Ning Zelong really went out to convey the order of the ancient wind. When he returned to the temple again, where was the shadow of the ancient wind?

When the ancient wind was gone, he left the temple and stood alone nine days away.

What's he doing?

He has just said that he will help Ning Zelong and get Wu Minjun back.

Looking for Wu Minjun is not that the old wind is too idle to panic and takes care of their private lives, but that he must take them away.

Leaving them here is not so much a pleasure as putting them in jail. In the long run, they may really go crazy. Once they are mad, who can suppress them in this world? Don't you destroy this world?

Standing alone in the ancient wind outside the sky, he released his spirit and searched everywhere. His powerful soul perception ability can explore every inch of land and every living creature below. As long as Wu Minjun is still on the mainland, he can quickly find it.

However, something surprised Gu Feng appeared. His powerful spirit swept the whole continent three times in a row, but he still didn't find Wu Minjun's whereabouts. Why?

The next moment, the ancient wind suddenly came. He knew that Wu Minjun must not be in the world. Because if a saint like her looks forward to the mainland for a long time, it will seriously consume the Reiki resources on the mainland. In order not to destroy the balance on the mainland, she is likely to stay on extraterritorial meteorites for a long time.

Imagine that all the venerable people in the world came to meet themselves at the first time. If Wu Minjun was on the mainland, how could he not know that he was coming? Therefore, she is likely to stay outside the territory, otherwise she would have come to see herself.

"What should I do? Leaving the mainland is the vast sky. How can I find her? "

When the old custom was in trouble, he found himself talking big. To find someone in the universe? This is not an ordinary difficulty!

But now, his big words have been said, and he must take Wu Minjun away. So, no matter how difficult it is, you have to find it.

"There are countless stars in the sky. Where am I going now?"

The old wind murmured, and I was really at a loss for a while.

Then he whispered: "according to their current cultivation, he needs the enlarged support of heaven and earth aura, and she can't completely leave the living world. Therefore, they can't stay away from Haize continent. But there are dead stars around. Where can she go? "

"Where can she go? Where does she want to go most? " The ancient wind murmured, constantly analyzing and guessing. Suddenly, his mind flashed, as if he thought of something. He said to himself, "this world is a cage for her. There should be only two places she wants to go most, one is to return to the xuanhuang continent, and the other is to continue on the Chengxian road. It is impossible for her to go back to xuanhuang mainland, so she can only continue on her way. However, if you continue on the road, you have to go to... "

"Black hole!!!" Almost all of a sudden, this word flashed into the mind of the ancient wind. Then he affirmed: "yes, it's a black hole. She must have gone to the black hole, because only the black hole can let her continue on the road and get rid of the cage of heaven and earth."

At the thought of this, the ancient wind suddenly knew where to look. In his opinion, Wu Minjun must have gone to the black hole because she yearned to leave. The only way to leave this world is to step into a black hole.

With Wu Minjun's cultivation today, he can't get rid of the living world at all. If she chooses to walk through the universe and go on the road, she will be consumed and died in the vast sky one day. Because the vast sky seems to have countless stars, but there are few stars with creatures and the aura of heaven and earth. It's impossible to cross from one world to another with your own flying speed.

After figuring this out, the ancient wind locked the position of the black hole, then tore the void and ran straight away.

According to the ancient style, today's cultivation doesn't need any transmission Dharma array at all. The transmission Dharma array in this world may not be as fast as its own. Although in the past, it was necessary to land five or six five color altars in a row to go to the black hole, the ancient wind now doesn't need those. After he locked the linear orientation, several broken voids directly appeared in the cosmic space where the black hole was located.

Black hole, or that black hole. It still lies in the sky, like a terrorist machine that devours everything. Because there are black holes here, there is not even a meteorite in a large sky nearby. It looks light and scary.

With the ancient style's strong perception ability, he found a person's figure almost the moment he stepped out of nothingness. He really guessed that Wu Minjun was really in this Fang Tianyu. She was really in front of the black hole.

About 30000 miles away from the black hole, there was a slim figure sitting quietly with his eyes closed. Although it has been more than 100 years, Gu Feng still recognized her at a glance. That is Wu Minjun who abandoned everything for love.

It's just that the ancient wind found her. She hasn't found the ancient wind yet.

At this time, the ancient wind is about thousands of miles away from Wu Minjun. After staring at each other silently for a long time, he sighed and said, "Hey, I want to jump, but I don't have enough courage. Want to go back, but it is endless torture. What should I do? If I were you, I would be so tangled... "

"Who? Who? Who is playing tricks? "

Suddenly I heard this sigh, which frightened Wu Minjun. Her eyes opened round at once, and the whole person bounced like a frightened rabbit.

The next second, when she saw the ancient wind thousands of miles away, the whole person was frightened and retreated again.

"You... Are you an antique? You... How did you show up here? "

"Hehe, we haven't seen each other for more than 100 years. Shouldn't you talk to me in this tone? More than a hundred years ago, although I killed many people in your Wu family, I didn't get angry with you. "

While talking, Gu Feng walked to Wu Minjun with a smile. The distance of thousands of miles is not called distance for him. His steps seemed slow, but he crossed thousands of miles in a few steps. The next second, he appeared directly ten feet away from Wu Minjun.

"You... Don't come here, don't come here. Over the years, we have been honest. We have never bullied anyone, nor have we maliciously robbed cultivation resources. You can't kill me! "

Obviously, Wu Minjun misunderstood the ancient style. She just thought it was the ancient style to find her bad luck. While talking, she still kept retreating, showing a frightened look on her face.

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