Now that the final size of the sun has been calculated, Gu Feng's heart soon had an idea. He immediately used his great magic to move the newly formed Earth Star towards the outside of the sun.

It was another closed eye calculation. The ancient wind finally determined the best distance between the Earth Star and the sun, and then placed the earth star here forever. He set the law and speed. He let the earth star always rotate around the sun from west to East and never stop!

After all this, the ancient wind returned to the earth star, and the mood was very happy. Looking up at the sky, the sun is almost as big as a washbasin. This distance is the best distance for the protection of earth stars. Although the sun will continue to expand for a long time in the future, the distance between the sun and the Earth Star will not change. With the expansion of the sun, the orbit of the Earth Star will move outward.

Gu Feng clapped his hands. He wanted to laugh three times, but suddenly he felt a cold attack on his body. He almost trembled. When he looked up again, he found that the sun was about to set, and it was going to be dark. It's going to be night!

"It's not completely dark at this time, and the surface temperature is already so low. If it's late at night, why not freeze all the newly born creatures?"

The old wind murmured to himself and frowned high. He went all the way to the East and soon entered the region shrouded in night.

When he came to the area where the night was located, his eyebrows wrinkled higher, because he found that the temperature of the land shrouded by the night was too low, and all the waters were completely frozen. He stamped down with one foot and couldn't break the ice.

The ancient wind continued to fly eastward, and soon he crossed the edge of the night. At the end of the earth, there is a dawn. Where he is now belongs to the early morning.

This area is facing the alternation of day and night. As for the temperature here, it's a little scary!

He stood still in the ancient wind, and he clearly felt the strong temperature difference. When the dawn of the sun had not yet fully illuminated, it was still shivering with cold. With the sun slowly rising, the temperature here also gradually soared. In less than an hour, the ancient wind's cheeks were sweating!

Further east, the ancient wind came to the area belonging to noon, and his eyebrows were more and more wrinkled and higher. He found that the temperature in these places was high enough to roast any vegetation. Such a temperature is enough to evaporate all waters and cause spontaneous combustion of many objects

"How could this happen? Why is the temperature difference between day and night so large? Such a large temperature difference between day and night, how can life be born? "

The ancient wind murmured, and for a moment, it fell into a bottleneck of thought.

He found that the maximum temperature in the daytime could reach more than 200 degrees. The lowest temperature at night can also reach more than 200 degrees below zero. This shows that the temperature difference between day and night is four or five Baidu!

Within a day, what life can withstand the temperature difference of four or five Baidu? Not to mention those newly born fragile life bodies, even those low-level friars outside can't survive in such an environment!

As the ancient wind continued to wander, he found that one of the most fundamental problems had not been solved, that is, the magnificent ocean!

Although this new earth star is very wide, most areas are shrouded in water. But the problem is that those waters, whether they are oceans or lakes, are almost still at rest. It seems that they still lack a foundation that can move.

What foundation is that? What on earth can make them move?

There is no doubt that life is born in sports. But now, although the earth star has rotated around the sun, the changes on the Earth Star are not big, and most things are still at rest. This will not work. Without exercise, life will never be born!

But what in the end can make the water in the ocean move?

The ancient wind pondered for a long time, and finally had an epiphany. What's that?

The answer is gravity!

If you want these oceans to be choppy forever, you have to pull them by gravity. But where does gravity come from?

By comparison, the ancient wind found that its small world has one of the most obvious loopholes compared with those naturally formed big worlds outside - the moon!

Yes, his world is missing a moon. His earth star is missing a natural satellite!

"I understand that a complete world is inseparable from the sun and the moon. Only with the sun can there be light and temperature, and life can be conceived. With the moon, you can shine on the night, pull the tide, and resist the direct sunlight... "

The ancient wind murmured. At this moment, it was like understanding many natural laws.

He suddenly felt that it was really important to place a natural satellite on earth. This natural satellite can pull each other and echo each other from a distance. With such a gravitational pull, those dead oceans will roar

The most important thing is that this natural satellite can block the direct sunlight, so that the daytime temperature is no longer so high. It can also block the rapid passage of temperature, so that the temperature at night is no longer so low!

"Hehe, this moon seems to be indispensable. That's it. Give the world a full moon! "

Gu Feng chuckled and then rushed to the sky.

What is he going to do? He wants to collect those naturally born space meteorites. He wants to use great mana to forcibly knead those space meteorites to form a new star, which will be used as a satellite for Earth Star and as a moon for this lifeless world!

I have to say, this is another crazy move, which is a little incredible.

However, in the final analysis, this is the small world inside the ancient wind itself. He is the master here. In heaven, he can easily control everything here. Therefore, whether it is to fabricate the earth star or the moon, it can be easily done!

As time goes by, I don't know how much time it took. Anyway, the ancient style was finally made. In contrast, the newly formed moon is much smaller. Fifty are tied together, which is equivalent to the size of a Earth Star!

But that's enough. After all, it's just a satellite. We don't expect life on it. Its main task is to pull the tidal changes on the Earth Star and adjust the temperature difference on the earth star. On the earth star, if you want to be born, you can't live without a stable temperature environment and the motion friction caused by tidal changes!

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