He was frustrated and hurt one after another, which not only depressed the ancient style, but also made him feel powerless and desperate. What else can he do to resist Boku's ferocity?

Finally, he clenched his teeth as if he had made a very important decision. Then he began to drink and scold Boku: "Boku, you bastard, do you mean to ridicule me? Not only are your accomplishments much higher than mine, but your time of cultivation is tens of thousands of years earlier than mine. You failed to kill me after so many attacks. Do you still have a face? "

"If you don't let me use magic tools, I won't use them. Since I dare to challenge you, I'm sure to kill you. Today, it depends on my ancient style, how to rely on my true ability to reverse crime! "

Roaring, the ancient wind's body with only the upper half was suddenly wrapped by a dark red light. The dark red light makes people feel very mysterious and evil. The Boku not far away immediately frowned. He felt a strange force of oppression from the dark red light.

The next second, he reacted and raised his magic knife on the spot, which was a random chop. It seems that I can't wait to break the ancient wind into pieces.

Unfortunately, the ancient style of being added by red Mans is like God's help. Although it has only half of its body, it is very flexible to avoid every attack.

At this time, Boku's roar rang again: "ah... Demon star, you... You cheat again. You are using the source of demon star, and you are not afraid to bring trouble to yourself?" Although the roar is full of anger, if you carefully distinguish it, you can hear a bit of fear.

It turned out that this was an important decision secretly made by the ancient style. At this moment, if you don't use Chizhou tripod and want to turn over the plate, you have to use the origin of demon star.

Demon star origin, who can not be afraid?

It is said that all things in heaven and earth are under the control of the Tao of heaven, except the mysterious demon star. The demon star's earthly time is beyond the control of even heaven. Once the demon star appears, it means the end and replacement

Demon star, even the way of heaven will be afraid, not to mention bokuhu? It can be said that few people in this world are not afraid of the origin of the demon star. The original Qi is mysterious to anyone.

"Hehe, cheat? Why cheat? The origin of this demon star is what I have with my body. It is a part of my body. Why should I cheat? If I want to cheat, I won't be stabbed by you! "

Gu Feng sneered and didn't think he was cheating at all.

Today's war was proposed by him to be a fair war. Before using the tripod to protect life, it was also a helpless move. If he really wants to cheat, he will continue to use Chizhou Ding, or even directly integrate with Dading. In that case, can Boku still hit him hard?

Therefore, the ancient custom after being stabbed can be said to have a clear conscience.

"Well, well, since you dare to use the source gas, you'll wait for the disaster to come!"

Boku was angry, and then there was another round of crazy cleavage. Unfortunately, it was still hidden by the ancient style of red Mans.

That strange demon star origin, after blessing on the ancient wind, can not only improve the Dodge ability of the ancient wind. Most importantly, it removes the power of those laws attached to the ancient wind. The power of those terrible laws is not only rapidly destroying all physical functions of the ancient wind, but also blocking the operation of the ancient wind's divine power, making the ancient wind unable to repair the trauma at all.

Now, after the laws attached to the body are removed, the whole person looks radiant. Then, with a loud roar, the lower part of his body floating far away flew back by itself

"Want to sew the body? Have you asked me? "

With a brush, Boku raised the magic knife again.

Then he roared: "I've been in the world for tens of thousands of years. Do you think that's really all I can do? Look at my real strength... "

"One knife breaks the stars, two knives are not controlled by people, three knives divide life and death, and four knives bury the dead..."

With the roar, Boku chopped four knives against the ancient wind again.

As soon as the Four Swords came out, the universe shook and the universe was turbulent.

In the eyes of the ancient wind, where are the four knives? That is clearly the general illusion, the general world... The scene in the eyes of the ancient wind has changed. He feels that he is no longer in the outer universe that has been crippled on that side. He only feels that he is on a vast land with bright stars above his head.

However, the bright stars are a little sad and even frightening. Because the stars were all "blasted" into pieces, and then turned into large and small meteorites, cutting through the sky and becoming dazzling meteors!

A shocking scene appeared. Gu Feng unexpectedly found that those broken stars gathered together at this moment to synthesize a dark magic knife!

The magic knife is shaped like heaven, and the magic Qi is drawn behind him. That is clearly the Dao instrument of Boku, just like it. It came from the sky, and in the eyes of the ancient wind, it turned into the only one in heaven and earth!

At this moment, the ancient wind only feels that he can't hide, can't avoid. Despite the vastness of the world, he had nowhere to hide. As if, no matter where he fled, that knife would break himself.

One knife breaks the stars, two knives can't help people

This is not a knife, a knife to kill, do not allow you to dodge, give you only endless despair!

Three knives divide life and death, and four knives bury the dead... If there is no accident, the ancient style will have to hate on the spot and be buried on the spot!

What should I do? In the face of this situation, what is the solution? What block?

Seeing the magic knife kill, the ancient wind, even his incomplete body, has not been sewn up... It seems that he can only sit and wait to die!

However, the old style is still the old style. He forged an incomparably strong willpower in the waves of setbacks and tribulations. He is full of toughness and will not give up in the face of any desperate situation.

Facing the magic knife that was getting closer and closer and was about to fall on his head, he looked up and roared

"Get out!!!"

The roar was as thick as a bell, and immediately dispersed the tens of thousands of feet of demonic Qi.

What came out with the roar was a strong black light coming out of the eyebrows of the ancient wind. It was terrible. Everywhere I went, I broke everything, including a knife that day!

Suddenly, the ancient wind only felt that the scenery of heaven and earth changed. Above his head, there were no more shining stars, let alone the Tianlai magic knife transformed by countless stars. At the same time, the boundless land under his feet was gone, and the terror that enveloped him suddenly disappeared.

He, back to the original real world!

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