
Lu's words made everyone's smiles freeze on their faces, especially Yuan Hong and Tu Baolin.

After only a short embarrassment, they bowed to the ancient style in unison, and said sincerely: "thank you for Marshal Gu's help. We will never forget Marshal Gu's kindness!" The reason why they just bow down and don't kneel down and call the ancient style their master is because there are outsiders present. The soldiers who sent the warrant are still smiling at everyone.

However, Gu Feng smiled and helped them up. He said, "this dead bald head always doesn't like to listen. He is a crazy man with an open mouth. Please don't take it to heart. In the future, just lead the troops and make more war achievements, ha ha!"

The reason why ancient customs are so polite is, of course, superficial Kung Fu. Yuanhong and Tu Baolin are his slaves. It's hard for outsiders to know.

However, that group of soldiers did not know the relationship between them. They only regarded it as an ancient style and were friendly and easy to get along with. So the captain directly laughed at Gu Feng and said, "hahaha, Gu marshal is Gu yuanshuai. He is a little unreasonable. He is so polite to people whose official position is lower than himself. It's worth learning, ha ha!"

"Where, where, the general flattered me. They and I used to be comrades in arms in a military camp, ha ha!"

The old wind also gave a hand to the leader who sent the certificate of appointment, and his face was full of smiles. It was true that there was no Marshal's airs.

However, the team leader smiled at the old style and said, "let's go, marshal Gu. Today's protagonist is you. The whole first group army has assembled and assembled, waiting for you marshal to appear!"

"Oh? Is there really my commission meeting? "

I saw that the leader's face was positive and said very seriously, "that's natural. The ancient marshal is a man who has made great achievements. Naturally, this appointment meeting is indispensable. This is not only an appointment meeting, but also a commendation meeting. After today, your great achievements will be known by the whole Fengling army. You will become a hero of the whole army and an example of the whole army! "

"Oh? So much movement? So good, so good, ha ha ha! "

Laughing, the ancient wind walked directly outside the gate of the courtyard. It can be said to be in high spirits and complacent.


Fengling Legion has a total of 15 million troops. Today they all gathered together. If we want to describe this scene with a sea of people, it seems that it can not fully show its momentum.

Imagine how wide it takes for 15 million people to get together? It stretches for more than a hundred miles!!!

Yes, the appointment platform of the appointment meeting was set up on a small hill, and the 15 million army surrounded the whole hillside, stretching for more than a hundred miles. The spectacle was beyond words.

The point is that today's grand scene is set up for ancient customs. He is the absolute protagonist today.

When Gu Feng saw this scene, he was so excited that he sighed that his adventure was not in vain. Finally, he waited for his own scenery moment.

Although he used to be the leader of Qingtian shenting and commanded more people than here, he has never been so excited.

"The 16th corps, marshal Gu Feng arrives!!!"

This singing can be said to cover the whole audience. So that all the officers and soldiers in a hundred miles looked at him.

Immediately, applause began, overwhelming, like thunder, shaking the earth.

The ancient style at this moment has attracted the attention of thousands of people. He has become the focus of 15 million people, which is dazzling.

However, it was embarrassing that when people noticed the cultivation of ancient style, the thunderous applause slowly subsided. Then, the unpleasant comments rang again, one after another, incessantly

Seeing this, the smile on the ancient wind's face soon froze and turned black to carbon. Finally, he didn't know how he got to the top of the mountain.

When I came to the top of the mountain, I saw the vulture fairy king, who had been waiting here for a long time.

He grabbed the shoulder of the ancient style, then "ha ha" laughed and said: "it can be said that heroes are young, and each generation is better than the other. Come on, let me introduce you. This is our protagonist today, marshal Gu Feng. Is it very handsome? "

On the hillside, a man shouted, "what's the use of being handsome? With this accomplishment, can he go to war? "

"Yes, that's right. Let alone go to the battlefield. It's estimated that Lien Chan can't hold the Ge stably. Can he still be the Grand Marshal of the Corps?"

"Yes, isn't that a waste? A waste can be a Grand Marshal? Isn't that a joke? "

"Oh, didn't you listen to what you just shouted? He is the Grand Marshal of the 16th Corps... "

"Oh? By the way, he is the Grand Marshal of the 16th corps, ha ha ha ha ha! "

For a moment, there was a sound of doubt and constant ridicule. It should have been a powerful ancient style. In a moment, it became a joke in people's mouth!

The key point is above the 16th Corps. Obviously, there are only 15 corps, but he served as the Grand Marshal of the 16th Corps

At this moment, the old wind's smile froze again. He was black and silent. He was only angry and wanted to crush the vultures around him.

Imagine being laughed at by tens of millions of people at the same time. What was that experience?

What makes Gu Feng angry is that the vulture fairy King around him is laughing!

"Fairy king, is that interesting? Are you holding a commendation meeting or a ridicule meeting? I think I have been ridiculed by people for so many years? What do you think of me? If today's meeting is just to ridicule me, I'm sorry. I don't want the post of Marshal! "

With that, Gu Feng wanted to leave directly. At this time, he was really angry. He knew he had been teased by vultures. This feeling was very fucking.


Hearing the words, the vulture's smile froze immediately. He grabbed Gu Feng's arm, then turned pale and shouted at the sergeants in all directions: "what are you laughing at? Don't you know that standing beside me is a superhero? You only see that his cultivation is low at this time, but who knows that he can kill all of you before? If he hadn't been hit by the fairy king of the Cang family, do you think his cultivation would have fallen so far? "

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