One life is worth 100000 meritorious deeds. In Zhong Fulin's view, this is a naked humiliation, because every time he goes on an expedition, he has to command at least one million people. In other words, he is a commander in chief of the whole army, not an ordinary small commander. If you take your own life, you can only exchange it for a commander of only 10000 people. Is this more than humiliation?

However, he didn't know that the 100000 meritorious deeds mentioned in the ancient wind were all blown by the sea. How much could he really change. Maybe you can only exchange ten or twenty thousand!

After suppressing his anger, Zhong Fulin said to the ancient wind, "let me go and I'll give you a million meritorious deeds? I don't want anything, just save my life! "

"Give me a million meritorious deeds? How to send it? Are you kidding me? "

Gu Feng was stunned. To tell the truth, he was frightened by this million meritorious deeds. Even, he has been fantasizing about how big an official position he can exchange for millions of meritorious deeds.

The commander of 100000 people?

Seeing this, Zhong Fulin said without changing his face, "yes, as long as you release me, I will give you millions of meritorious deeds. As you said, if you take my life back, you can only exchange 100000 meritorious deeds. At best, it is an official position of ten thousand people, which is very uneconomical. However, if you will let me go, you will be given millions of meritorious deeds. When you go back, you can command 100000 troops. This is a win-win situation for us. Why not? "

"Win win... The commander of 100000 people!" The old wind murmured. It was really a little moved. As soon as the conversation turned, he quickly asked, "millions of meritorious deeds are not a small number. I want to know how you want to send them?"

"It's very simple. I'll take you to the military camp. You can harvest with your own ability."

"Huh? You want me to kill your own soldiers? You have to know that a million meritorious deeds are the lives of a million people. Are you really willing? "

Now, Gu Feng was really frightened. He secretly scolded Zhong Fulin for being too vicious and cruel.

Are all Cang members so cruel? The whole Cang people regard human life like grass mustard?

Zhong Fulin said, "yes, if you want to let me go, I'll give you a million sergeants. I believe it's much better for you to take a million meritorious deeds back than to take me back. As long as you let me go, we can discuss everything. In my opinion, anyone's life, anything, is not as important as their own life. Because death is like a lamp out, everything is empty. As long as you are still alive, everything is possible! "

"People die like lights out, people die like lights out..." Gu Feng murmured, and his heart became more and more restless. He was really surprised by the cruelty of the Cang family. In the past, Boku regarded human life like grass mustard, too?

"It's a good man to die like a lamp out, and everything is empty. You Cang people are cruel. I've seen the ancient style. It's really impressive. OK, I can promise you that as long as you will give me a million sergeants and all your treasures, I will let you live! "

"Empty mouth, I can't believe you!"

"What do you want? Do you want me to swear to tianmeng? "

Gu Feng frowned, and he knew that Zhong Fulin was not so easy to fool.

Seeing this, Zhong Fulin looked positive and said, "in order to survive, I risked everything. Naturally, I have to be more secure. Therefore, this oath is very necessary. Only when you make a blood oath to heaven can I believe you! "

"Good, good, good, swear, but don't hide your privacy."

"That's natural. As long as you don't play tricks, we can say anything. Now, let's make an oath together? "

"OK, let's make a blood oath to the sky. Who dares to play tricks, who will be bitten back!"

"OK, I'll read one, you follow me!"

Seeing this, Zhong Fulin stood up, put his index finger together, pointed to the sky and shouted, "I'm an ancient wind, I swear blood to the sky today..."

Seeing this, Gu Feng frowned and secretly scolded Zhong Fulin for being an old fox. Forced by helplessness, he had to learn from others. His index finger was close together and shouted, "I'm an ancient wind. I swear blood to heaven today..."

"As long as Zhong Fu Lincoln gives me a million sergeants and all the items he carries, I will let him go unharmed and never torture him wantonly..."

"As long as Zhong Fu Lincoln gives me a million sergeants and all the items he carries, I will let him go unharmed and never torture him wantonly..."

"If you break this oath, you will die suddenly!"

"If you break this oath, you will die suddenly!"

Gu Feng made an oath with Zhong Fulin. After taking the oath, he directly patted the tianlinggai and saw a blood wave rising into the sky in an instant, which turned into a big word "oath" in the air.

The word "oath" is not only condensed by the ancient blood essence, but also mixed with his soul brand. It is impossible to repent.

A blood oath was completed. The big word "oath" finally disappeared, as if it had been collected by heaven.

Just after the blood oath, the ancient wind felt something wrong. Just now, what did you say? Millions of sergeants and everything they carry?

If Zhong Fulin didn't have anything on him, wouldn't he be busy in vain?

"You... Are you kidding me?"

On the spot, Gu Feng's face changed. Only then did he know that he had been fooled. No wonder Zhong Fulin wants to take the lead in taking the oath. So he has his own abacus?

He's really an old fox. He's fine.

"I didn't fool you. That's what we said before!"

"Well, well, I'm convinced!"

Gu Feng's face turned white with anger. Then he realized that he had to be 200% energetic to deal with Zhong Fulin. If he didn't pay attention, he would be set up!

"Now that my oath has been announced, should you honor your promise? When will you take me to collect the lives of millions of sergeants? "

"Whenever you want. Now, I can give you my own treasure first! "

After that, Zhong Fulin waved his hand, and a special space vase for storing items appeared in front of him.

He said to the old wind, "all the things you want are in here. Take them!"

"Just such a bottle? Are you sure this is your treasure? "

Antique frowned. He knew he had been fooled. If there are only some commonly used fairy stones, pills and other necessities, isn't he losing a lot?

The ancient wind immersed his mind in doubt, which can be said to be full of expectation. However, when he saw the treasures inside, the whole face changed colo

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