The black hole of the ancient wind is not very big this time, because the actual distance between Haize continent and xuanhuang continent is not far. Perhaps, among all the sites, the distance between the two sites is the shortest.

Of course, from the star map, this distance is really not far, but once we really open the cosmic distance, it will be far away.

Without any accident, Wu Minjun and the three were stunned again by the means of ancient wind. In any case, they would not think that ancient wind could turn into a black hole. They only know that ancient customs have a way to leave, but they didn't expect that the way of ancient customs is so special and shocking!

In shock and fear, the three were swallowed by the black hole. Then, they seem to be forcibly pulled into a space-time channel, shuttling rapidly. They only saw endless time and space turbulence flying around, endless lightning and thunder passing by, and they narrowly avoided wave after wave of turbulence attacks in bursts of screams.

I don't know how long, maybe an hour? Maybe two hours, maybe one day, or two days... In short, they don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, they just felt a light in front of them, and then their bodies were shot out like shells.

When they controlled their bodies again, they found themselves completely in another strange universe. The very familiar Haize continent had disappeared.

"Where is this? Where is the sea Ze continent? "

Xia Xiaoyou couldn't help asking. She was talking to herself rather than asking.

"This is... Xuanhuang star, xuanhuang world!" Involuntarily, Ning Zelong murmured. Then, as if he was crazy, he clenched his fist and shouted: "this is the xuanhuang world, this is the xuanhuang continent, this is... The xuanhuang continent, our hometown..."

"Yes, this is the xuanhuang world. This is our hometown. We're back..."

Wu Minjun also murmured. At this moment, her little face changed greatly. In such a blink of an eye, they returned to the dark yellow continent, which was so incredible for them. It was like a dream.

In front, right in front of the three, at the end of the line of sight, there is a huge star across. The star looks so big that it can't be seen at a glance. Even, the three clearly saw that there were countless small stars around the stars

It is worth mentioning that the color of this star is very clear. It is actually five colors!

Yes, its main tone is five colors, and it is unusually clear.

They are white snow area, red red area, green area, light golden holy area and earthy yellow dragon area. In addition to the five basic colors, the most striking one is gray, which basically occupies two-thirds of the continent.

Although Xia Xiaoyou doesn't know what it is, Wu Minjun and Wu Minjun are very clear that those gray areas belong to the vast no man's land.

In the past, they only knew that the no man's land was large, perhaps larger than the continental area, but they didn't have a specific concept in mind. But now, through this observation, they have a clear idea. No man's land is not only big, but also really big enough to occupy two-thirds of the whole continent!

Of the five areas, the smallest belongs to the white snow area, and the largest belongs to the pale gold holy area. The second is the green region and the Dragon region. The red region is only a little larger than the snow region, one in the South and one in the north.

"Is this the real world you're taking me to? Is there a world tree here? It seems... It seems that this world is really suitable for practice. Even if we are outside the territory, we can clearly feel the fullness of laws... "

Xia Xiaoyou murmured. Her little face changed and changed. She was completely stunned. Even though there is still a long distance from the xuanhuang continent, she has felt the difference between the laws of heaven and earth. At this moment, she has a strong desire to practice, and even wants to sit on the site regardless of everything.

Suddenly, Xia Xiaoyou said "eh" and asked, "where's the king of the blue sky?"


The three reacted. Why is the ancient style gone?

Suddenly looking back, the three were shocked to find that there was a black hole spinning quietly thousands of miles behind them

"It seems that I remember that before leaving the Haize continent, the king of the blue sky turned into a black hole. Is that it? "

The three looked at each other and saw the color of shock on each other's faces.

Before the three people could recover from the shock, they saw that the black hole suddenly became violent. After a burst of rotation, it suddenly closed and disappeared!

The next second, a giant in a gray robe appeared in their sight.

He stood with his hands on his back, silently staring at the dark yellow continent in front of him, in a daze.

That's an ancient style, of course. Who else can there be except him?

At this time, the ancient style looks calm on the surface, but in fact, it is a wild jump in the heart. His excited heart could no longer be restrained and kept pounding.

I've been back for more than 100 years. Today I finally returned to this familiar land. At this moment, the heart of the ancient style is filled with a strong taste of homesickness. Even he didn't have the courage to step forward.

He was like a wanderer who had been away from home for many years. At this time, he finally returned to his familiar hometown, but he didn't have the courage to go home!

In this familiar home, there are his parents and teachers, his wife and a failed beauty

This hometown is the place where he rose and became famous. After leaving for many years, he was afraid of his hometown and didn't have the courage to go back. At this moment, where is he or the powerful leader of Qingtian cult? Where is the anti enemy ally who dominates one big world? Where is he or the ancient wind Saint qingtianwang who guides the rivers and mountains?

At this moment, he was an ordinary wanderer, a distant wanderer who had been away from his hometown for a long time. His powerful heart, at this moment, also became incomparably fragile.

"Qing Tianwang!"

In the distance, Ning Zelong shouted loudly, which brought the thoughts of ancient style back to reality.

After taking a few steps forward, the distance was ten thousand feet. In the blink of an eye, the ancient wind appeared in front of several people.

His eyes took back from the xuanhuang continent and fell on Wu and Ning. He said, "I didn't break my promise. I finally brought you back. Now, give you a free time to go home and visit your relatives. I have to go home and visit my parents! "

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