"Hum, what crime did you commit? How are you asking me? Let me ask you, what were you doing last night? "

Hu Qianchang hummed coldly, and a word changed everyone's face.

Last night... Didn't everyone drink until dawn last night?

Bad thing. Last night they committed a big taboo in the military camp, which can be said to be a serious violation of military regulations!

The ten centurions, including the ancient customs, all turned pale. They couldn't say a word.

The Hu Qianchang said with another cold hum, "have you nothing to say? As a centurion and the mainstay of a regiment, you are really guilty of taking the lead in serious violations of military regulations. Today's public execution of you may also sound an alarm to all recruits. We must let everyone know that military regulations are iron rules and no one can violate them. Anyone who violates military regulations and iron laws will be punished the most severely! "


The faces of ten people, such as Gu Feng, changed again and were speechless. Everyone looked at each other and wanted to know what was going on, but no one had an answer.

Last night, didn't they set up the isolation array in the whole dormitory? The isolated Dharma array was not removed until the morning bell rang. How did Hu Qianchang and the generals on the stage know?

Someone snitched!

All of a sudden, Gu Feng and others thought of going together. They came to a unanimous conclusion that someone was snitching. Of these one thousand, there must be Hu's confidant or eyeliner. The old wind remembers that he wanted to talk about Hu Qian's work last night, and was interrupted by Sun Chien. At that time Sun Chien reminded the old wind that there were Hu's eyes in the crowd. Now, indeed, it is fulfilled. This eye liner can't wait to sell all the people.

"Are you all speechless? Since there is nothing to say, it is acquiescence to the crime. Come on, pull it out and cut it all! "

Just when Gu Feng and others were stunned, Hu Qianchang roared again, gave instructions, and caused a commotion on the spot.

Including ancient customs, they are completely moved. He yelled at Hu Qianchang and said angrily, "Hu Qianchang, how powerful are you? There are so many generals standing beside you. They haven't spoken yet. How can you fart? You are arrogating military power. Do you want to rebel? "

Suddenly a big hat was buttoned up and shouted to the Hu Qianchang. His face suddenly changed. He was frightened and quickly bowed down to make amends to several big men around him.

I'm kidding. If this crime is true, it will be much greater than the old style.

"Hum, I really don't know!"

It was deputy commander Liu who had been here yesterday. He gave Hu Qianchang a hard look and said, "I haven't investigated you for yesterday's affairs. You have to know it well. If a person wants to live better and longer, he must first understand his identity and correct his attitude. Do it yourself! "

"Yes, what deputy commander Liu taught is that Hu Bing no longer dare to advocate without authorization!"

Hu Qianchang, who was still in high spirits just now, suddenly became a shrinking grandson. He obediently stepped back and only saw the heart of Gu Feng and others.

Vice Commander Liu took back his eyes from Hu Qianchang and then looked at Gu Feng and others. He said, "let me ask you, did you really drink until dawn last night?"


Gu Feng and others are all silent, which can be regarded as acquiescence.

The deputy commander Liu frowned slightly and said, "you are all veterans and people who have made great achievements in war. Don't you know that drinking in the camp is against military regulations? As their officers, you not only do not restrict their behavior, but also take the lead in breaking the rules in the army. Do you know that this is an additional crime? "


Gu Feng and other ten people were speechless again. They just waited for the deputy commander Liu to scold them.

The deputy commander Liu, of course, was not polite. Seeing that the ancient wind and others did not speak, he scolded: "your behavior has seriously damaged the laws and regulations in the army and had an extremely bad impact on our whole military camp. As a rule, you should be executed in public as an example. Do you have anything else to say? "

"I have something to say, I am wronged!"

As soon as deputy commander Liu's words fell, someone shouted at the stage. Gu Feng and others heard the reputation, but found that the one who shouted was the centurion of the sixth column, named Mei Tianliang. He was the family brother of Mei Tianyan, the centurion of the second column!

To speak of, this pair of brothers are inspirational enough. Their official positions are killed on the battlefield with one knife and one shot. Each of them had killed a thousand enemies. Only then did they accumulate enough meritorious deeds and become a centurion.

"Deputy commander Liu, I am wronged. I have something to say!" Mei Tianliang shouted again and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Mei Tianliang continued: "back to the generals, back to deputy commander Liu, last night... Last night, last night was picked by the ancient wind. It really has nothing to do with us. As you all know, the strength of ancient style is far better than any of us. Since he has opened his mouth, who of us dares to refuse? Therefore, it is not that we deliberately take the lead in breaking the military regulations, but... But the ancient style is too strong for us to refuse. Please give us a lesson! "


On the spot, Gu Feng was stunned. He almost suspected that he had heard wrong. He invited everyone to eat and drink with a kind intention. How did he turn into a bully? It's like he's forcing people to eat and drink!

Not only the ancient wind was stunned, it can be said that few people were not stunned at this moment. The 1000 soldiers under the stage looked at each other and felt inexplicable. How did Mei Tianliang's words taste bad? Ancient wind didn't seem to force anyone to eat and drink last night, did it?

"Bastard, you ungrateful beast, how can you be so shameless as you? Last night, the ancient wind kindly invited everyone to eat and drink. When did you say "no"? Did you eat and drink less last night? How can we put all the responsibility on him in the blink of an eye? "

The centurion of the second column was angry. Regardless of the occasion, he directly began to scold. Because nameI Tianliang is his brother. When his younger brother did such things, he also felt ashamed.

Mei Tianliang, it seems that he really deserves his name - no Tianliang!

"Why am I shameless? Last night, it was an ancient custom. Relying on our strong cultivation, we had to force us to make mischief together. I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, you can ask everyone! "

Mei Tianliang continued to shout. He really glanced at the other centurions who were tied up. Shouted: "brothers, do you think I'm right? Last night, did the ancient wind force us to break the rules of the army with high-strength cultivation? "

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