That team of guards really left here. In front of the cliff cave, there were only ancient wind and green bud. It seems that this is the world of two that green bud wants.

However, this is not a real two person world, because there are four Lu bald people not far away, who die there like a bamboo pole.

Green bud looked at Lu bald men and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing standing there foolishly? Why don't you get away? I don't have any eyesight. "

With that, green bud looked at the ancient wind and said coquettishly, "cousin, don't you let them go away and pestle there to hinder us? This is the world that belongs to both of us. I don't want to be disturbed. I'll whisper to you later! "

Bang, bang, bang!

Just when green bud was flirting with the ancient wind, Lu bald four people not far away walked towards them with heavy steps. Moreover, they are all murderous, and there is no expression on their faces.

Seeing this, green bud became angry and quickly drank: "I told you to get out, didn't you hear me? You dare to come here. Are you trying to die? Believe it or not, I let my cousin pick your eyes? " To tell the truth, green bud was really frightened by the murderous spirit of several people. She didn't know that Lu bald man was well. Why did she put on this expression? Was it a rebellion?

I saw that Lu bald son suddenly pressed his right hand on the knife handle when he was five feet away from Gufeng and the two

"What do you want? Do you really want to rebel? You just... "

Green bud was frightened again. She hugged the antique waist, and her little face was scared white. Although she has incomparably noble blue blood, her cultivation is a little lower, and she doesn't reach the real fairyland.

She shook the ancient wind's body and shouted, "cousin, cousin, they're going to rebel. Kill them quickly, kill them quickly!"

The old wind patted the green bud on the back with his hand and said, "it's all right. They are my personal guards and won't rebel!"

In fact, Gu Feng and Lu bald have communicated secretly. Lu bald, their intention is to kill people. Because the use of green buds is gone, they can cross the river and tear down the bridge. Now, as long as the green bud is done, they can directly break the cave door and capture and kill Zhong Fulin!

I saw that the ancient wind waved to several people and said, "you go down and have a rest. You don't need you here!"


Lu bald shouted, saying he didn't want to leave. Because now is a great opportunity. As long as the ancient wind is willing to destroy flowers, they can finish the task quickly.

"I told you to get out, can't you hear me? Do you really want to rebel? "

Gu Feng was angry and his eyes widened. He can fully understand the feelings of several people, but he is really a little embarrassed to let him fight against green bud. Whether it's tearing down bridges or destroying flowers, he can't do it.

"Think twice, general!"

"I'll let you go!"

Gu Feng roared again. He had made up his mind that nothing could harm the green buds.


Finally, Lu bald man had to sigh and turn away.

Looking at the few people who left, green bud was still frightened, her little face was still white, crying like a pear blossom with rain.

I saw that the ancient wind gently patted green bud on the back and comforted: "it's okay. They don't want to rebel, but want me to go back quickly. They don't want me to protect the law for my cousin here!"


Green bud looked at the ancient wind with disbelief. Tears still flickered in her eyes, because she did feel murderous in several people just now.

"How could cousin lie to you? How dare they rebel against me? If they weren't the only survivors left, I'd have to show them just now! "


Immediately, Gu Feng sat on the ground and seemed to really intend to protect the Dharma here.

However, green bud is a restless master. She lies directly on the antique thigh, revealing the color of happiness on her face.

She said, "cousin, in fact, I know you have ambitions in your heart. You flatter your cousins so much for the sake of your family. I can fully understand your mood. Therefore, despite how outsiders evaluate you, I always stand on your side. I believe you are the golden scale in the pool. Sooner or later, you will fly into the sky and become a dragon. At that time, trample on all those who despise you! "

"What my cousin said is that my cousin will live up to your expectations of me!"

The ancient wind whispered that his palm had been pasted on the spirit cover of green bud. As long as he wanted, he could end green bud's life in an instant.

However, he did not do so. After thinking for a while, he whispered: "cousin, cousin, although he lost the battle this time, he gained a powerful magic power. How can I pass it on to you?"

"Ah? Big magic? Is it great? " Hearing the speech, green bud immediately became interested, shook the antique arm on the spot and said, "I want, I want, as long as it's something given by my cousin, I want everything!"


The ancient wind smiled, and the palm of his hand pasted on the celestial cover did not shoot after all, but came out a series of mysterious scriptures.

He passed the jumping out Avenue in his heavy pupil to green bud, but it was not complete and randomly transformed. Such scriptures, green bud can't practice successfully, but it can make green bud automatically fall into the realm of selflessness. Once green bud falls into selflessness, everything is easy to do!

Sure enough, green bud was so excited after getting the Scripture that she even forgot herself. After she kissed the antique face, she immediately closed her eyes and began to study.

However, when she closed her eyes, she couldn't open her eyes. In less than half a minute, she completely sank in and couldn't wake up no matter how she called!

I saw that the ancient wind slowly got up and looked at the cliff cave, ignoring the green buds.

At this time, Lu bald son received the voice of the ancient wind, and finally returned to the cave.

Lu bald son stared at the green bud sitting on the ground. After watching it for a long time, he actually began to draw his knife slowly again.

Seeing this, Gu Feng's eyes immediately stared over and said angrily, "what do you want to do, mang Fu?"

"Kill her?"

"Kill your uncle, you can kill such a delicate little girl?"

"But no matter how delicate she is, she is also a member of the Cang family. If you kill her, you can get some merit!"

"Get out!"

Gu Feng stared at Lu bald man angrily and ignored Lu bald man no longer. In his opinion, Lu bald man has shit in his head and can't communicate normally.

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