Boku's face changed continuously, and then he sneered again. He sneered, "do you want to replace heaven? You want to bury my ancestors? You ask yourself, "do you have that ability?"

"How many demon stars have appeared in this world since my ancestors took control of heaven? Everyone is shouting about cutting the sky and changing the sky. Who succeeded? "


The old custom is speechless, and there is no refutation at all.

And Boku, the more you say, the more powerful you are.

He added: "according to the historical records of our Cang nationality, in the distant ancient years, there were time and space emperor, juechuang emperor, huangquan emperor and the ancestor of ten thousand demons to cut down and change the sky, but who succeeded? Even the nearest emperor Dayu shouted for another day. At the same time, nine evil spirits are evil. They also say they want to take it instead of heaven. But who has succeeded? "

"Also, like the Lord of Buddha, the Lord of demons, or the demon king aruye, who doesn't shout to replace the way of heaven? But who succeeded again? They died, died, dissipated, dissipated, and now where are those who shout to change the day? "

When the words fell, Boku silently looked at the ancient style and said no more.

But after seeing the ancient style for a long time, he asked, "are you finished? If you don't have to say it, I'll say it? "

"First of all, demon stars are true and false. How can they be compared with Emperor Yu and Emperor juehuang, such as the nine demons and aruye? One is bred by the true way of heaven, and the other is a poor creature created by some existence. How can we be confused? "

"Secondly, the absolute wilderness emperor and the time and space emperor did fail to cut down the sky before, but their efforts were not in vain. Everything is just waiting for the time. When the time comes, everything will be natural. For example, now, I once again uphold the mission of heaven. What they can't do may be completed by me. "

"Don't you hear that heaven is as old as love? In this world, nothing can resist the power of years, including your heavenly ancestors. Years will not only give him years, but also make him decay until he collapses. "

"Those great emperors did not lose to your ancestors, but were born in the wrong age. They were born in a time and space where the Tao of heaven should not die."

"But now, ask yourself, can the sky above us last an era? Everyone knows that the collapse of the way of heaven is only a matter of this era. Maybe in a hundred years, maybe in a thousand years, maybe ten thousand more years... "

"At that time, when the sky falls, the universe will collapse and the universe will no longer exist. Those disappeared emperors will manifest themselves in the world again. They will stand up and cut down the sky and change the sky! "

"At that time, you still dare to ask like today, who can succeed in another day?"


The ancient style's answer was wonderful and called Boku on the spot.

After a long time, he puffed up his palm to show his sincere admiration.

But then he laughed again. He said, "ancient wind, ancient wind, I have to say that your words are very insightful and perhaps true. But if you die here today, what will you take to cut the sky in the future? What capital do you have to change days? Although you uphold the mission of heaven, you are only flesh and blood, and you will die. Don't forget, if other demon stars swallow you, whether they are true or false, they can replace your mission. So don't take yourself too seriously. In fact, you can be nothing! "

"Oh? I'm so scared. " The old wind is a burst of laughter. Then he said, "before, didn't you change my life style? You can't take my life when you change my life style. Where do you get your confidence now? "

"It's useless to say more. I'd better see the real chapter at hand. I killed your son and ruined your future. You hate me to the bone. And you have also cut through our whole vicissitudes and created countless murders and robberies. I also have to kill you. "

"Today, we can repay our gratitude and resentment with blood. Who dies, who withdraws from the stage of history. Now, on behalf of the waves, I will destroy you! "

With that, the ancient wind began to gather. All of a sudden, his whole body was full of light. Eighteen thousand arrays were revived by him.

He could only hear the "bombing" in his body. Those were all divine forces stirring. The mighty power, in the flow, is like a collapsing River, roaring.

Those magical powers were also blessed by 18000 arrays in the body, which made the overall power increase several times again.

It can be said that the ancient style at this moment is at the peak of life. He only felt that as long as he roared up to the sky, he would surely blow the stars to pieces. He just felt that he could kill thousands of real immortals with a threat, a look and a roar

At this time, he basically reached the level of Boku's power - roaring, breaking a group of immortals!

On the other side, Boku was obviously stunned by the ancient style. But soon he grinned and looked very excited. The smile made people's back numb and a little scary, just like the beast saw its prey.

"Well, well, if you're too weak, I haven't done anything to kill you. Although you are still so weak at this time, you still make do with it! "

With a grim smile, Boku's momentum soared suddenly.

The cultivation of true immortals is not false at all. Before he could get together, Gu Feng took the lead in launching an attack.

With a bang and a loud noise, behind the ancient wind, a dark big roulette was immediately displayed, which was his reincarnation principle.

However, the ancient style at this time does not want to reincarnate Boku, but uses the reincarnation disc to show reincarnation boxing.

"Black and white Pisces turn Yin and Yang, and the six samsara theory of life and death. The hungry ghost Road, the beast road and the hell road all lead to reincarnation. Choose which road you want! "


One punch, six looks.

It looks like a blow, but it turns into six portals.

The six portals are like six worlds. Among the six worlds, there are gods, immortals, Shura, regions, evil spirits, and old sows... There are many illusions. Where can we see the shadow of ancient customs?

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it is really difficult to tell true from false. But Boku is Boku after all. Where can these illusions deceive his eyes?

He responded to changes with constancy. Finally, he just punched straight and smashed all illusions on the spot.

Just listen to the sound of "boom", and then Gufeng's body flew upside down. His reincarnation fist was not only broken, but even the reincarnation plate behind him dissipated.

One punch, high and low judgment, ancient style is not an opponent at all!

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