere. The whole world has been beaten beyond recognition. It's really shocking.

"Shifu, Shifu... I'm incompetent and can't help you. If the disciple's qualification is not so stupid, he can set foot in fairyland early in the morning and help you early in the morning. Why should he let you die! "

On the edge of the big crack, the wine half crazy knelt on the ground, crying so that it was a torn heart, broken heart and broken heart. This is definitely not intentional affectation, but the real expression of true feelings, because he is far away from the crowd and doesn't cry for others.

He has been crying for a long time, and his eyes are already red and swollen. He cried so bitterly that he was depressed.

Three feet in front of him, a incense table altar was set up, and the head of Dionysus was quietly placed on it at this time. His eyes were closed, his face was dead gray, and he had no blood color, which made people worried.

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