The matter of Bo Wantong came to an end. The eyes of Wuxu Buddha and the red woman devil fell on nalanjing again.

After watching for a long time, the female devil finally spoke to nalanjing and said, "sister Nalan, when you are a sister, you have to advise you. It's still time to stop. Even if you have three magic treasures in hand, you can't stop me and the master!"

"Sister? I don't deserve it! " Hearing the speech, Nalan Jingdang even sneered and said, "admit that my cultivation is far inferior to you, but it will not be so easy for you to take my husband away from me!"

While talking, the three magic treasures began to shine again. Although it has not moved, it has its own great dignity, which makes people dare not underestimate it at all.

For a time, both the Wuxu Giant Buddha and the female devil in red were silent. The three men confronted each other like this, saying nothing and not retreating from each other.

The scene seemed to be deadlocked. Nalanjing, who had three magic treasures in hand, did not dare to attack easily. Although both the female devil and the Buddha are confident that they can defeat nalanjing who has three magic treasures, it is definitely not fun to be hit by three magic treasures.

Finally, nalanjing took the lead in breaking the silence. Without looking back, she said to the ancient wind, "you go, leave the Canglang continent and escape from the sky. Once the Cang family is defeated, they will withdraw. As long as you leave and don't stay in the Canglang continent, all disasters will end! "

"Leave the waves?"

Gu Feng was stunned and his face turned pale for a moment.

But when you think about it, it's really true. All disasters, in fact, revolve around him. If he really left the Canglang continent and went to other worlds to hide his name, would he be safe?

If he continues to stay in Canglang continent, it will continue to be a hunting ground. How can he avoid being robbed?

The only way to keep Canglang from being robbed is for the prey to leave the hunting ground.

"Sister Jing... How can I leave you?"

The ancient wind screamed and was very unwilling. Nalanjing said that she would protect him all her life. She did it. She appeared every time when she needed it most, including this time.

Such a good wife, how can the ancient wind be willing to leave her alone? Here, but surrounded by two, one finger can kill her terrible enemy a hundred times!

"Wind, you go. Don't worry about me. Three magic treasures are in hand. Although I can't kill my opponent, it's more than enough to protect my life. Just like a year ago, at that time, I had only one coffin to bury heaven demons, and my accomplishments had not been stabilized! "

Gu Feng didn't know the final result of the outer space war a year ago. For him, the war is still a mystery. All he knew was that nalanjing appeared in front of him again.

Gu Feng wants to ask, but where is the opportunity?


"There's nothing to be. Even if I can get together with you now, it's only a short time. I have completely set foot in fairyland. I have to... Go on my way! "

"On the road? On what road? Where are you going? "

Gu Feng was stunned. The news was undoubtedly a heavy bomb for him. It was too unexpected.

Seeing that nalanjing hesitated a little, she sighed and said, "it's really inconvenient to say too much at this time. You just need to know that I have to go. This is the real reason why there is no trace of the fairy king in Canglang continent. It is not that the world cannot have a fairy king, but once a fairy king is born, you must go to that place! "

"Where? Where is that? "

On the spot, the old wind became more confused. Suddenly, he remembered the meeting a year ago:

At that time, there were more than 3000 people attending the meeting, all of whom were the controllers of the top big forces in the whole Canglang continent. At the meeting, Gu Feng once asked everyone why those fairy kings didn't come out to meet the enemy in the face of such a disaster? Could it be that the Immortal King was not born in Canglang continent?

As a result, someone told him that Canglang continent never lacked fairy kings, but the fairy kings had gone. As for where he went, no one can say. At that time, it was also said that now that nalanjing has set foot in the land of quasi fairy king, she will soon give the answer to ancient wind.

At that time, the ancient wind and Nalan Jing were a little cloudy. Now, Nalan Jing understands, but the ancient style is still confused.

Facing the pressing of the ancient style step by step, nalanjing was in trouble. I wanted to say something again, but at this time, the female devil in red gave a giggle.

He said, "my careful son, you can't ask about some things when you are not qualified, otherwise it will only bring great disaster to yourself. Ha ha! "

"Huh? Not qualified? "

The ancient wind's heart is a condensation again, a little speechless. It seems that at the meeting a year ago, those big men on Canglang continent also said that?

It seems that everyone is secretive about that place?

"Amitabha!" Suddenly, Wuxu Buddha opened his mouth and said, "ancient wind benefactor, they are right. I also advise you not to ask. If you want to know where to go, you can set foot in the fairy kingdom quickly. In other words, if you want to reunite with your wife quickly, you have to set foot in fairyland quickly, and then go to that place to meet her. "

"Can't you really say it?"

The ancient wind murmured. He looked at nalanjing and stopped asking questions.

But the eyes contained too many complex emotions.

Is it really necessary for husband and wife to separate? After goodbye, do you really have to meet in that mysterious place? They have just met again, and they are forced to separate before they have time to say personal words for a while?

"Feng, you go. Sister Jing can't protect you anymore. Perhaps in the future, I can only rely on you to guard! "

The corners of Nalan's quiet mouth slightly aroused a smile. It was very beautiful, but it was a little desolate.

"I will. I don't need you to protect me anymore. I will protect you in the future!"

The ancient wind whispered, and there was a strong feeling in his eyes.

Then, his figure slowly disappeared and replaced by a small sky swallowing beast... Obviously, the ancient wind intends to directly incarnate into a black hole and stay away from the universe. Since his existence can only bring disaster to the Canglang continent, what else should he do?


Suddenly, when the ancient wind was going to direct the black hole away, he couldn't help but scream. The whole body was stiff, like being electrocuted

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