
However, Chu Xiangyu was greeted with a heavy blow, and a bodyguard in black took the shot. He slapped Chu Xiangyu on the shoulder. Chu Xiangyu vomited blood and flew upside down. His face was full of unwilling and towering hatred.

"Gao Hao, are you going too far?" In the distance, the three elders standing high above the wall were furious. He flew over on the spot, caught Chu Xiangyu and confronted Gao Hao again.

"What can you do to me? It's our kindness to keep him alive! " Gao Hao said arrogantly and did not pay any attention to the three elders of wuliangzong.

"Dog slave, if you have seed, you will kill this palace, otherwise you will be punished by your father." Chu Xiangyu said fiercely.

"We act according to the emperor's decree. What's the fear? Your highness, let's go back to the palace with our family.

After talking, two guards in black came out of Gao Hao's side and wanted to take people.

At this time, a young voice sounded on a hillside far away from the city: "old eunuch Gao Hao, don't you want some shit baby? It's right here. Come and get it! "

Naturally, the shouting was archaic, dragging a small pendant given to him by his mother in his hand. He had already escaped from the city. He didn't know what his mother gave him, but he knew it should be regarded as a "baby", otherwise his mother wouldn't be so serious.

In fact, at this time, the ancient wind glanced at the small pendant in his hand, which was actually a small tripod. Three feet and two ears were strung together by his mother with a red rope. This small tripod looks a bit like the tripod used for "bathing" every day, but it is many times smaller.

Gao Hao's eyes were so sharp that even though he was far away, he saw the small tripod in the hands of the ancient wind for the first time. Immediately showed a shocked look, and then a big hand with golden light grabbed it at the ancient wind in the air.

"Ah! The wind! " Chu Xiangyu was shocked. She never expected her son to get involved.

"Ah... Xiaoqing, help me..."

It's not that I don't know the old eunuch is powerful, but the little guy didn't expect the old eunuch to be so powerful. After a loud cry, he turned around and ran away. The reason why he appears here is to lure Gao Hao away and let his parents escape. I didn't know that the old eunuch was so powerful. He didn't move at all. A big hand transformed by magic grabbed it in the air.


A loud bird song resounded through the world, and Xiaoqing, who was expected by the ancient wind, appeared. A Dapeng bird came with a light cyan light at a high speed. A pair of sharp claws smashed Gao Hao's big hands on the spot, and then took up the ancient wind and flew to the horizon.

"Evil animal, where to go?" Suddenly a roc bird was killed. Gao Hao was very surprised. After returning to his senses, he immediately chased down.

"Take the princess!" Far away, Gao Hao's voice rang. The three guards in black immediately moved and grabbed Gu Hai and Chu Xiangyu.

"Presumptuous!" The three elders of wuliangzong moved for the first time and waved their palms directly to meet them. Several figures were intertwined in an instant, and a big war broke out again.

However, a dark pagoda flew in the direction of Gao Hao's departure. The pagoda zoomed in and kept falling towards several people in the war.

The three elders were shocked and quickly flashed aside. Then Gao Hao's voice came from afar: "old thing, get away if you don't want to die."

The three elders were very angry, but there was nothing they could do. In the face of such heavy weapons, they had no resistance at all.

Soon, the pagoda glowed again, and the figures of Gu Hai and Chu Xiangyu flew up one after another. They were taken in by the pagoda.

"Hi!" Seeing Guhai and Chu Xiangyu suppressed by the pagoda, the three elders stamped their feet in anger.

The three guards in black glared at the elder of wuliangzong and chased Gao Hao away.

"Little evil beast, look where you're going today!" As soon as the voice fell, a big hand grabbed at the ancient wind again.

Dapeng bird's figure is very fast, carrying the ancient wind and constantly dodging. Even though Gao Hao's attack is extremely sharp, he can't shoot down Xiaoqing.

"Old eunuch, you seriously injured my parents today. I will revenge you someday.

"Hey, hey, hey! Little boy, you shouldn't be weaned yet? Your father's talent is extraordinary. Isn't he still abandoned by our family? If you want to avenge our family, eat more milk for a few years! " Gao Hao said strangely.

"Shut up, you demon!" Hearing that his father had been abandoned, the little guy was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He was very sad.

"Father, mother, today's revenge, the child will repay it!" Gu Feng secretly swore in his heart and his face was full of tears.

Xiaoqing kept flying away with the ancient wind, flying over mountains and rivers, and I don't know how many thousands of miles away from Dali city. But Gao Hao didn't die, followed by his three guards in black.

Flying away all the way, Gao Hao kept attacking behind him. On several occasions, the ancient wind was almost hit. Xiaoqing's feathers were shot down. There was a bright blood hole on one wing, and blood spilled all over the ground.

Unconsciously, Xiaoqing came to a very familiar place with ancient customs, which is Luoshen lake.

The little guy slapped on the forehead and shouted in great surprise: "yes! Old eunuch Gao, your time of death has come. "

Obviously, Xiaoqing knew this for a long time. Without ancient style and multilingualism, she suddenly flapped her wings and flew towards the center of Luoshen lake.

Luoshen lake is very special. No matter what flies over it, it has to fall obediently, even if the God in heaven comes. The lake water is very strange. Fallen leaves can't float.

Although Luoshen lake is strange, it has no effect on Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing can not only fly freely over Luoshen lake, but also directly go down to the bottom of the lake and play like a fish.

As soon as he flew to the middle of the lake, the little guy couldn't wait to look behind him. I saw the four people behind me without the slightest vigilance, still chasing, and in the blink of an eye they were far away from the shore. At this time, a tragic thing happened

The first was a bodyguard in black. He couldn't fly. Then the man "ah" screamed, and the whole man "brushed" and fell down. He struggled desperately in the water, but it didn't help. He was swallowed up by the lake without much time.

Before the crowd reacted, they heard two "poops" and the other two fell into the water.

No surprise, although they tried their best, they were finally submerged by the lake. The ancient wind with sharp eyes saw clearly. After the three fell, their bodies began to dissipate and decompose.

Seeing here, the ancient wind was smart all over. He remembered that he had accompanied Xiaoqing down to the lake many times. Fortunately, Xiaoqing put up a curtain of light, otherwise it would be terrible to think about it.

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