The ancient wind waved and interrupted the shouts of the crowd.

Then he took Boku's head and turned around again before shouting: "a year ago, when Boku escaped from us, I secretly swore that I told myself that no matter how much I paid, I would catch Boku myself. I will use his head to commemorate the whole Canglang continent. I want the people of the whole Canglang continent to spit on him... "

"Now, I have done it. I not only killed Boku, but also successfully brought back his head. We can tell the whole world that Boku is dead and our great revenge will be rewarded!!! "

"OK, tell the world!!!"

Immediately someone roared with them, which immediately led to the emotions of most people, resulting in a roar.

At this time, Dionysus unconsciously came to the ancient wind. He pressed down the people's voice and then said: "there is another good news for you. The Cang family not only lost the great commander of Boku, but even their fairy King backer suffered heavy losses and fled back to the Cang family in embarrassment. In addition, the whole army of the Cang nationality was completely destroyed... Therefore, the crisis of the Cang nationality has been solved for the time being, and we have won the final victory of the war! "

"Did you win? Did you really win? Has the hunting war really won? "

The crowd looked at each other and saw an incredible look on each other's faces.

Then, many people couldn't help crying. And crying, regardless of their own image. Because this victory is not easy for everyone. Once, in everyone's heart, I don't know how many times I had the idea of giving up. Even, many people have moved to capture and kill the ancient style and exchange the idea of freedom... This victory was exchanged by countless people with firm faith. It is their faith of not abandoning, not giving up and fighting to the end that supports them to return to the ancient style, the God of wine, the king of Nalan, and the final victory.

The Dionysian pressed down the crowd's mood and said, "I can responsibly say that our war is really over. In the future, we just live at ease and don't need to worry about the invasion of great enemies. Because not only the Cang people have been evacuated, but also the demons, Buddhists and the underworld will not invade again. The future Canglang continent will usher in a new life after the disaster. This disaster is over... "

"The disaster is over? Is it really over? "

The words of Dionysus stunned everyone again, and then everyone showed a look of ecstasy. I couldn't believe it. Even the ancient style was completely stunned and didn't know what was going on.

Even if the Cang family is defeated, there are still demons? There are also Buddhism and hell that have stretched out their claws and teeth. They're retreating, too?

Can we say that this hunting war is over?

The God of wine ignored the question of the ancient wind, but shouted to the crowd below: "yes, the first disaster in history has passed, and we have successfully survived this disaster. In the future, the Cang family will not invade again, and the heavenly demons will not come again. We can live a normal life with peace of mind! "

"Is it really over? Is the robbery really over? The Alliance Army can be disbanded? "


People still keep asking questions and can't believe it. Because over the years, they are really used to living in pain and disaster

"The war is over. Although the culprit has been killed, he can't go to the ground at ease. It's my order to build an insult mountain outside Hongdu, on which Boku heads are placed. Whoever it is can go up and insult at will to vent his hatred! "

The voice of Dionysus sounded again, which shocked people again, and everyone's thoughts slowed down from the disaster.

Insult mountain, that will be the ultimate destination of Boku. A pillar of shame will stand on the insult mountain, and the head of Boku will be nailed to it forever and will be despised forever!


In the twinkling of an eye, three months have passed. In these three months, the Canglang continent has undergone amazing changes.

First of all, outside Hongdu, an insult mountain was really built. That place was overcrowded from morning till night, day and night. Countless people lined up for days and nights just to spit a mouthful of saliva

Secondly, the Anti Japanese Alliance was dissolved, and hundreds of millions of anti enemy troops were divided into parts and returned to their respective forces. The dissolution of the Alliance Army declared the complete lifting of the state of war. People all over the world have ushered in a new life after the disaster, and everyone has started a new round of stable life.

Finally, the most surprising news is that Qingtian shenting also announced its dissolution. The behemoth, who acted as the main leading group during the disaster, announced its dissolution without warning. As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. I can't believe it!

When people are shocked, they are sad and reluctant. Because everyone has seen the role and contribution of the Qingtian divine court. It is no exaggeration to say that if this catastrophe had not been led by the Qingtian divine court, the whole Canglang continent would have been completely destroyed.

At this time, the blue sky divine court suddenly disappeared. If there is another great disaster in the future, who will resist it? Who will lead the group?

For the people of the whole world, Qingtian shenting is a giant, and there is no super giant that can be provoked by any force. If, after the war, the Qingtian divine court wants to rule the world, no one can object.

People wonder why such a terrorist force is scattered? Once faced with the brink of collapse several times, they all survived. Now how can they be dissolved?

In fact, this is also a helpless move, because if the divine court is not dissolved, it will only continue to usher in countless disasters. All the ancient wind has to do is disappear, completely disappear in the Canglang continent. Both himself and his sect must completely disappear in the Canglang continent. Otherwise, the disaster will continue!

This is the reason why GUI Yun, the God of wine, vowed that the disaster was over. Because he had already seen the essence of disaster, that is, because of the ancient customs and the existence of his sect. Once the ancient wind and his sect leave the Canglang continent, all disasters will naturally stay away!

Of course, the Qingtian divine court was gathered by countless people with blood, and it can't really be dissolved. The disbanded part is just some peripheral members, the real core members, none of them left.

Where have you been?

They were taken away by the God of wine. The whole divine court retained a full 50 million army, and Gu Xiaotian, the son of heaven, still served as the supreme commander. As for where he went, the ancient wind didn't know, and the Dionysian didn't say. Dionysus just told the ancient wind that this army will shock the heavens and the world in the future!

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