"Meritorious and innocent?"

Hearing the speech, the middle-aged man's heart trembled wildly again and knocked his head down. In a trembling voice, he shouted to the ancient wind, "thank you, saint!"

After a loud head knock, the middle-aged man got up trembling and planned to retreat. However, he had just taken two steps, and his legs were weak, so he fell down again. He wanted to stand up again, but he couldn't do it anymore.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Saint Jun, i... I'll get out now!"

With that, the middle-aged man actually lay on the ground and planned to disappear in the eyes of the ancient wind in the way of "rolling".

Not only he, but even the young man in green robe beside him looked the same. Both of them were scared out of their wits. Their legs were so soft that they couldn't stand up at all. Maybe they could only roll out.

Seeing this, Gu Feng's eyebrows wrinkled, he held his empty hand, and the two people were helped up by him on the spot.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "I said, you are meritorious and innocent. Why use 'Roll'? Now, in front of the venerable people all over the world, I will give you a "great protector of the blue sky". From now on, in this world, only I can kill you. Anyone who sees you needs respect! "

With that, a soft "immortal power" was immediately passed into the middle-aged man's body... Soon, the middle-aged man opened his eyes and watched his cultivation soar. All the way from the initial stage of virtual God to the middle stage, later stage, peak, and then to the true God. At the beginning, middle, late and peak, break through the divine Kingdom

In public, the ancient wind pulled a little monk in the virtual God realm all the way to the God King realm!

This scene caused a series of exclamations on the spot. In particular, Ning Zelong, who was near, stared round his eyes and showed an incredible color on his face. Now, he finally knows how the ancient wind has pulled the two of Tianlong Zun from the realm of Zun to the realm of sage.

"Saint... Saint, i... I, my cultivation..."

The middle-aged man is stupid. At this time, he only knows that his cultivation has soared and has been promoted many levels. But he didn't know what he was at this time.

"At this time, you are also a venerable person. Later, I order you to supervise the temples all over the world. Of course, you don't have to thank me, because this is a reward for you and you deserve it. "

Gu Feng smiled, patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder, and then said, "and remember, the most important thing for people is not to forget their original heart. Your accomplishments are too easy for you, so you must remember not to be complacent! "

"I... I'm already a venerable person? Am I the venerable? I'm still... Qingtian Dharma protector? I...... "the middle-aged man's mind trembled wildly again. He almost suspected that he was dreaming.

Venerable, what is that? In this world where saints do not appear, the venerable is the strongest and the actual master of the earth. Now, I have changed and become such a strong man?

Of course, the middle-aged man will not forget the warning of the ancient style. After he forcibly calmed down his mood, he bowed solemnly to the ancient style and said: "I remember, today I swear a bloody oath to the sky. In this life, I should be willing to guard the Qingtian Temple forever and never forget my original heart!"

With that, he bowed to the ancient wind again, buckled his head three times, and then withdrew from the hall.

Outside, when the middle-aged man stepped out, the whole scene immediately fried the pot. Everyone gathered around and looked at the middle-aged man who was forcibly promoted and cultivated as if he were watching strange babies

In the temple, there are only Gu Feng and Ning Zelong left, and they are quiet all of a sudden.

The ancient wind didn't look back. His eyes were always on the majestic statue. After watching it for a long time, he rushed to Ning Zelong behind him and asked, "you set up these temples for me?"

"Yes, why did min Jun build a temple for you because he thought of your great kindness to us. Of course, the reason why your temple can continue is not that you are kind to us. The most important thing is that you have made great contributions to the world. " Ning Zelong replied.


The ancient wind clearly nodded and agreed with this statement very much.

Then his eyes fell on the two lines of inscription and asked, "what's the matter with these two words? There are no other temples. Why are there here? Also, the horizontal scroll... "

At the sight of the horizontal scroll, the ancient style was a little embarrassed. Because in his opinion, the horizontal inscription was too arrogant. Who dares to say "Lao Tzu is the biggest"?

"That..." Ning Zelong pondered and replied, "these two lines of inscriptions are indeed put forward by Min Jun to show your majesty. However, the banner... It doesn't matter to us. "

"Didn't you do it together? It's none of your business? What do you say? "

Gu Feng was stunned. He really didn't know why. It is reasonable to say that Ning Zelong and Wu Minjun are the strongest in this land. They made the inscriptions of this temple. Who dares to add banners without their consent?

This problem embarrassed Ning Zelong for a moment. After pondering for a long time, he asked the ancient wind, "do you know what the 'Laozi' in 'Laozi's biggest' means? That's not a self crazy name, but a great source! "

"Huh? Is there a story in this? Isn't this' Lao Tzu 'an arrogant self address? May you hear it in detail! "

The more you listen to the ancient style, the more interesting it becomes. He has already felt that there is a story in it. He can't wait to find out the twists and turns.

However, Ning Zelong smiled and said, "in fact, if under normal circumstances, min Jun and I will not let anyone fool around in the temple. But... Some people, even me and Minjun, can't provoke, such as your son... "

"What? You mean... You mean my son made it? "

"Yes, there was a young man named Gu Xiaotian who was very powerful. His demeanor was no less than that of you. He claims to be your son. He wants to add those four words here. What else can I say‘ The actual meaning of the word "Lao Tzu's greatest" is not self arrogance, but that little guy is telling the world that his Lao Tzu is his father's greatest... "

Although this remark sounds a little tongue twister, the ancient style still understands it. Feelings, that is the horizontal inscription raised by Xiao Tian in those years. The "Lao Tzu" in "Lao Tzu is the largest" is not arrogant self claiming, but the meaning of father. In other words, this banner is equivalent to "the biggest father"!

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