"Naran fairy king?"

Smelling the speech, Gu Feng was a little stunned. For a moment, he didn't respond who was the king of Nalan Xian.

But the Xueqin on one side also laughed and said, "Nalan fairy king, is your wife Nalan Jing, our sister Jing, don't you remember?"

"Nalanjing, sister Jing? She's here? She has come to the end of the day? "

On the spot, Gu Feng's face changed, and the "buzz" in his head exploded. The mood at this time was unspeakable. He was so excited that he even began to tremble.

According to various signs, the end of the sky is the final destination of those Immortal King gates, which has always been thought by the ancient wind. All along, his biggest wish is to meet nalanjing here again. But he had been at the end of the sky for so long that he couldn't do it. Are you really waiting for yourself?

Hu grabbed Xueqin's hand. Gu Feng asked anxiously, "tell me, where is sister Jing? Where is she? "

"Feng, sister Jing is shutting down!"

Xia Xiaoyou answered Gu Feng. She took Gu Feng's arm and continued to say with a smile: "Feng, you don't know. Sister Jing has been in the limelight in order to avenge you. She went into the world alone and almost subverted the whole Cang family..."

Next, Xia Xiaoyou simply told the ancient wind about nalanjing's deeds. He was shocked and changed his face.

As soon as he grabbed Xia Xiaoyou's arm, Gu Feng shouted eagerly, "come on, take me to find sister Jing!"

The ancient wind can't wait to see nalanjing immediately.

However, before Xia Xiaoyou could take the ancient wind out, several people broke in outside the cave.

"Brother Gufeng, brother Gufeng, you finally wake up, great, great!"

The visitor was very enthusiastic, so he came directly to a big bear hug with the ancient wind.

"Hahaha, brother Gu Feng, you've been in a coma for several months. I thought you couldn't wake up!"

It was Lu bald who seemed the most enthusiastic. After hugging, several buses slapped the ancient wind on the back, almost bleeding the ancient wind.

He was accompanied by Mei Tianyan and two slaves of ancient style, Yuan Hong and Tu Baolin. These people have traveled all over the world with the ancient customs, but they have benefited a lot.

"Brother Gu, it's great that you finally wake up!"

Mei Tianyan also hugged Gu Feng. Compared with Lu bald's enthusiasm, he was much more implicit.

"Good, good, you are all good!"

Gu Feng's face also hung a smile, and then asked, "each of you has brought back tens of thousands of meritorious deeds from the end of the world. Should you be promoted now?"

"Promotion, promotion, promotion, ha ha ha. Now we are all leaders of ten thousand people! "

"Oh? It's so powerful that ten thousand people are in command? " The ancient wind's face suddenly showed a color of joy. However, he soon became confused and whispered, "no, each of you has won 30000 or 40000 meritorious deeds. According to the system in the military camp, it is impossible to exchange for the command of 10000 people?"

Hearing the speech, Lu bald man smiled again and said, "how can it be only thirty or forty thousand meritorious deeds? Didn't you give us 12 million Cang soldiers? There are 12 million Cang soldiers in hand, let alone ten thousand leaders. Even if we want to be a great leader of one hundred thousand people, it is more than enough. Ha ha ha! "

Lu bald son looked up and laughed. He looked very proud. He was in high spirits.

Even Mei Tianyan and Yuan Hong, who were on one side, were laughing, and their faces were full of satisfaction.

However, Gu Feng's face gradually darkened and asked in a low voice, "you... You changed my merit for an official position?"

"Yes, yes, with merit in hand, we naturally have to make full use of it, ha ha!"

Lu bald son laughed again, but made Gu Feng's face darker.

Immediately, he picked up a stick on the ground, chased and hit several people, and scolded angrily: "shit, for those merits, I almost lost my life, and even my realm fell sharply, but you squandered my merits while I was dying..."

"No, no, brother Gu, you don't look like a stingy man?"

After a chase, the ancient wind found that he couldn't hit several people in front of him. After all, his cultivation fell sharply. Now he is as weak as a sick cat. He can't beat anyone.

Later, the person who came to visit the ancient wind was a little surprised by the ancient wind. It was Hu Qianchang.

At this time, Hu Qianchang's face was no longer proud, and his head was buried very low, just like a yellow cauliflower.

After Lu bald explained, Gu Feng knew that Hu Qianchang was Lu bald's direct subordinate at this time!

It can be said that Feng Shui turns in turn, 30 years east and 30 years West. After Hu Qianchang was taken under the command of Lu bald, he suffered a lot

"Come on, brother, let's go to the military camp now. Now it's time for you to enjoy your scenery. According to your merit value, it's no problem to exchange for a Grand Marshal of one million people. When you become the Grand Marshal, we will be your general, hey hey! "

With that, Lu bald son was about to leave with the ancient wind.

However, the ancient wind broke his arm out. He whispered to Lu bald men, "go back first. I have a little private business to deal with!"

At this time, the old custom is to meet nalanjing again. Where can we take care of the military position?

After Gu Feng came out of the healing cave, he didn't go out of fenglingzi's immortal palace, but was taken to a small courtyard where nalanjing was here.

It's just a pity that the whole courtyard is closed by a strong evil spirit. They can't get in at all.

After several attempts, the ancient wind directly roared inside: "sister Jing, I'm an ancient wind, I'm coming, let me in quickly!!!"

It was a pity that the terrible evil spirit still didn't dissipate, and there was no response in it.

After half a ring, Xuelian sighed and said, "childe, let's go. At this time, sister Jing is studying the four magic treasures wholeheartedly. No one can disturb her!"

"Four magic treasures? What magic treasure? Where did she get the four magic treasures? "

Gu Feng was a little stunned, then reacted, and immediately asked, "do you mean that sister Jing has robbed Yan Tian's magic plate from the Cang family?"

"Well, twenty days ago, when she went to tianzhiya to avenge you, she grabbed that magic treasure casually. The reason why she can make a great fortune at the end of the world depends on four magic treasures, which is the biggest gain of her trip! "

"What? She... Sister Jing, did she really get the last magic treasure? "

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