After reluctantly parting with nalanjing, Gu Feng returned to Guiyun mountain, the headquarters of the Anti Japanese war.

After repeated wars, Guiyun mountain has long been beyond recognition. Although there is a dark sky here, it is no longer suitable for stationing. As a last resort, the whole alliance had to relocate.

Where to move?

In the rear, on the whole continent, there are nearly a thousand big states that are intact. The current alliance needs to move back to protect the lives of nearly a thousand big states.

After Gu Feng came back from heaven, he took on this severe work. He chose the site himself, supervised it himself, and did everything himself.

It took a full month and the relocation was finally completed. The new alliance headquarters, spanning three major states, has been renamed Hongdu!

Fortunately, during this month, no major enemy came. Whether it is the Cang family or the heavenly devil, there is no shadow, which makes many people feel bored. Is the great disaster over? All parties have retreated? So the hunting war is over?

Of course, it's not so easy. The real hunting war hasn't started yet. How can it end? How can it end if all the parties involved in the war have not appeared?

Perhaps, the real storm is still brewing. When it breaks out, it will be earth shaking!

In this month, the Anti Japanese War alliance has done several major things for the world. While moving, they first found a sun for the world!

Yes, it is the real sun. Hundreds of real immortals work together to find the original sun, get it back, and continue to shine on the broken earth. With the sun, there is light. Only people in this world have hope to live. The sun has been relocated, and there will be sunrise and sunset every day, but the time of day and night has changed greatly compared with before. Today's Day is equivalent to the previous two or three days. Now a night has become particularly short, only two or three hours, less than half of the original.

The reason for this is that the sun does not need to shine on the broken dead. After being resettled, the sun only needs to revolve around these 1000 big states. Therefore, the time familiar to the world has been changed.

In this month, the second major thing the alliance did while moving was statistics. Statistics on the number of coalition forces, the resources of the whole world, and the actual and potential combat power in their own hands.

After these statistics, the ancient wind has mastered the exact figures: now the shenting itself also has more than 2000 true immortals at all levels, and half immortals at all levels, more than 30000 people. In the whole league, it is still the strongest. The number of real immortals among other great forces adds up to more than 126000, and half immortals are nearly one million!

This figure, if changed to the past, will frighten a silly group of people. However, at present, this number is not enough for the Cang Cypriot teeth. The Cang family's expedition this time, there are 200000 or 300000 real immortals alone. Besides, there are demons

In this world-class war, except that half immortals and true immortals are qualified to be counted as combat power, there are only saints left. Of course, both the great saint and the little saint are basically cannon fodder. Only the army composed of the holy king can have combat effectiveness.

According to statistics, the cannon fodder army of the great saint and the small Saint adds up to more than one billion. Pure holy king, there are nearly 200 million!

Plus the more than one million half immortals and nearly 130000 true immortals, this is the whole family of the Anti Japanese War alliance. After the relocation, the first task of these troops is to practice. Practice the combined battle array, the cooperative combat ability, and all survival skills

The third important thing is that it's pure archaism. I'm working hard. That's refining the broken elixir!

After the resources of the whole world were controlled, he began endless alchemy. In the past month, he has refined tens of thousands of pills.

Ten thousand broken elixirs can create ten thousand true immortals. Ten thousand true immortals, although they can't play a decisive role, can be created continuously. Of course, blindly refining pills behind closed doors is a very depressing thing. After refining 10000 broken elixirs, the ancient wind can't stand it anymore. Finally, he simply handed Dan Fang directly to those who absolutely trusted in the divine court.

When Dan Fang handed it over, he not only relaxed the whole person, but also greatly improved the efficiency of alchemy. Every day, at least a thousand broken elixirs are successfully refined!

Hongdu headquarters, in the Qingtian hall.

Gu Feng, the leader of the alliance, was a little absent-minded at this time. Although the meeting was over, he didn't leave. He lay weakly in the armchair with a worried face.

His eyes fixed on the sky. After half a ring, he whispered: "sister Jing, it's been more than a month. Why haven't you come back? Didn't the magic mirror succeed? Or something happened in the army of demons? "

All along, Gu Feng has been worried. He is worried about this problem every day. He has been worried about the safety of nalanjing. If it hadn't been for more than a month, he would have gone to find nalanjing.

A man lay on the chair in the hall for a long time, and the ancient wind secretly summoned a man - Kui head demon king.

Kui head demon Jun has a deep relationship with nalanjing. When they were in the Tianmo world, they did no less evil. They can be regarded as a pair of golden partners and were wanted by the whole Tianmo world. Just after the last Tianmo disaster, if Kui tou hadn't advised Gu Feng to go out and wander around the mainland, Gu Feng wouldn't have come to this half of the world, go to Guiyun mountain, or know the God of wine... Gu Feng has been asking Kui Tou to inquire about nalanjing recently.

After a short wait, Kui tou finally came. As always, he had a dead face, as always, without any expression.

"How's it going? You've been prying for so long, but have you found out the news of sister Jing? Have you ever inquired about the gathering place of demons? "

Gu Feng seemed very anxious. He really couldn't stand waiting so hard every day. Nalanjing has a deep love with him. Anyway, he doesn't want nalanjing to have an accident.

In the face of the anxiety of the ancient style, Kui head is still a little slow. He silently looked at the ancient wind for a long time, then sighed and said, "as you expected, Nalan really had an accident..."

"What? Is something really wrong? She... What happened to her? Where is she? "

Just for a moment, the ancient wind bounced up and his face changed dramatically.

When he was really afraid of anything, he was always worried that nalanjing would have an accident. Was it really an accident?

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