"Catching demon star should be the first skill!!!"

I don't know which camp it is. Suddenly, such a roar came out.

Immediately, the clouds moved in all directions and the roar shook the sky. From the four different camps, there were countless such roars. It seems that the ancient wind has become their prey!

Impressively, the ancient wind realized that it was not he who broke into the battlefield of others, but clearly he came prepared. These four different armies clearly came to catch him!


Another big mouthful of blood gushed out. After being attacked by the ancient wind, there was no resistance at all. At this moment, his bones were almost broken. He was beaten with blood, and he suffered very serious trauma. At this time, he didn't say he resisted. He didn't even have the most basic power to escape, and even it was difficult to stand!

With the approach of several armies, Gu Feng was shocked to find that those soldiers had an incomparably strong breath. Their accomplishments seem to be the same as themselves, belonging to the true immortal level!!!

True immortals, they are all terrible great immortals. Originally, the great immortals who could be proud of the world alone were reduced to a group of ordinary soldiers!

This... Isn't this a little scary? Zhenxian has become an ordinary soldier. What accomplishments are those at the command level? What about the commander-in-chief or the commander-in-chief? Isn't it more terrible?

I can't imagine. I'm really afraid of thinking carefully!

Suddenly, the ancient wind understood that it was not the law of this heaven and earth that was more complete, nor was their law rejected by this heaven and earth. But that's what it is. The real immortal between heaven and earth is so weak!

Don't you see that although all the four armies are composed of real immortals, no one flies in the air?

In other words, the real immortal here is really as cheap as a dog. He has almost become the lowest friar. It is even difficult to fly in the sky!


After figuring this out, the ancient wind was so frightened that it took a breath.

Where is this heaven and earth? Why is it so terrible?

Of course, now is not the time to think about those things, because the four armies have come close.

About tens of feet away from the ancient wind, another strange scene appeared, but there were countless large nets intertwined by divine power scattered from the camps of the four armies, which were overwhelming and dense, with no dead corners or loopholes to be found.

Those four armies are actually going to catch the ancient style alive!

No wonder the numerous attacks just now fell on the ancient wind, but they didn't kill the ancient wind. It turned out that they didn't come to kill the ancient wind at all, but came to catch him!

"Damn it, what should I do?"

Gu Feng was worried. At this moment, he found that he had nowhere to escape. In the face of such a situation, he had almost no way but to wait for death!

I want to fight, but I can't. If you want to run, it's even more impossible. What should I do?


Without any luck, let alone any miracle, the ancient wind was caught and he became a turtle in a jar. And is trapped by countless nets, there is no possibility of escape at all.

The next second, before the ancient wind shouted, the four armies closed their nets. All of a sudden, he became a big fat sheep fighting in all directions.

He was pulled into mid air and his body was almost torn!

At this time, he seemed to be being tortured. Fortunately, his physical strength exceeded the limit of ordinary people. Under the dual action of 18000 array and glazed jade body, he just carried the first wave of tearing.

Then, an unexpected scene appeared. I saw that in the demon camp that day, I suddenly saw a man rising into the sky, falling with a knife in his hand, and immediately cut off his invisible net. Suddenly he turned into a big palm and suddenly grabbed the big nets of the other three parties, which alleviated the pain of the tear of the ancient wind and prevented the ancient wind from being really divided into five parts.

Then, the man in the demon camp shouted at the others: "don't you stop now? If you rob it again, no one can get it. The demon star can only be torn up! "

Hearing the speech, I saw that the people of one camp also cut off their own big net with a knife. The risk of ancient customs being torn up is a little smaller.

However, the people on the other two sides did not buy it. Seeing two people give up, they compete even more!

Forced by helplessness, the big demon who first shot before had to start cutting again and cut to the big net of the other camp. At the same time, a strong terrorist also rushed out of the camp that followed the net just now. He also followed suit and cut to the rest.

"Dare you!"

The destruction of their own big network caused the leader of one camp to drink again and again. He rushed up and killed the great devil.

It was shocking that there was a special mark in the middle of the man's eyebrows. If the ancient wind can still be seen, it will shout out in surprise - Cang!

Yes, it's the Cang family. There is a blue Cang family mark in the center of the man's eyebrows!

In other words, this camp belongs to the Cang nationality. The leader is a terror boss at the level of Boku. He has a blue bully blood that is only slightly inferior to purple bully blood!

No wonder they don't want to give up their feelings. They just go for the life of the ancient wind? They are eager to tear the ancient wind to pieces and never suffer from it!

It's too late, it's too fast. Everything only happens between lightning and flint. From the ancient wind being netted down to the hands of several giants, it only happens between a few breaths.

When they started, the armies of all parties did not stop. They still rushed forward bravely until they completely collided

The horrific scene appeared, and the four armies were equivalent to four torrents. After colliding together, flesh and blood flew in an instant. I don't know how many people died in an instant and directly turned into meat and mud!!!

Countless blood flows through the earth, infecting the already red earth even more flirtatious. The red sky seemed to add a bit of bright red, and a few dull and depressing breath in the air

This is a terrible battlefield, a terrible army. Once such a large-scale battle starts, it can't stop at all. No matter which camp, it suffered serious trauma at this time.

This is why Gu Feng tried to jump out of the battlefield. If he was killed by several armies, he would never escape the tragic end of being ground into meat and mud.

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