"Enough!" Before Yao Ling finished speaking, Gu Feng stretched out his hand and interrupted him. Scolded: "have you scolded enough? Is that enough? Believe it or not, as long as you talk a little more, I'll eat you right away? "


On the spot, the medicine spirit was silent and dared not have a arrogant attitude any more.

In the final analysis, it still has no self-protection ability. The reason why it boasts so much is that it still wants to use the name of Fengling fairy king to suppress the ancient style, so as to achieve the purpose of self-protection.

Seeing the medicine spirit mute, the corners of the ancient wind's mouth unconsciously showed a trace of smile.

Then, after staring at the medicine spirit angrily, he said: "back then, there was a ginseng fruit tree, like you, who liked to boast and wordy. He liked to come out and scare people when he had nothing to do. How did it turn out? I haven't eaten it all, not even a hair left. What's more outrageous is that he boasted about his reincarnation... Bah! "

At this time, the ancient wind thought of the ginseng fruit tree encountered in the lower boundary of Kyushu. The ancient wind had always thought that it was a divine medicine, but in fact, it was a real fairy medicine. Because the little boy in a red belly pocket who claims to be a fairy king is a real medicine spirit!

Medicine spirit, only fairy medicine can have, divine medicine and holy medicine can not be born.

In Kyushu, Gu Feng personally promised to help the ginseng fruit tree find a method suitable for its practice. As a result, Gu Feng not only broke his promise, but also completely ate the ginseng fruit tree at the martial arts competition in Zifu!

If you really want to talk about it, this is an ancient custom. Maybe you have to bury a cause and effect, and then attract karma!

The medicine spirit was scolded by the ancient wind, but he didn't dare to answer back.

But soon, as if he remembered something, he asked, "what did you just say? A ginseng fruit tree, claiming to be the reincarnation of the fairy king? "

"What's the matter? Have you heard of the ginseng fruit tree? "

"It seems... Yes, I know such a person!" Yao Ling nodded with great certainty. His eyes looked into the distance, as if he was recalling. After a long time, he said in a very dignified tone: "a very powerful fairy king came out at the end of our sky... A long time ago. His divine skills are unparalleled, his war achievements are numerous and powerful... His fierce power, It's almost comparable to my master Feng Lingzi fairy King... "

"If you don't brag, will you die? Have you forgotten what I said just now? "

Seeing that the medicine spirit was bragging again, the ancient wind stared at him with a fierce look.

He urged in a bad tone: "hurry to talk about the ginseng fruit tree. If you dare to talk about it again, don't blame me for being rude."

The ancient wind is really speechless. The ginseng fruit trees I met before also like to boast. Are these medicine spirits so unreliable?

Once again, the ancient wind was fierce, and the medicine spirit's neck shrank again.

After laughing, he had to continue: "to ask what has the longest life in this world, many people may think of the turtle family for the first time. In fact, it's not. The longevity of our fairy medicine is many times longer than that of the turtle family... Just now, the fairy King I mentioned, although fierce and powerful, has no much longevity. As a last resort, he turned himself into a seed of ginseng fruit tree... "

"It is said that after incarnating as a fairy medicine, he can not only extend his life indefinitely, but also make further progress as soon as the time is ripe, so he can ascend to the imperial realm!"


Gu Feng was stunned. The last word of Yao Ling frightened him.

What did Yaoling say? He said that the ginseng fruit tree would ascend the Empire in the future? In other words, what he ate was not a magic medicine, but a future emperor?

He ate a future emperor?

This... This is incredible, isn't it?

"Old man, what are you talking about? Do you want to say that I ate a future emperor? Are you blowing your cowhide too much? "

Gu Feng's face is really not good-looking. After so many years, the ginseng fruit tree is actually an inextricable knot in his heart. After all, he broke his promise first. He not only failed to live up to his promise, but also ate the other party. This matter, like the mother of the sea god, is always in his heart, is an inextricable knot, and it is always his own fault!

If what this medicine Spirit says is true, isn't it really planting a big cause and effect?

The cause and effect of a future great emperor is not a joke. That cause and effect really needs to be translated into homework. It's definitely old-fashioned enough to drink a pot.

"I'm not talking nonsense. It's well known at the end of the world, even in the whole wilderness. You can go out to corroborate my words at any time. If what I said is not true, you are welcome to eat me at any time! "


The medicine spirit swore to heaven, which suddenly made the ancient wind difficult. Although the medicine spirit is unreliable, what he said seems to be really like that?

After forcibly calming down his restless mood, the ancient wind asked, "tell me, what was the age you just said a long time ago? How many million years ago? What's the origin of the fairy king who made the seeds of fairy medicine? "

"Well... A long time ago, just a long time ago. I really don't know how many million years it was. It's like... It's like his time is really a long time ago. When the universe was turbulent and the universe collapsed, he and nine other people fought in the heavens. Who wouldn't be afraid? "

"Huh? What war in the heavens? To be clear, who are the other nine? What's the matter with the turbulence of heaven and earth and the collapse of the universe? "

Yao Ling's words made an ancient wind's heart more uneasy and confused. It sounded like a thing of the last era? Is that the man who conquered the heavens with nine other men the top ten generals?

The ten generals of Emperor Yu? The last era?

Did he eat one of Emperor Yu's generals?


Facing the questioning of ancient customs, the medicine spirit was a little unable to answer.

Finally, he had to stand up and said helplessly, "please, I'm just a medicine. I've been confused and confused for most of my life. I really don't know too much information. In fact, there are many people who know what you want to know at the end of the day. You can inquire about it casually! "

Yao Ling showed a bitter gourd face. He didn't talk so much if he knew that the ancient wind would be so tangled.

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