As soon as he landed, Gu Feng's eyebrows wrinkled deeply, because he was surprised by the dilapidation on the star.

The whole star is a replica of Canglang continent. Even, the degree of damage here is far greater than the Canglang continent.

The desolate land is now completely dilapidated. There are depressions, cracks and missing everywhere... Yes, it is missing. The whole star has been seriously missing. This lack means that the whole plate falls off directly and becomes meteorite after scattering!!!

The whole star is not square and round now. It's completely an irregular mess

Evil spirit, everywhere, filled with the whole star. This shows that this was really the place where the army of demons stayed. The broken earth shows that there has really been a tragic war here.

Among these residual evil spirits, there are also some very terrible evil spirits, which neither dissipate nor are compatible with other evil spirits. Those evil spirits, ancient customs and Kui tou are not strange, because they have seen them on the Canglang continent. That was the evil spirit in the chopping day demon sword, which was finally controlled by nalanjing.

There is still such evil spirit in this world, which can only explain one thing - Nalan Jing came and used force.

As for the result, it's hard to guess.

They stepped on the broken star with an unusually heavy heart. In any way, nalanjing has been here and had a fierce war with people here. Just, where has nalanjing gone now? Did she grab the mirror? Is she... Still alive?

Gu Feng didn't dare to think too much. He was afraid of his mental collapse. The most unbearable thing for him is the death of his relatives. If nalanjing really has three advantages and two disadvantages, he

"Did you see it all? I didn't lie to you. Nalan really came here and had a fierce war with others. According to her current cultivation, she has a devil swallowing coffin in her hand, and those primitive evil spirits. Even morwen can't be qualified to directly touch her. This can only show that there is a real fairy king out. It is the strong fairy king who is fighting with Nalan! "

Kui head murmured and simply analyzed some situations. Even if he doesn't say it, the ancient style is completely clear. However, after he said so, the ancient wind became even more heavy.


In that sentence, nalanjing has just set foot in the field of fairy kings, and her realm is still unstable. Where does she get the qualification to start with other fairy kings?

Now nalanjing's whereabouts are unknown. There is a great possibility that she has been killed. The ancient wind dare not think at all.

"Sister Jing said that she had a magic coffin and those evil spirits. Even if she met the fairy king, she had a chance to escape. So... Shouldn't something happen to her? "

Although he said so, the ancient wind had no bottom in his heart and felt very hung.


When dealing with the weak, a real strong person often only needs another look, a threat and a burst of drink. If nalanjing meets the old fairy king, does she still have a chance to escape?

Kui tou didn't answer, because he also knew that Nalan had a small chance of survival. If you reluctantly accept the ancient style, you're not right.

The atmosphere was silent and repressed again. They didn't speak. They moved forward and looked for clues all the way.

Suddenly, the ancient wind stopped, looked back at Kui's head and asked, "you come from the demon world. Can't you guess which fairy king did this?"

Smelling the speech, Kui head stopped, pondered for a while, then slowly shook his head and said, "I can't guess, because even his Moore family has more than one fairy king, the heaven demon world is so big, and there are so many forces participating in the expedition war. How do I know who crossed the boundary?"

"Moore family, there is more than one fairy king? Well... So, isn't he a real noble family? "

The ancient wind was shocked. Listen to Kui tou's meaning, the demon world is really big?

Sure enough, Kui tou's next answer really surprised the ancient wind.

Kui tou said with great certainty: "yes, the murvin family is indeed more than one fairy king. Their family, in the whole Tianmo world, is the most prestigious family. Otherwise, their family will not obtain the command of this expedition. Even thousands of years ago, there were rumors that morvin was also attacking fairyland. Once he successfully set foot in fairyland, his family would be even more amazing. "

"There is also hearsay news that he has been secretly collecting the four treasures of demons. He has great ambition. He not only wants to set foot in the fairy king, but also wants to ascend the Empire and dominate the whole sky..."

"Going to the imperial realm? Dominate the sky? How can it be so easy? "

Gu Feng sneered because he had never heard of the great emperor after the great Yu emperor. Even the emperor who did it was not a real great emperor. Maybe it was a fairy king like Dionysus!

"Usually, it is more difficult to set foot in the imperial realm than to ascend to heaven. However, there have long been rumors in the demon world that as long as you collect four magic treasures, you can set foot in the imperial realm 100%. Even if there is only one, you can understand some opportunities to become emperor... Therefore, if someone really collects four magic treasures and reappears the great emperor in the world, it is very possible. "

"It's impossible. In this world, even if someone can climb to the imperial realm by magic treasure, it can only be sister Jing!"

The old wind was cold again, and he scoffed at the morwen. However, he kept saying that only nalanjing could test the magic treasure and set foot in the Empire. However, where is nalanjing now?

The atmosphere became silent again. Without saying a word, they still walked on the star. They are training as many valuable clues as possible, hoping to find the trace of nalanjing.

However, they were disappointed. Half a month later, they had set foot in every inch of the land on the star, but they still didn't find any valuable clues. They still couldn't determine nalanjing's life and death, or where to go!

At this time, Kui tou's patience seemed to be exhausted. He was no longer willing to accompany Gu Feng's aimless search. He stopped and said to the old wind, "in my opinion, it's meaningless for us to look like this. No, if we'd better go back and wait for the news, if Nalan is really okay, she will come back by herself. We've been out for so long. What if a big enemy invades? "

Smelling the speech, the ancient wind also stopped his steps, and he was silent. He knew that it would be a waste of time to look for it again. However, if you really ask him to give up and not find it, can he do it?

So he said to Kui's head, "why don't you go back by yourself? I'll look for some small stars nearby."

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